Meditation: March 20, 2013

“Let’s decide which of us is in the right. God may avenge me, but it is in his hands, not mine.”(MSG) 1 Samuel 24:12

We are in a battle for the souls of men. The opposition has the populous vote and has gained momentum over the years. It often appears as if we are on the losing side while vices seem to be virtuous. What the fathers of our faith established is now under attack led by those who ought to be defenders of the faith. Their creeds have been reinterpreted or altogether ignored. Their values have been viewed as obsolete and often amended. Who is listening while God is yet speaking through the faithful few?  There are those who are willing to stand against the winds of adversity and defy the storms of error that are unleashed in order to overtake, if possible the very elect. Let God decide who is right and who is wrong. God will avenge His elect. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again.  The argument of who is right and who is wrong will eventually be settled. It will not be a draw between two opposing views.  God know those who are His and will avenge His own, but it is in His hands and not ours.

Meditation: March 14, 2013

“For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Romans 3:3

God is determined to fulfill every one of His promises. Too much is at stake for Him to fail. Yet there are many who doubt Him and question His authority and abandon their post defecting from the faith. Does unbelief negate God’s faithfulness? He allows the rain to fall on the unjust as well as the righteous. He provides for believers as well as unbelievers. Seasons of the year that change for all to receive the benefits of change. Yet God is determined to raise up a remnant among His people who will obey Him and receive the full benefit of His promises. They will hear His voice and heed to His call. If not the parents, He may reach some of their children. What is rejected by one generation may been embraced by their successors. God will provide future evidence of His truth. When all else is shaken and crumbles to the earth, His Word will remain. And what was once cast down and rejected will be raised by and through what God has already spoken.

Meditation: March 9, 2013

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.” James 3:13

It appears to be a misnomer to use wisdom and meekness in the same sentence. Wisdom often elevates the pride of many who become even wiser in their own eyes. Godly wisdom is always to be accompanied with meekness for those who receive wisdom from God are constantly aware of its source.  Whenever we lift our intellect to a level above that which requires simple faith, true knowledge would be eclipsed by vanity. Strong and convincing arguments may be impressive, but causes the mind to erode into believing a lie when the truth cannot yet be proven.  The meek of the earth are teachable and can learn in order to participate with God In what He is doing. The wise and the prudent cannot even see it as being important, thus live their lives as contradictions even to their own beliefs. God will bring both beliefs and lifestyles into one. We can then live and speak what we truly believe.


Meditation: March 1, 2013

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34

 A new commandment is given because a new power is made known. It is a power that existed in eternity but now is being revealed in time through Jesus Christ. He makes known to humanity a selfless love with the power to transform lives. It begins with the willingness to receive the love of Jesus Christ. He loved us first, but that love does us no good unless we first receive it. Allowing ourselves to be loved by the Lord is the first step. Then we are empowered to love one another as we are loved. It is a matter of allowing His love to flow through us along with His strength to do so. Those who are loved can be released from the bondage of self and Satan. They experience the presence of the Lord when we are instruments in His hands fulfilling the Lord’s command.

January 2013 Article: ” The Year Of Cultural Transformation”

The fulfillment of a prophecy and a longstanding plea are directed towards the Church on behalf of the world. Out of necessity, culture must be transformed if God is ever to be glorified among those who profess to be called by His name. As the world develops a full expression of hostility towards God and any symbolic representation of Him, our light must shine brighter in this darkened environment. As a result of this troubling condition, the attempts to either silence or compromise our witness are expressed as an acceptable alternative. While many have bought into the lie that authentic faith in the one true and living God is too narrow and confining, we must stand firm to our convictions.  Yes, it is true that we must seek out unconventional ways to convey and proclaim our message, but we must not allow our creativity to overrule our primary intent.

God seeks those who choose to fully participate with Him as agents of change in a hostile world that is void of spiritual understanding. This is not a part-time job for part-time Christians; the nominal Christian is already defeated by default.  If none see both the need for change and the need to become instruments of reconciliation, God will raise up another generation to do what this generation has neglected to do. Just look around and see what is happening all over the world…Now, take a glimpse at the conditions that have reached your neighborhood. The fears and threats of annihilation are all around us. None appear to be safe, which not only affects our comfort level, but the safety of our children. Through the depravity of human nature, they are introduced to fears and phobias that cause them to withdraw from public participation. The internet and individual activities have trapped them and when they interact with others, what they have learned alone erupts into violence. Community and societies are being destroyed and individualism and self-expression void of an overarching standard to which all must abide is no longer being upheld. Everyone is right in his own eyes, thus lawlessness is interjected into laws that govern the self-willed.

The changes from Columbine to Sandy Hook massacres, including the extra security measures taken in our airports after September 11th attacks, indicate that when a standard is compromised, choices are restricted and ultimately eliminated.  Yet many are asking the question, “Where was God when such tragedies occurred?” He is in the same place waiting; waiting for those who have rejected Him to realize their need for Him. He is not the cause of these tragedies as some would believe. All He has to do is to withdraw a small portion of His grace, allowing those who think they have control independent of Him to manage their own affairs alone. Unfortunately, in an environment where the demand is for independence from God, the innocent suffer along with the guilty. We must love our children enough to love their Maker, and we must love our Maker enough to love our children. The world is experiencing a wake-up call and the Church is being shaken from her slumber. Sin is an overt expression of inward hostilities towards God and of the violent nature of mankind. It is not just the individual expression of a people; the effects of sin reach down and touch everything around us.  The propensity to behave violently resides within all of us. How can anyone determine what he would or would not do if a particular trigger is pulled and rage takes over? Rage can then erupt into uncommon behavior. The Church must be the Church, regaining her influence in the world and upholding the banner of righteousness. Then, once this unshakable standard is seen and recognized as an expression of God’s love, the lives of individuals can be changed from the inside out.

December 2012 Article:”Jesus Came, but did Men Expect His Coming?”

Should sin be criminalized or legalized? What choices are left to this, our generation, when there are no absolutes? There are two opposing sides; both being partly wrong but blind to why the others side may disagree with the other’s interpretation of what is right. That is the political scene in America, where the existing party lines produce rapid racial and class polarization that blames the opposing side for the perpetuation of perplexing problem that fuel national disunity.

But from heaven’s view, it is the absence, neglect, or misinterpretation of a standard that results in the world experiencing judgment. Humanity either takes things too far by becoming pharisaical without the element of love for humankind, or thinking that love ignores and gives permission to transgress all boundaries. Thus, sin is either legalized or criminalized. The silence of God in regards to our nation’s dilemma is His judgment against her. We experience calamitous actions, but cannot hear His voice giving clear direction in the midst of this nation’s greatest challenges.

First sin must be identified if redemption is ever to occur. That responsibility rests upon the shoulders of the standard-bearers, the Church. The Bible mentions that “A house divided against itself cannot stand” and that “The salt that has lost its saltiness is good for nothing but to be trodden under the feet of men.” A clear and distinct voice must convey a prophetic word that does more than report current events or engage in the scrimmages within the parameters of what others have established or are able to see. There has to be a prophetic message that transcends the obvious and directs the hearts of the people towards the ideal. A holy people are an “other than” people; they are separated because they are positioned to hear from Heaven and align their lives to its order.  This chosen people may live in a sinful environment, but operate by a different standard. That is why the revivalists of past generations were abolitionists and reformers that addressed the current issues of their day with permanent resolves rather than temporary and quick fixes filled with unproductive rhetoric.  Public sentiment has shifted in the direction of heroes who are able to rescue the perishing and restore all that is lost. Yet each time it appears as if that person has finally arrived, the walls they have built begin to collapse.

Jesus was born in an environment of flux. The people were being overly burdened by taxation, babies were being murdered, and the conditions were as desperate as ours are today. It was not the best of times, but rather the worst of times. Yet His coming brought forth a new day! His Light alone enabled people to see and some to understand that every other alternative was not strong enough to withstand the future impact. He alone knows the future and prepares those who trust in Him beforehand for what they will inevitably face. Although we reflect upon His first coming, we must anticipate His return. But in the meantime, we must occupy as the Church, or carry out His agenda on this earth until He comes so that world might see His Light.

Meditation: July 28, 2012

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30

God searches hearts in His pursuit of a man that carries His passion. He looks beyond the surface responses and reactions of those who make a good showing before others and will often find one who appears to have nothing going his way. This diligent soul appears to be benched and not actively recruited to participate on the world’s scene because the world does not see his qualities but God is fully aware of them all. This is the man that will build a wall between what God loves and what He loathes. He will also restore the wall of protection for inhabitants of the land that is now defenseless against the enemies of their souls. He stands before God in order to God as an intercessor, appealing to Him in order to avert the judgment that would come against all who rebel against God. But who is this man? He is a nobody in the sight of others, but to God he is the man for the season. It is not the applause of the crowd or its size that determines the measure of a man. It is the faithfulness of his heart towards God that matters most in these times of trials, tests, and temptations.

Meditation: July 26, 2012

“For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2

Once Jesus Christ is revealed to you, it is then necessary to measure all information by and through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Former experiences and former schools of thought may try to compete with this new gained knowledge. The logical mind searches through former experiences seeking out ways to deny Christ or to diminish the impact of experiencing Him. Then Christ becomes subjective while other things become the object of our faith. The intent is to get us to serve God for what we may gain personally rather than living for Him. To know Him as crucified is to live for Him alone. He gives us His resurrected live and we live in newness of life. No longer are we competing for the same prizes that the world is seeking after. Our goal is to know Him even as we are known. It takes determination for the message of Christ to remain relevant in an age of selfishness and self-centeredness. But when we are determined to know Him, He gives us the knowledge necessary to live the abundant life. It is a fulfilling life with purpose.

Meditation: July 23, 2012

 “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,” Hebrews 3:14

Our confidence in Christ must not waver even when we face adversities that appear stronger than our strength to maintain. It is not our strength that preserves us but God alone. Our beginning is of faith therefore we must not view the battles as ours alone. Christ being a part of us is involved in everything we do. He shares with us what belongs to Him and since He has already passed through the heavens, there is no goal higher than what He has already accomplished.  He takes His victory and shares it with us therefore we have an identity in Him in heaven. We are admonished to hold fast to the confidence we had from the beginning. It is God’s gift to us to be maintained by us. Our faith is cultivated by and through the living Word.  Even if we do not see an end to our dilemma, God is able to keep us to the end in order for us to receive what He has promised. There is an end or a reward to all who trust in Him.

Meditation: July 19, 2012

“He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart” Psalm 15:1

The benefit of abiding with Christ is the motivation to act is governed by the Holy Spirit rather than merely our own minds. The thoughts generate from God and are transferred to the heart so that the will is to do His will rather than what previously occupied our time and attention. It is not a matter of consciously manipulating the mind to think right. There is a continual flow from the heart to the mind maintaining an awareness of God’s Presence at all times. Then it is not as much of a strain to make the right decisions in relation to our walk. Though temptations may come and trials may test our faith, we know that He is with us and we know that He working in us. Now when we speak, we speak from a changed heart. His Word is hidden in our hearts and no other language is our own other than what is being translated into life within us. What marvelous position to occupy when God is able to convey His truth boldly through an earthen vessel that has been transformed by the renewing power of the Holy Spirit!