Meditation: May 9

“The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children.” Matt 11:19

Sinners flocked around Jesus and loved to be his companions, while the religions found Him to be repulsive and were made to feel uncomfortable. Prostitutes and publicans followed Him around without feeling intimidated, but sought Him out knowing that they would not be condemned. Even though He did not give license to sin, but rather came that all of the works of the devil would be destroyed by Him. He would judge the judges of men who would place heavy burdens upon their shoulders. But He would come into the Temple and turn over the tables of the money changers. His life was paradoxical to most because it appeared as if He would tolerate the very thing in others the very thing that by His nature He despised. Sinners, Publicans, and the poor gladly received the Gospel because they knew that their lives did not measure up to His standard. Therefore they received Him gladly as one who would be thought of as rejecting Him, while those who are religious often saw themselves as superior to His standard and in violation to it. Jesus loves sinners and saints are to love what He loves. He came to seek and to save that which was lost.

Meditation: November 28

“That I may know Him…” Philippians 3:10

The deepest cry of the human heart cries in the direction of its Maker and Provider. There is a deep yearning to know the Source from which it came. The ability to want and have provided a fulfillment that makes all of life meaningful is a gift given to all from God. It is the desire left unfulfilled that leaves one searching and grasping for straws only to discover that what appeared to have significance was merely a fathom or a pipe dream. It is the god that is imagined that stands in the way of an authentic search. It leads to a manufactured religion that gives temporary relief but wears off as quickly as it came. Paul’s prayer is earnest having tasted and seen the real thing. Because he had experienced Christ to a degree, he wanted more of the same. “…that I may know Him!” He had the satisfaction in being on the right path but anxiously anticipating the arrival in reaching the destination. He was knowable, but daily the whole of his life was absorbed in the pursuit. It is the experience that he sought after, not just a casual introduction. He like us must continue to seek the experience in knowing Christ. Then our lives can be totally absorbed into His purpose and fulfilling the deepest desires of the heart.

Meditation: November 13

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”  Matthews 7:21

Is ours a works salvation that qualifies us for heaven or a faith that translates into efforts that are pleasing to God? Many have believed that no evidence is necessary among the professors of religion. The right language without evidence may be impressive but does not possess the power to preserve one’s life for all eternity. In this life we are transformed into willing servants of the Lord. When His life enters into our souls, we wish to know what pleases Him that we may do what we have been enabled by His Spirit to know. The prideful would merely wish to parade around with knowledge left unapplied. They are held responsible even though they never tapped into the power that could have been used for the continuance of the works of Jesus Christ on the earth. Their professing Him as Lord is a signal to the powers that be of that they are equipped and skilled for spiritual battle. When we enter into His kingdom, the power that resides there reaches the earth through us to confirm our subjection to His Lordship.

Meditation: August 3

A book, a letter, or a sermon is result of the deep meditation of the presenter. It is usually expressive of much of what has been read, prayed, and is birthed out of the relationship that person has with God and with others. Therefore, words may mean different things to different people. That is why I take pleasure in reading both the preface and the bibliography contained within books. I like to know what the person was thinking when he said what he was saying.

Jesus spoke with the deepest of thought. Everything He said was expressive of the heart and mind of His Father. He was asked on one occasion a question. “Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22.35-40) Such a simple yet profound answer to a question would have baffled the most astute professor of religion. Yet His answer went far beyond the level of their understanding. All that Jesus was gave definition of the love that He addressed. Then to understand how love was to be applied to both God and to neighbor would send them back to their classrooms in pursuit of the elementary discussions of both categories.

In order to understand the statements of Jesus we need the mind of Christ. As His mind is developed within us, His Words will be accurately interpreted. It is the unrenewed mind that misconstrue and misapply messages processed through it. As we commit to God’s Word pray that His mind would be given to handle what comes your way.

August 2014 Article: “Seasonal Change”

Most people in America have a general knowledge of biblical truths. They have been exposed to the Word of God and believe that it is superior to other books written. The sacred text still rises above other ancient writings as a reference point to living life.

 Yet there is this increasing tide of facts borne out of experiences competing with what one ought to believe and what they think they know. The dichotomy between experiences and historical truths has caused a strain in modern society. The attempt to maintain their status as Christians but at the same time to be in step with the modern world puts pressure on the Truth and often distorts it to fit into the methodologies of today. The overruling question today is “how can I be myself and be a Christian” pervades as the most provocative challenge of our day and times. It leads to compromise as futile attempts are made to reconcile these two opposites. The truth demands change. It exposes the defects within one’s character by presenting a standard that is superior to this life and all of its faulty misinterpretations. You cannot be an authentic Christian without first realizing your need for a radical change. The systems of this world are bent on providing contradictions to the need for a changed life. They soften the blow of the reality check where repentance is required. At that point a complete turnaround must occur. There must be the rejection of facts misaligned to lead one to a false conclusion and the acceptance of truth to guide one to an understanding of what would otherwise be impossible to know.

It not enough to merely be acquainted with the Truth, but one must be aware of the seasons and be able to rightly interpret the times. There are no coincidences in God’s economy. He is in control of the ultimate outcome of things that are currently out if balance and in total disarray. He sees the end of things before the beginning, but the between time us where much confusion resides. The moment in which we live, if not rightly interpreted will lead our culture into total rebellion against God. Decisions made on the basis of logic without consideration being given to significant factors requiring faith will lead to attempts in sabotaging Divine order. Man’s wit against the knowledge of God rising as a tide of corrupt thinking. Things are corrupted as result of misuse or their lack of use. When they become corrupted then they cannot be used as they were originally intended. How many have sought after seasonal fruit in the wrong season? They thought that God’s commands were static rather than fluid thus getting out of step with Him.

These are the days that were spoken of in the Bible. You can take the Bible and place it next to the newspaper and see the unfolding will of God being accomplished in spite of popular opinions rising to resist it. First there is the falling away from the established Truth. Then there are the failed attempts to remedy the dis-eased culture of constructed confusion. The wars and rumors of wars today are not merely coincidental. The season is changing in order for what has been rejected that it might receive one’s utmost attention.

When the theories of politics, business, and religion no longer work as previously planned, where might one turn to seek answers? God’s message has not changed nor will it ever change. But today’s challenges will cause many to take a second look at what they had either rejected or redefined. Truth had been rejected in the past, but the stone that the builders rejected will one day serve as the head of the corner. It was a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. But the time will come when those who wish to do more than treat the symptoms of a sick society will fully embrace the only antidote that cures.

July 2014 Article: “If the Truth Be Made Known”

“If you hear My voice and abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, you will know the truth, and the truth will give you freedom.” (The Voice)

The liberating power of truth exposes the false pretenses under which many people live their lives. They don’t know it, but the systems that people have relied upon are doomed to fail. These systems are constantly being modified to accommodate the latest craze, while in the process, pushing the truth further into a corner. Their problem is, however, that truth will not quietly retreat and allow them to have their own way. It cries out in protest against humanity’s self-government of independence from its Creator. Today’s battle is against the constraints that restrain the vices with tentacles that extend further than what the uninformed can rationalize. Who would consider that today’s idea of freedoms will result in tomorrow consequences of bondage?

In an isolated room of free expression, the heart translates every experience into law. Likewise, those who have been victimized have now taken their pain and institutionalized it. Truth is silenced by the noise of entertainment where subsequently, the mind is in a receptive mode rather than an active mode of discernment. Truth to them becomes relative, but if the truth be told, it is relative to their personal pain. Although they are in need of healing in order to see things differently, who is there to tell them that they are seeing wrong? Popular opinions outweigh the soundness of the tried and tested and as a result, history must repeat itself as this generation engages in an experiment with life as if no other generation has ever existed. As George Santayana famously said, “if we do not learn from history, we will be doomed to repeat it.” Truth is based upon historical facts and not merely scientific experiments. Yet true science reinforces what has been already proven to be true. If the objective is to gather information against the truth in order not to believe, then the theories developed by those who engage become more foolish in the end than before they began.

This is the ploy of the Adversary with his resounding question to each generation: “Hath not God said…?” His attempts to make God appear as a liar as he opens the door to ideas that seem rational are palatable to the dulled senses. Deception always hides behind a camouflage, often majoring in appearances by minimizing the truth. The challenge facing our culture today is if absolute truth is spoken, we are forced to reckon with an absolute Source of truth. If there is an absolute Source of truth, then we end up at the point of our departure, back to God alone. If God is God, then we must rely upon Him and surrender to His will if life is to ever work as He intended. But the experiment provided for this generation is the theory that God does not exist, and if He existed, His only requirement for us is to express love as we interpret love to be. The endless cycle continues to weave a web of deception, holding captive all whosin reject the truth.

Even when the theological argument regarding the existence of God is won by those who have made the point that God and religion are necessary, life still goes on without experiencing freedom. For even the devil believes and trembles…True freedom can only be experienced as result of surrendering to His will. Then, and only then, will every tentacle that attaches one to bondage will be broken. Life can be expressed without the constraints of the past transgressions that might have been translated into law. Thankfully, the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has now set you free from the law of sin and death. He that the Son sets free is free indeed!

Meditation: May 9, 2014

“The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children.” Matt 11:19

Sinners flocked around Jesus and loved to be his companions, while the religions found Him to be repulsive and were made to feel uncomfortable. Prostitutes and publicans followed Him around without feeling intimidated, but sought Him out knowing that they would not be condemned. Even though He did not give license to sin, but rather came that all of the works of the devil would be destroyed by Him. He would judge the judges of men who would place heavy burdens upon their shoulders. But He would come into the Temple and turn over the tables of the moneychangers. His life was paradoxical to most because it appeared as if He would tolerate the very thing in others the very thing that by His nature He despised. Sinners, Publicans, and the poor gladly received the Gospel because they knew that their lives did not measure up to His standard. Therefore they received Him gladly as one who would be thought of as rejecting Him, while those who are religious often saw themselves as superior to His standard and in violation to it. Jesus loves sinners and saints are to love what He loves. He came to seek and to save that which was lost.

Meditation: April 1, 2014

“Later a few religion scholars and Pharisees got on him. “Teacher, we want to see your credentials. Give us some hard evidence that God is in this. How about a miracle?” Matthew 12:38

Those who appear before men as authorities in relation to God’s order seldom recognize the fact that He refuses to restrict Himself to their expectations. Formulas and theorems of success do not work. He will withhold from them what they expected, but show forth the unexpected. These few that approached Him thought that He would be anxious to validate Himself before such an impressive crowd. But Jesus had nothing to prove. He was as sure of Himself then as He was when Satan tempted Him on the pinnacle of the Temple requesting Him to show off His divine powers. When we are asked to prove ourselves to be what we have been called by God to be, we must first recognize who it is that requires of us evidence. If not God by way of His Spirit, a prophetic word is sufficient. We live by what God has said and it serves as the basis for all He is now saying. If not by the Word of God, we become performance oriented. We must live by the Word and allow the Word to be given full expression through us. Bur never should we hide behind our credentials of education to prove our pedigree nor miracles to prove our power before men. It is God who wills and performs His work in and through us.

Meditation: November 28, 2013

“That I may know Him…” Philippians 3:10

The deepest cry of the human heart cries in the direction of its Maker and Provider. There is a deep yearning to know the Source from which it came. The ability to want and have provided a fulfillment that makes all of life meaningful is a gift given to all from God. It is the desire left unfulfilled that leaves one searching and grasping for straws only to discover that what appeared to have significance was merely a fathom or a pipe dream. It is the god that is imagined that stands in the way of an authentic search. It leads to a manufactured religion that gives temporary relief but wears off as quickly as it came. Paul’s prayer is earnest having tasted and seen the real thing. Because he had experienced Christ to a degree, he wanted more of the same. “…that I may know Him!” He had the satisfaction in being on the right path but anxiously anticipating the arrival in reaching the destination. He was knowable, but daily the whole of his life was absorbed in the pursuit. It is the experience that he sought after, not just a casual introduction. He like us must continue to seek the experience in knowing Christ. Then our lives can be totally absorbed into His purpose and fulfilling the deepest desires of the heart.

September Article: “The Distance Between Reward And Purpose”

In the rush towards an end that would be rewarding, the necessary progressive steps in pursuit of the intended endeavor are often ignored. This is why so many live incomplete lives, even when they may appear to be successful in the eyes of others. They merely project an impression that is void of substance and content which can be transferred to the next generation. One dimensional living in pursuit of happiness is a counterfeit joy that leads to deep depression. When the party ends and the people are not there to sing the praises or accolades of the person who lives for the applause of men, he wonders if his life really matters. The reason for the mood swing is not that the person is bipolar, but rather, the root cause is that the real purpose for life remains unknown.  Life has been reduced to the projection of an impressive image to which many others aspire. Their pursuit would only lead them to the same emptiness experienced by the one they admire.

Life is not the experience of feeding on the desserts that appease the appetites of the immature. Children do not know what is best for them, for they are only capable of seeing what is immediately before them. Their dreams do not rightly lead them to the future that God has intended. The tragedy is that many never grow beyond the infancy stage and are insulted by an expectation imposed through the challenge that they must grow up. The immediate can become the enemy of the ultimate if the ultimate is never known. Life is too short and the stakes are too high for us to experiment with our destinies. All of life is directed towards an end; it will all culminate into a state of being that would eternally exist. The shortsighted are blind to this reality for life is lived, as it was in our party days, for the weekend. Work was merely a precursor to the time of leisure and relaxation of thought and morals in order to do as we pleased.

The mindset does not automatically change, but requires an influence far greater than the references of past experiences if our true purpose for living is to be known.  God is both the Giver and Sustainer of life, and He alone is able to convey to us our purpose for living. Living has to do with our eternal existence, where each day must count towards a goal for the aspiration of every person. Religion void of purpose is just an appeasement of one’s conscience in order to make the person feel good about himself.  Even though he may feel that, it is at least better than not practicing religion at all.  In his heart of hearts he would much rather be doing something else.  It would not take much for him to be distracted from the practice of religion if the offer is tempting enough.

Joshua 1:8 states that “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The blueprint for living has already been given, but it will only make sense if the heart has been changed and conducive to receive Godly instructions. It is the process of being “born again” which illuminates a purpose that extends far beyond the limits of the daily grind. The Kingdom of God is where the Lord is in the midst of events establishing His order and our participation in what He is doing.  It is not a matter of our doing what pleases us, but rather becoming and doing what pleases God.

That is “good success,” for it is transferable to succeeding generations; improving their lives by equipping them with truth that is both beneficial and authentic. How can we participate in setting this generation on the right track and correct the habits of the hearts?  We must convey to them the right message. “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth.” It has departed from the mouths of many of the modernists who proclaim a different message. Success in the wrong thing is more devastating than failure for it leads to emptiness and void, thus stripping the person of the initiative to move in any other direction. We must say what God is saying, when he is saying it, rather than repeating the voices of popular opinion. This will lead in the direction of success without regrets.