Meditation: March 10, 2013

“Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit?” Psalm 139:7

When we are born of the Spirit, the Spirit remains with us wherever we go. He is there in those moments when we feel alone and abandoned. He is there when our hearts drift in directions that would be far removed from the warmth that comes as result of meditation and deep contemplation on His goodness towards us. Our reluctance to draw closer to Him does not affect His pursuit of us. His Spirit is wooing us in our darkest hour to deeper levels of intimacy with the Son of God. Only Jesus can reveal to us the love of the Father that will provide stability and purpose for our lives. He was that voice of conscience convicting us when we were wrong. He was that voice of encouragement pressing us forward when we had the opportunity to do right.  The Spirit is both our Comforter and our Guide. He alone can reveal to us the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Meditation: March 9, 2013

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.” James 3:13

It appears to be a misnomer to use wisdom and meekness in the same sentence. Wisdom often elevates the pride of many who become even wiser in their own eyes. Godly wisdom is always to be accompanied with meekness for those who receive wisdom from God are constantly aware of its source.  Whenever we lift our intellect to a level above that which requires simple faith, true knowledge would be eclipsed by vanity. Strong and convincing arguments may be impressive, but causes the mind to erode into believing a lie when the truth cannot yet be proven.  The meek of the earth are teachable and can learn in order to participate with God In what He is doing. The wise and the prudent cannot even see it as being important, thus live their lives as contradictions even to their own beliefs. God will bring both beliefs and lifestyles into one. We can then live and speak what we truly believe.


Meditation: March 8, 2013

“Every one who confesses Me before men, I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32

Jesus is saying, “if you show the world that you know Me, I will show you that you belong to the Father.” Only Jesus can make it known to us that we truly belong to the Father. He is our pathway into the knowledge of His love. The reason is, He knows intimately all things concerning the Father, but His will is to make known to us what He knows. None can reach the grand and mountainous heights of knowledge on their own. All need Him to raise us to a greater level of understanding that never can be found on our own. We are then “found in Him” as the Apostle Paul states it. No longer on a quest of trying to find ourselves but rather, found in a new and glorious place in Christ with His visibility and no longer seeing things as we once saw them. He gives a peek into glory and we see the Father in Him. To see Him is to love Him and to love Him is to have knowledge of His love. May we grow in that knowledge and increase in His love.

Meditation: March 5, 2013

“But from this day I will bless you.'” Haggai 2:19

Forward looking or the outlook is much brighter than the past for the children of the Most High God. Even though many of the things promised have not yet come to past, God is still true to every one of them. The seed is still in the barn. The seed that is to be planted must be scattered before the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, the olives tree is able to yield its fruit. The laborers must sow in the time of sowing before the reapers can come and reap in the harvest. There is a future ahead of us that only God is able to bring to past. Yet each of us must diligently work in the season that is to be rightly occupied by those who are fully aware of times and seasons. While we may be waiting on God, God is waiting on us!

March 2013 Article: “Safe and Secure From All Alarm”

God’s objective is to make us both safe and secure. Uncertainties leave the majority in a state of flux and wonder fearful of the future. “What if” questions often plague the mind with the unending possibilities of disastrous occurrences.They restrict the activity of those who would otherwise move in a proactive direction facing the needs of today and resolving them. Many who were chosen for such a time as this, are too busy worrying rather than engaging in a process of clear and productive thinking. Productive thinking requires one to process information leading to a conclusion. Without it, one is caught up into circular thinking which leads to the same place where the journey first began. Too many are going around in circles rather than progressing towards an end that could produce a permanent resolve to what most people worry about.

The first thing to consider is that none of the occurrences in life are merely random. God is a God of order who arranges circumstances and conditions for the ultimate good of those who love Him, and oversees and intercepts the decisions made by those who despise Him. He is not an absentee God, but is aware of the smallest of detailsregarding everything that moves. The question then is why aren’t things moving in a course that would contribute to our peace of mind? He has predetermined that no individual would ever find true peace until they find it in Him. Therefore the inner disturbances of the soul are the result of man’s decisions and not God’s ultimate purpose for humanity. Things are not going as planned, but the plans of God are not thwarted by the misbehavior of man. Therefore the peace that is sought after is not being found. The complexity of the matter appears to be overwhelming, thus many people feel hopeless.

There are so many things pulling us in different directions. There are so many choices to be made in life with unknown consequences. Yet it is too easy to do what one think is right without the right information. Even though much information is available to us today, yet most are clueless as to how to apply the information in the right order to provide safety and security for the future. Information alone is not sufficient in making right decisions. Wisdom is also needed if we are ever to discern the difference between things that appear to be fused together.

Security, safety, and hope are contained within the simple message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The gospel message puts into words the sentiments of the heart of humanity so that his dilemma is made clear in words. At the same time the Word of God has been given in order to communicate to us the sentiments of the heart of God in order for us to understand and know Him. It appears to be too deep and difficult to understand because sin has dulled the heart and ears of men leaving them to their own second-handed intellect passed down from one generation to another, yet void of godly wisdom. What one thinks that he knows causes a strain for him and prohibits him from listening to God’s voice.Then His Word is dismissed as being too abstract or obsolete. If the truth was to be told, it was the preoccupation of the heart and soul in pursuit of what is thought to be the resolve rather than embracing what has already been given as the permanent resolve to each challenge.To acknowledge God in all your ways is an admission that there are more things unknown by you than what is known. Since it is impossible to know what is needed apart from Him, the posture that must be taken is to first listen to Him, then to wait on Him to reveal to us as to how His Word is to be applied to our lives. He will then guide you and guide others through you towards those things that really matter.

February 2013 Article: “From Whence We Came”

We can learn much from our past. When used rightly, it can either become the stepping stone to a bright and glorious future or an inescapable prison void of any windows and doors. When the history of a people is rehearsed,  it is not a matter of stirring up old wounds, but if the wound has not completely healed, it may lead to an infection. Infections have the tendency of affecting other parts of the body rather than remaining confined to the area that once experienced pain. To remember the past is not to relive the trauma that our ancestors had to endure, but to revisit it with an eye on the divine providence of God while working to bring us to His expected end.

The infectious sin of discrimination has led to an out of control pursuit of rights that crosses ethical lines established by God. When humanity is not respected, disrespect erupts towards God through the guise of  a vigilant but misinformed Church not knowing what or how to defend, protect, destroy or eliminate. The presentation of a schizophrenic God who defends a select group of people at the expense of others who are considered less than human feeds the backlash that eventually leads to the construct of another god to replace the confused and obsolete God of the Bible. God has not changed or lost His effectiveness; rather it is the responsibility of this our generation to set the record straight. We are the generation that must call every misinterpretation and misrepresentation what it is; a travesty of truth leading to a travesty of justice.

How can a minister be honest with himself and not address the most pertinent issues of our day? What good is preaching a salvation message unless the message leads the way into embracing the promised wholeness clearly addressed in the Holy Scriptures? As a minister, I am fed up with the psychobabble of so many who either raise the message beyond the reach of the common people or lower the message to mere entertainment. God is not a comedian, nor is He aloof of the circumstances that the world is facing today. We need prophets who have an understanding of the times and can speak in regards to the future leading the people in the direction of God’s intentions.

Anything short of this does a disservice to the cause regardless of whatever good intentions may be on the part of the herald from which the wrong message emanates. As Martin Luther once said,

“If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point.”

 The prophets of old addressed the issues at hand. There as a direct correlation between the Word of God and the conditions of the people. It was not reduced to a mere rehashing of information to impress others or appease the conscience.

There is the need for authenticity today that will lift the hearts of people above the old time religion of passivity to a new expression of active love. Yet the new is not really new at all. It is really a return to the original plan and not setting our tents and establishing residence in a place that was not intended to be our destination. True freedom is found in the quality of love that established truth as its basis. The movements of the past were leading us somewhere. The Church has to become the demonstration of the Kingdom of God. We will only experience freedom when the hearts of the children are restored to the Father. Then the people are in the right position to hear what He has to say and interpret His message rightly. Remember from whence we came, but do not lose sight on where we ought to be going.

November 2012 Article: “Lip Service or Life Service?”

Hebrews 13:15-16 “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”

Although our lips possess the potential of bearing good fruit, deep within our souls lies the memory of a life much different than that to which we are accustomed. We were not there, but God’s original intention for all of humanity is yet the yearning that continues to create a crisis that resides deep within. Even though we do not see it around us, the tensions continue to surmount within us. We are not condemned to merely regurgitate the information made available that gives expression to the ideals of our current environment. Nor are we sentenced to the fate of saying what is right while the heart remains divorced from truth and words becoming nothing but meaningless flattery. There is a truth that exists outside of our familiar references. It appears to be so strange to our system that it must pierce the darkness of the soul, causing a reaction to all that we once held true. Then it can penetrate the heart with a reality of the wrongness of our reasoning based upon our limited understanding. Only then can we embrace what is real with a reference that surpasses things that are soon to be proven false.

Have you ever said what you thought was right, or what you thought you meant merely to reach a point where you had to take your words back? Some say that you had reached a point where you had to eat your own words. The heart is radically joined to the lips in order to express the deepest feelings of the soul. Even with the art of training the lips to speak idealistically, there are those times when there is a slip of the tongue. Before the words are carefully and strategically crafted, you say what you really mean. However, the objective is to mean what you say and to say what you mean…but to be right in both thinking and saying. It requires the humility of admitting that you are wrong even when you think that you are right. Truth resides in a distance that is much higher than perceptions. The knowledge of the truth comes from above where Christ is seated. To comprehend the truth requires a heart transplant. God takes out the heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh and He will make your heart pliable to correction and teachable so it can receive Godly instructions.

Not that you will always speak the right words at the right time. But a reference is there to correct idle words or expressions void of the knowledge that takes all factors into account. God knows the end before the beginning and all that exists between the two. When wisdom guides your heart and your words express the truth, then continuous praise is offered as a sacrifice unto the Lord. God has given you His word in the Person of Jesus Christ. You have been privileged to participate in His life and love that are directed towards His Father. What a tremendous opportunity for one so deserving! Your lips possess the potential to bear good fruit as your heart is full of praise giving thanks to His Name! This is life-service and not just lip-service, for you are now saying what you mean and meaning what you say through a life that reinforces your words!

September Article: “The Distance Between Reward And Purpose”

In the rush towards an end that would be rewarding, the necessary progressive steps in pursuit of the intended endeavor are often ignored. This is why so many live incomplete lives, even when they may appear to be successful in the eyes of others. They merely project an impression that is void of substance and content which can be transferred to the next generation. One dimensional living in pursuit of happiness is a counterfeit joy that leads to deep depression. When the party ends and the people are not there to sing the praises or accolades of the person who lives for the applause of men, he wonders if his life really matters. The reason for the mood swing is not that the person is bipolar, but rather, the root cause is that the real purpose for life remains unknown.  Life has been reduced to the projection of an impressive image to which many others aspire. Their pursuit would only lead them to the same emptiness experienced by the one they admire.

Life is not the experience of feeding on the desserts that appease the appetites of the immature. Children do not know what is best for them, for they are only capable of seeing what is immediately before them. Their dreams do not rightly lead them to the future that God has intended. The tragedy is that many never grow beyond the infancy stage and are insulted by an expectation imposed through the challenge that they must grow up. The immediate can become the enemy of the ultimate if the ultimate is never known. Life is too short and the stakes are too high for us to experiment with our destinies. All of life is directed towards an end; it will all culminate into a state of being that would eternally exist. The shortsighted are blind to this reality for life is lived, as it was in our party days, for the weekend. Work was merely a precursor to the time of leisure and relaxation of thought and morals in order to do as we pleased.

The mindset does not automatically change, but requires an influence far greater than the references of past experiences if our true purpose for living is to be known.  God is both the Giver and Sustainer of life, and He alone is able to convey to us our purpose for living. Living has to do with our eternal existence, where each day must count towards a goal for the aspiration of every person. Religion void of purpose is just an appeasement of one’s conscience in order to make the person feel good about himself.  Even though he may feel that, it is at least better than not practicing religion at all.  In his heart of hearts he would much rather be doing something else.  It would not take much for him to be distracted from the practice of religion if the offer is tempting enough.

Joshua 1:8 states that “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The blueprint for living has already been given, but it will only make sense if the heart has been changed and conducive to receive Godly instructions. It is the process of being “born again” which illuminates a purpose that extends far beyond the limits of the daily grind. The Kingdom of God is where the Lord is in the midst of events establishing His order and our participation in what He is doing.  It is not a matter of our doing what pleases us, but rather becoming and doing what pleases God.

That is “good success,” for it is transferable to succeeding generations; improving their lives by equipping them with truth that is both beneficial and authentic. How can we participate in setting this generation on the right track and correct the habits of the hearts?  We must convey to them the right message. “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth.” It has departed from the mouths of many of the modernists who proclaim a different message. Success in the wrong thing is more devastating than failure for it leads to emptiness and void, thus stripping the person of the initiative to move in any other direction. We must say what God is saying, when he is saying it, rather than repeating the voices of popular opinion. This will lead in the direction of success without regrets.

Meditation: July 20, 2012

 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Diligence is required in the preparation for the presentation of oneself as an authorized worker who is able to wholly participate in the work of God. God’s work must take place within the worker before the Holy Spirit is able to work through the worker. We must be careful not to engage in efforts we deem to be important prior to the life-changing experience of conversion. We are converted into seeing things from God’s point of view in heaven rather than ours which is limited to what we observe on the earth. He then takes the worker and places him among other workers in order for the work to be complete. No worker is able to complete his without the assistance of others who have been assigned to assist. The work of God is not just what we do but who we become. We are the raw material God uses to erect a spiritual house in which He will dwell throughout eternity. Our proper placement adds to our worth.  Whatever it takes in assuring that our efforts are according to His specifications and is not in vain is of utmost importance. Be diligent that each may qualify as living stones in their rightful place.

Meditation: July 19, 2012

“He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart” Psalm 15:1

The benefit of abiding with Christ is the motivation to act is governed by the Holy Spirit rather than merely our own minds. The thoughts generate from God and are transferred to the heart so that the will is to do His will rather than what previously occupied our time and attention. It is not a matter of consciously manipulating the mind to think right. There is a continual flow from the heart to the mind maintaining an awareness of God’s Presence at all times. Then it is not as much of a strain to make the right decisions in relation to our walk. Though temptations may come and trials may test our faith, we know that He is with us and we know that He working in us. Now when we speak, we speak from a changed heart. His Word is hidden in our hearts and no other language is our own other than what is being translated into life within us. What marvelous position to occupy when God is able to convey His truth boldly through an earthen vessel that has been transformed by the renewing power of the Holy Spirit!