“The Liberating Word of God”-Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Contained within the word liberation is a word of reconciliation, where the individual is freed to be rightly attached to the life source that gives it significance and meaning. Freedom is not merely doing as you please, but rather, knowing what to do and finding pleasure in doing it. The estrangement from God is the primary cause that cripples the thoughts and leaves the mind to wander. The author of the famous hymn, “Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing,” penned the powerful line: “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above.” Some may call those with wandering minds free thinkers, but the tragedy is that their minds and thoughts cannot take them where their heart wishes to go. They have the propensity to stray into forbidden territories and define reality by and through their vain imaginations. Therefore, freedom can be defined as doing what one feels and feeling to do what is right. It is when the heart is turned in the direction of Truth, and then moving in the direction of that Truth that the heart is longing to know, that allows the individual to experience authentic freedom.

The palatability to lie is natural to fallen man. When the lie is spoken as representing the truth, it fits into the psyche or soul of those who seek for a reason to do what they will to do. Even though it opposes God, it speaks to a deep place and addresses the vile passions in which one is currently engaged. As a result, the conscience is seared through apparent justifications for behavior. Now the sinner no longer feels like a sinner but thinks of himself or herself as being a saint. Normality appears to be when illicit acts are justified and explained as being natural. The person then is burdened with the idea that their problem is that they are misunderstood by others, and most of all by God. Phobias, along with mental and emotional illnesses, burden the individual down unless he or she is in an environment of toleration where all that is required is to live and let live.

God’s Word speaks death to the thoughts of fallen humanity, and then it resurrects them to a higher plain. Then the thoughts can be directed towards the things that are just, the pure, the lovely, and the things that are of a good report.” God has given us His Word of liberation to set us free, yet freedom is not always what you think it to be. To be truly free or free indeed, deliverance must first take place. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…” First to make you aware of bondage. Then to deliver you into the glorious liberty of His Son!

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“Show Us The Father”-Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us” (John 14:8). Philip asked in simple terms, “make Your Father known to us.”  Jesus would regularly reference God, the Creator of all things, as Father. This was strange and unfamiliar language to all who worshipped Him, or even acknowledged His existence and authority. His references were relational rather than jurisdictional, and the request was to reveal to them what had been revealed to Him. The acknowledgement was apparent that He was the only One who could make Him known in that manner. He then disclosed to them a major component of His earthly mission by saying, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father. Have you been with Me this long and known this?”  

The role of fatherhood is shrouded in mystery. God wondrously allows his seed to become a life that can live apart from its origin. What is in the father is in his children, and his DNA is a self-replicating material that can continue from generation to generation. Philip’s request is akin to the request of Moses when He asked God to show Him His glory. The difference between the two is that Moses would have to die if he saw it, but Philip would live by seeing what he requested. Jesus is the glory of the Father! He said, “if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” 

Likewise, a prophetic picture of Christ is presented through the prophets who spoke to fathers and communicated God’s Word to their families. In these last days, He speaks through spiritual fathers that serve as shepherds and lead His people on a predestined path. Spiritual fathers are to make Christ known to earthly fathers for the sake of raising healthy children and maintaining a happy home. They are obligated to know the Father through His Son for the sake of their relational health. Unhealthy relationships, however, are formed when the original structure is either compromised or abandoned. The eternal Father/Son relationship of God in Christ is extended by the same DNA as Christ and His Church. To see God as Father, He must be seen through the lenses of His Son, as fatherhood on earth is intended to reflect the relationship established in Heaven. To see Christ as the Son of God is to see ourselves from the perspective of God’s ultimate intentions for us, where His intention is for us to become sons and be led into the blissful state of eternal sonship. There, His love is completed among individuals who are positioned to receive the full effect of His love.

“Father’s Teaching’s and Mother’s Instructions” – Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

“Listen my son, to your father’s instruction, and do not reject your mother’s teaching, for they will be a garland of grace on your head and a gold chain around your neck.” (Proverbs 1;8-9).

Memories are built upon the things that leave an impact, and there are moments in history that are indelibly printed within the mind and heart. It is not a matter of forgetting those things that were negative in the past, but rather, as we grow up, seeing them differently. Fatherly instructions provide correction and guidance, and guidance without instructions would only be premature encouragement as one follows his or her own path. It is like accelerating the engine of a car without using the steering wheel. The guidance of Godly fathers provides a track for children to progress in life, not only for success in a career, but also for success in life. The enemy’s objective is to pit the role of mothers against fathers and fathers against mothers, and when that division exists, a schizophrenic mindset is inevitable. The role of both parents in harmony with God displays the divine order of the Father (God) and the Son (Jesus Christ). As the marriage of roles is honored, a healthy attitude towards the Lord can be established within the household.

The instructions are not arbitrary, nor should they ever be. Godly instructions must be embraced by fathers if they reverence God and wish the best for their families. They must possess and employ prophetic insight, having their sights set on the future outcome of whatever instructions were given or modeled by them. It is not just what is being said, but also the instructions given by practice that establish the course that their children follow. Additionally, the mother reinforces what has been given to the family, and then it becomes law within the hearts of those who carry out the first commandment with promise. “Honor your father and mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” (Deut. 20:12).

God’s principles of growth can be applied to every sphere of life. One does the planting while the other does the nurturing or cultivating. Even though both roles are often interchangeable, the primary roles remain constant. “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” (Proverbs 31:26-27). When she opens her mouth, her words are empowered to validate the wisdom that came from the Lord. This is why it is important that both parents seek the will of the Lord before they give instructions to their children. Household salvation applies to the decision and development of every household member. We pray for Godly parents so that God may be honored in each family.  

“Why Stand Ye, Gazing Looking Up”-Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Acts 1:9-11 “Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. (10) And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, (11) who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” “Why Stand Ye, Gazing Looking Up”

Even though instructions were given before the phenomena occurred, their amazement left them in a fixed position. The two men in white apparel, possibly angels, questioned the position of the men of Galilee as gazers to remind them of the Lord’s promise and their assignment. Whatever God does before us, to us, or within us is for a purpose yet to be discovered. These experiences are a part of the revelation of Christ that leads to the discovery of the mysteries that are contained in Him and exist for our benefit. Although the disciples were in the right place, their purpose was to remain for a moment. After witnessing the event, they were to wait in Jerusalem to be spiritually empowered. Likewise, God prepares us as we consecrate ourselves before Him to receive the fulfillment of His promises. Initially, the disciples were told to gather together and wait in Jerusalem in the Upper Room until something occurred. This time, they had the opportunity to see a miracle happen not only before them, but rather as direct witnesses. Moreover, this is what happened to Jesus, He was lifted up by the Holy Spirit as He ascended to sit at the right hand of His Father. The disciples were to be filled with the very same Spirit to become witnesses that would propagate the Gospel message in both word and action to the entire world! 

Notice their position – they were standing still enough to hear the message of the angels. Their eyes were lifted up to Heaven and their sights were set on where Jesus Christ was going. Previously, the Roman soldiers lifted Him up on a cross, but now God raised Him up from the grave and He ascended into Heaven. A vivid contrast was made between what mankind did to Him and what God was doing for Him. His victorious ascension provided proof that He is the Son of God! Now to those who had witnessed it all were empowered to tell the story as eyewitnesses of His glory! 

There is still much remaining to be told of His glorious ascension and He now commissions us to tell the story. Our effectiveness in telling His story requires the very same power required of the disciples. We must wait before Him and receive the endowment of power to minister effectively to an unbelieving and dying world. It is our calling not to remain as spectators, but full participants in what God is doing in this present age. 

Freedom From Legalism -Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Legalism is defined as the “excessive adherence to laws or formulas,” and as its name implies, it is a rigidly constructed concept that does not consider variables that may require acts of mercy and kindness, even when the act may be judged as wrong or substandard. Unfortunately, legalism is the rule of engagement among both liberals and conservatives. Whenever stringent rules are established without mediatorial intervention, the rules eventually become harsh and condemning. The temptation for Eve in the Garden of Eden was to elevate mankind to the level of God through knowing both good and evil apart from Him. God said, “Man has become one of us,” implying that he can then establish stringent rules to govern his own behavior apart from Divine intervention. Whenever and wherever the power is in the hands of a feelingless people who can only reference established laws and lack the understanding of the purpose for laws in general, abuse will always be the consequence. Jesus made it clear that He did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. He was referencing God’s intent for the Law in relation to sinful, lawless, and fleshly deeds. All was accomplished through our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. His life was lived in keeping with the meaning of the Law rather than the mere letter of the Law. He reminded His disciples by saying, “you have heard that it was said…., but I say unto you,” His life was the full expression of God’s intent. In that moment, He became our Mediator and Intercessor—both standing with us and for us before the Father. 

Whatever view a people-group may have of Christ will determine their position. Some see Him as a Liberator from all oppressive forces, and they can then justify taking whatever means necessary to free themselves from oppressive forces. Another group may see Him as the One who is Righteous and executes Justice, where He develops a police state to impose strict punishment on those who are in violation of the law. 

God became Man in the Person of Jesus Christ. Humankind then is given consideration, but not as an excuse for bad behavior. Forgiveness of sins is granted towards those who put their trust in Him. The incentive to please the Father is motivated by His love that resides in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed a prayer of forgiveness because of the ignorance of mankind. Then He instructed and imparted to them the wisdom and power to live differently. Without a Mediator, the laws that govern the life of the unborn is legislated without consideration given to the life of those who are born. The juxtapositions that cause many politicians, and now theologians, to express these contradictions expose the realization that the mission of Jesus Christ is not fully understood. Because of the expediency of national progression, slavery can be justified while the slogan can still be, “in God we trust.” The history of this nation has been sanitized as if it has always been for righteousness, but when its unrighteousness is in question, those truths are viewed as an evil ploy to undermine the heroes of the Founders of America. To be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ requires an honest assessment of who we are and where we are. Then the grace of God can be dispensed upon this nation as His message can be both heard and received by all.

“2024: Embracing a Greater Purpose” – Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

This year, we are focusing our attention on intentionality, what it means to be intentional, and in reaching or God-given goals. We may have been intentional in the past in relation to goal setting, however, there is a higher goal and greater purpose for life in general and for each specific life lived. To embrace a greater purpose, one must see God as being greater than his or her ambitions prior to encountering Him. When we see Him, as the Prophet Isaiah stated, as being “high and lifted up,” our faith then must rise to the occasion. He can only be described using superlatives, higher than, greater than, or mightier than any other thing used in comparison to Him. It requires all of us to look up with our sights set beyond what we currently see and look out beyond the lengths formerly used as our measure. 

Jesus said, “lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) Lifted eyes enable one to both look out and look up at the same time. Spiritual insight can only develop within the heart of the believer when he is challenged to explore the deep and hidden mysteries of God. Forty-four years ago, we embarked on this phase of our journey as a Church. Many things have changed and influenced the culture to consider which course of action ought to be taken. Although there are more choices today than ever before and people making these life-defining choices, God’s Truth remains the constant with the potential to stabilize the instabilities of these uncertain times. Our ministry has served as a stabilizing force, along with many others that refuse to compromise their standard. Yet, our purpose will always remain in constant need of clarification rather than redefining. 

The more we mature as a ministry, growing both in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord, the more we must reexamine our position and engage in introspection. Jesus was specific and clear regarding His mission when He adamantly stated, “for this cause came I into the world.” We are to bridge the gap, change mindsets, and transform culture to the standard of Christ. The cultural gaps between the standard of Christ and collective cultural behavior of this generation are wider than ever before. What we have is much needed, but the question is, are we relevant? Ministry is more than a choice, but it is a calling that requires all that we have and all that we are. The whole person must be wholly involved if every individual called would come to understand the greater purpose for their existence.

As we move forward in the direction that Jesus Christ has commissioned us, we discover aspects of who we He is and who we are along the way. Our truest identity is rooted in our purpose, and life without a purpose for living is a wasted life. You are not responsible for what you do not have, but you are responsible for what has been given to you. As God instructs us throughout the year 2024, may we discover that there is more of life ahead than what has been left behind. Then, we can count the number of our days differently as opportunities in preparation to reign with Christ throughout eternity.

You have undiscovered and unrealized potential, and the wisdom of Christ will reach deep within your souls as you are attentive to His Word and are being discipled to draw it out!

“What’s In Your Hand?”-Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Ex 4:1-2 “Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.'” (2) So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

Moses, the Liberator, and Lawgiver was given the awesome task of challenging the Pharoah and the governmental systems of Egypt with proper tools for their liberation. He first received a word from God to affirm his identity. It was his attachment to God, the Great I Am, that provided evidence that he was already equipped to participate in an endeavor far beyond anything that he could imagine. His assignment for us is always beyond our abilities alone. It is by and through His grace that we are provided the essential tools to fully participate in what God is doing. God made it clear that He is and was able to accomplish whatever He chooses whenever He chooses. Then, since He called Moses, He made it clear that He was with him. The threat of rejection and doubt of acceptance causes a leader to be reluctant even when the path has been cleared before him. 

God provides the way as He guides His people to their expected end. He asked Moses a question that is still a question to us; “what is in your hand?” The hand is attached to the body, and He reminded Moses that he had useful hands. Then God opened his eyes to the reality that the endowments provided for him had an expanded use. Likewise, your attachment to God requires your detachment from all other things that would distract or delay progress. Whatever Moses had been holding on to had to be released. The shepherd’s staff, or the rod used as protection, was no longer needed as such. He was Moses’s protection as he then provided guidance to the generation of God’s chosen people. 

God has placed in your hands what is needed to accomplish the level of the assignment currently given to you. He asks you to take a second look at what you already have – your family, your loved ones, your friends, and your church body all have important parts to play. “For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have (2 Corinthians 8:12). He increases the gifts as the need for them increases. Nehemiah had a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other as he was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Both hands were occupied, one with an instrument for war and the other with a tool for service. Just like with Nehemiah, God has placed in your hands the wherewithal and resources to fully serve Him. 

We thank God for His provisions to complete the task that is assigned to us. His gracious gifts are sufficient for all seasons and every challenge, and if we are open to him, He will teach us to rightly use what He has so freely given. 

“Church Hurt”- Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Church hurt, whether real or imagined, needs healing. The wound left within the soul of the individual can hinder further spiritual growth and cause one to become a prisoner of the past. As with a spouse who is living in an abusive relationship, it is best to guard yourself from unnecessary harm. Measures are required to remedy the problem that could cause future damage to the one who is being victimized. The pain is not to be ignored, for the feeling is real and a legitimate signal that something much deeper is occurring. However, the question is, what is the real source of the pain? Is it inflicted by others, or does it stem from a perspective that needs clarification or modification?

What is insulting and injurious to one may be a means of conviction to another. The church is comprised of imperfect people who are called together so that they may grow together. Growth pains are a part of interpersonal relationships, where each member enters with baggage from their past. When one or more members do not live up to the other’s expectation, that could become a cause for offense. If all members are not committed to the same God-given objective or vision, the relationship will be short-lived. When one is born again, a commitment is made to the vision, and thus the commitment is solidified towards one another. “Where there is no revelation (vision), the people cast off restraints.”  Proverbs 29:18) It is the Spirit of His grace that holds us together and enables individuals to work through their disagreements. Only when those who love the Lord are postured to see beyond their own personal pain will they be equipped to overcome it. This could be something that caused pain in the past and was triggered by an occurrence that caused that pain to resurface. When our sights are set on the things above, the friction and tension presently experienced can work together as a means of producing spiritual growth. Iron sharpens iron, and as hard as it is, the hardness produces sharpness by producing a cutting edge. These situations shape us to develop into ministers of grace by becoming discerning enough to help others get through situations that they may face and not being overly preoccupied with self-interest and self-centeredness.

Even though we all are hurt at one time or another or in one form or the other, what ultimately matters is how we interpret our pain. Through prayer, we must take whatever issue we may have with others to God. When we pray about the situation, we give God permission to show us His view regarding the matter. If it is an individual within the church, which is comprised of individuals, the person that hurt you does not represent the whole church. Isolate the pain to where it generated rather than making a prejudgment against the whole church. However, be mindful that whatever manner in which you judge others will be the same measure in which you will be judged. Go to them and them alone, knowing that we have been called by God to be Peacemakers. If it is not resolved, then bring another with you. If you cannot resolve it with a witness, bring the situation to the nearest leader within the church. God heals the brokenhearted and mends their wounds. You are a part of making your church a healthy church.

How Important is Your Stewardship to You?-Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Peter 4:10-11)  

Our proper management of all things entrusted to us reflects our attitude towards the benefactor. When we view what we have as gifts from God, His Lordship over us will determine its use. It is not left to us to do as we please, but rather, we are compelled by His love abiding in our hearts to do those things that are pleasing to Him. Selfish ambition is akin to selfish gain, where it absorbs but very seldom releases anything. Even when something is released, the decision to do so is determined by the one who thinks of himself as being in control. When the self-willed authorize the disbursements of gifts, then it ceases from being God’s ministry to those who need personal ministry. Even when God gets an honorable mention, He is subjugated by the arrogance and pride of the one who sees himself as the source. This is a very delicate matter, particularly from the surface that the motive is not easily detected. There are false ministers as well as false prophets who are engaged in doing good deeds, yet the hidden agenda is to accomplish something other than the things that glorify God through Jesus Christ. A good steward must be faithful to God and committed to His Word.  

Stewardship of gifts also has to do with the management of money, and money is a representation of our time, our talents, and our treasures. Money makes a good servant, as one writer said, but a poor master. Several Scripture speak of putting God first as well as prioritizing His work and mission. It is true; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt 6:21). When people lack commitment to ministry as faithful stewards, it is just a matter of time before their interest starts waning away from which they were loosely connected. Loyalty to God and commitment to His ministry are not short-termed assignments that occur until a better offer comes along. True commitment requires finishing the assignment given by God to the faithful. When one abandons or is a deserter from the assignment given by God, he must show evidence that he has done what he was called to do, or he shakes the dust from his feet as a testimonial judgment against those who have rejected his ministry. Any other course speaks more of his character than the character of the ministry that he judges.   

Paul says, let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. (1 Cor 4:1-3)  

The mysteries of God are revealed through Christ’s interaction with His Church. His gifts and talents have been given for a purpose much greater than is realized in this present time. As we are faithful stewards, He reveals to us the mystery behind the seemingly simple gifts that we are allowed to manage.  


“What Course of Action Should We Choose? – Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Our nation is at a crossroads where gender confusion has been normalized while the institution of marriage has been redefined. Moreover, the ugly and hateful acts of racism and discrimination are being hidden under the guise of generalizations that appear to neutralize its current effect upon society. As was prophesied through Scripture, there would be wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, and people-group against people-group. The whole of society, as well as individuals, must make choices as to which path they will choose. Decisions are not made arbitrarily, and the path taken is based on who one chooses to follow.  Subsequently, leadership is of utmost importance since we are being led to a destination based on the choices that we make. It has been said by many that you get to make your own choices, but you do not get to choose the consequences of the choices that you make. The natural disasters along with global climate of unsettled disturbances are interconnected. What is happening around us are but reflections of what is happening within the souls of humanity. When those who lead follow the course of this world system, especially those who had been chosen by God to be salt and light to this generation, disaster is soon to follow. It is the transgressions of spiritual leaders that hand their congregants over to the will of Satan to do whatever he pleases. These are the wolves in sheep’s clothing that work as emissaries for the evil one. As Joshua admonished the people to “choose this day who you will serve,” we are admonished to choose this day who we will allow to lead us. The character of the leader is important as none are perfect, but all must commit to a perfect standard.

There is a difference between a transgressor and the sinner. Eve was deceived because she had only heard God’s instructions from and through her husband. However, Adam was not deceived. He received his instructions directly from God, yet he chose to disobey God having a motive that overruled what he had knowledge of. The sinner has not seen the light, thus leans to his or her own understanding based on the appearance of things. He neglects his own soul in pursuit of other desires, but that does not produce complete satisfaction. Conversely, the transgressor decides against the knowledge of God, moving away from what was once known. Now that knowledge, once attained, is now being ignored. ‘The destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed. For they shall be ashamed of the terebinth trees which you have desired; and you shall be embarrassed because of the gardens which you have chosen.” (Isaiah 1:28-29)

The apostles waited on the Holy Spirit to prompt them into action rather than impulsively react to peer pressure or the whims of the crowd. Likewise, there are some who test the current wave of culture and jump in front of the parade of fools as their appointed leader. Lucifer led the people from the highest hill (Isaiah 14:13), and as a result of self-promotion and elevation, he was able to exalt himself above the stars and to sit on the mount of the congregation. When the Holy Spirit takes the lead, uncertainty occurs. Those who think strong leaders are those who are the most confident in themselves may find themselves being misled by one possessed with the pride of Lucifer. One must wait on God to tell them and show them what to do. “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12) We ought not be so prideful as to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. God will impart into the hearts of His humble servants what is needed when the time comes to apply His wisdom to the subject matter. We must learn to trust God even when we do not see Him and even when it appears as if nothing is happening. It is in those moment that God is doing His greatest work! I admonish you not to be misled by what appears to have it all together. It could be a false image of success to deceive you into believing that the fruit that appears pleasant to the eyes can make you as wise as God Himself.