Meditation: May 4, 2013

“When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom.” John 2:9

Only the servants were knowledgeable of the source of the wine that was changed from water. Those who served had knowledge beyond those who mastered over them. Their obedience to the Master that ruled over masters had given them the instructions. As they had filled the water pots with water, they were firsthand to give witness to the first miracle of Jesus Christ. Jesus will reveal Himself to those who are willing to obey Him at His Word. They did not see first and then obey but rather, their obedience positioned them to see. The master of the feast was in amazement because he tasted the best wine last. The master of the feast was pleased, the bridegroom was pleased and the guests were pleased because the feast could continue. But only the servants knew the secret.  Who would get the credit for the miracle? Jesus, who was only a guest, had rescued the feast by turning water into wine. He took the most common and plentiful and made it something that was rare and expensive. He used His servants to merely fill up the water pots and the transformation took place immediately. His servants today are set for miracles. As we serve Him He changes simple things into glorious masterpieces.

Meditation: April 27, 2013

 “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.” Exodus 12:2

The Passover changed Israel’s calendar by orders from God. What God does affects the measure of everything. Our calendar reflects the birth of Jesus Christ and His death. B.C.  expressing before Christ and A.D., anno Domini, the year of our Lord signifying His death, burial, and resurrection. He made an indelible mark for all humanity. Even those who despise Him or deny Him cannot ignore Him. Eternity invaded time through the coming of our Lord and time would never be the same. God became one of us to completely identify with us, then to die for us. As vast as the universes are and heaven is, He chose this planet and chose us to be with Him forever! When we remember the day of our conversion we recall our new birthday. Life began anew for we became a new specifies of humanity enabled to give expression to the love of God with a will to please Him. Life may be the same around us, but for us who are being saved, we have a new beginning!

Meditation: April 25, 2013

“After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:” John 21:1-2

He makes Himself known in ways that are familiar to each person. He once came in human flesh and fully identified with the human experience, yet honoring the Father by not yielding to the temptation of sin. After He was raised from the dead, He continued to show Himself again to His disciples. In His resurrected state He is still in touch with all things pertaining to us. They were fishermen before their encounter with Jesus. Now that He had been crucified, they returned to their former professions. Their lack of success was challenged by His question, “Children, have you any food?” They had toiled all night to no avail. Jesus then gave them instructions that they could either follow or ignore. But when they cast their nets on the other side of the boat, they could not contain all that was in their nets. The resurrected Christ makes His presence known again among His disciples. He is the same Jesus but now raised in newness of life as the first-born of many brethren. It is His Spirit speaking that brings us to change our mode of operation. Our obedience to His Word will produce what we strain at doing alone.

Meditation: April 20, 2013

“Now as they sat and ate, Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, one of you who eats with Me will betray Me.” Mark 14:18

Before Jesus was crucified, He was identified through betrayal by one who sat at His table and ate with Him. One who loved so deeply would be exposed by a friend to His enemies. Jesus knew when it would happen and who it was who would be so used as a spy among them. Yet He did not make Him known among the brethren. There are times when sin must run its course. Any intervention on our part to defend ourselves or expose the adversary would be counterproductive. God will allow many to dwell among us who do not carry our heart or vision. Nevertheless, God uses all things for the fulfillment of His purpose. Jesus loved, provided for, and even dined with His betrayer. These events led to the cross, the inevitable end that marked a new beginning for all who would believe on Him. His will transcended the pain suffered by dishonest companions and even the pain of suffering and death on the cross. The glory that shall be revealed in us was worth all that He sacrificed. He was betrayed by a friend. He called Judas, “friend”. He is speaking of the beginning of their journey together. Jesus was yet focused upon what ought to have remained. He did not change His mind or position, but Judas shifted from where he once stood. We are His friends if we remain faithful to the end.

Meditation: April 18, 2013

“When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” Matthew 16:13

What men say cannot change the nature of a person or a thing. It has to do with recognizing and agreeing with the truth. Those who know Him merely by reputation can only repeat what they have heard and never share their truest knowledge of Him. Those who see Him from afar and can only see His silhouette may describe it with accuracy without ever knowing those special features that give expression to His passion. Only those who have answered the call to come to Him; to come close enough to see His face will be able to share with others the intimate things that would ignite a fire within the hearts of others to know what they may otherwise would have never known. What they say is not as important as what you say. Jesus Christ came to be known, but not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The resurrected Christ invites us to come closer and see the nail prints in His hands that His love may be known through the price He paid for our redemption. He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. God is alive and His Spirit makes alive those who receive Him into their hearts.

Meditation: March 30, 2013

 “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16

Sublimation according to Dr. Hadfield, was “the process by which instinctive emotions were diverted from their original ends, and re-directed to purposes satisfying to the individual and of value to the community.” Man will instinctively fulfill the lust of the flesh. The energy to carry out that end is within him and if nothing is changed, it is inevitable that he will follow after that path. It is only when the Spirit is given permission to intervene will his course be changed. Hia instincts will be diverted away from what comes natural and the more he yields to the Holy Spirit the more he will find pleasures equal to and ultimately greater than what formally occupied his time and attention. The energy that was expended towards self-gratification is now used for the benefit of the community. When we walk in the Spirit, we are moving in the direction and the ultimate destination God. All other paths lead to isolation and death. Habits are broken and new passions are ignited in place of the dominating forces that lead to frustration. The evidence that one is walking in the Spirit is the willingness to continue with the Spirit. There is no place in that individual’s life to engage in the contrary and unfruitful works of darkness.

Meditation: March 28, 2013

 “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”  Daniel 2:21 

These times are different from any other. There was a time when people both thought and acted differently. The environment has an effect upon the times. The mood is set by the atmosphere. God orders it in response to prayer on the part of His people. During the times of peace and prosperity, the people are at ease. But when trouble comes, there is an unsettling among them. God examines and tries the heart of every person. Rebellion is not the result of the times, but rather the times are the result of man’s rebellion. He changes the times to reflect the attitude on earth expressed towards Him. But when we pray, and seek Him with our whole hearts, a new season of revival will begin. He will give us leaders who are after His own heart when our hearts are directed towards Him. Otherwise those who will lead will reflect the attitude of the people they are leading. Yes God changes both times and seasons but His attention is set upon His people to seek Him for a time of the healing of the land and wholeness among the peoples of the earth.

Meditation: March 26, 2013

“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”  John 14:2

There is no greater honor than to abide in the place that is rightly prepared. Ill-prepared places are hastily erected without giving enough thought to details. There are special needs, passions and specific preferences that will suit the taste of the person. We are individuals and always will be individuals. Yes, we will abide together but our personality is uniquely ours and belongs to none else.  God, who created all things, has room for us to be ourselves. There are spaces awaiting us within His economy. Jesus Christ, our elder brother has gone before us. He takes with Him our specific needs. The deepest longings of the heart are considered. The things that we are lacking are there is abundant supply. No expense is spared for the Spirit knows the things of God and the thoughts of every man. The place is not prepared for us as we currently are, but it is prepared for us on the basis of what we will eventually become. As we are being purified our appetites are changing. We are coming to know who we really are. No longer having to pretend nor model or mimic others who are around us. We will fit perfectly in the place that we are being prepared for.  The greatest blessing of being there is who will abide there with us. He is there before the Father awaiting our arrival. Where He is, there we shall be.

February 2013 Article: “From Whence We Came”

We can learn much from our past. When used rightly, it can either become the stepping stone to a bright and glorious future or an inescapable prison void of any windows and doors. When the history of a people is rehearsed,  it is not a matter of stirring up old wounds, but if the wound has not completely healed, it may lead to an infection. Infections have the tendency of affecting other parts of the body rather than remaining confined to the area that once experienced pain. To remember the past is not to relive the trauma that our ancestors had to endure, but to revisit it with an eye on the divine providence of God while working to bring us to His expected end.

The infectious sin of discrimination has led to an out of control pursuit of rights that crosses ethical lines established by God. When humanity is not respected, disrespect erupts towards God through the guise of  a vigilant but misinformed Church not knowing what or how to defend, protect, destroy or eliminate. The presentation of a schizophrenic God who defends a select group of people at the expense of others who are considered less than human feeds the backlash that eventually leads to the construct of another god to replace the confused and obsolete God of the Bible. God has not changed or lost His effectiveness; rather it is the responsibility of this our generation to set the record straight. We are the generation that must call every misinterpretation and misrepresentation what it is; a travesty of truth leading to a travesty of justice.

How can a minister be honest with himself and not address the most pertinent issues of our day? What good is preaching a salvation message unless the message leads the way into embracing the promised wholeness clearly addressed in the Holy Scriptures? As a minister, I am fed up with the psychobabble of so many who either raise the message beyond the reach of the common people or lower the message to mere entertainment. God is not a comedian, nor is He aloof of the circumstances that the world is facing today. We need prophets who have an understanding of the times and can speak in regards to the future leading the people in the direction of God’s intentions.

Anything short of this does a disservice to the cause regardless of whatever good intentions may be on the part of the herald from which the wrong message emanates. As Martin Luther once said,

“If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point.”

 The prophets of old addressed the issues at hand. There as a direct correlation between the Word of God and the conditions of the people. It was not reduced to a mere rehashing of information to impress others or appease the conscience.

There is the need for authenticity today that will lift the hearts of people above the old time religion of passivity to a new expression of active love. Yet the new is not really new at all. It is really a return to the original plan and not setting our tents and establishing residence in a place that was not intended to be our destination. True freedom is found in the quality of love that established truth as its basis. The movements of the past were leading us somewhere. The Church has to become the demonstration of the Kingdom of God. We will only experience freedom when the hearts of the children are restored to the Father. Then the people are in the right position to hear what He has to say and interpret His message rightly. Remember from whence we came, but do not lose sight on where we ought to be going.

January 2013 Article: ” The Year Of Cultural Transformation”

The fulfillment of a prophecy and a longstanding plea are directed towards the Church on behalf of the world. Out of necessity, culture must be transformed if God is ever to be glorified among those who profess to be called by His name. As the world develops a full expression of hostility towards God and any symbolic representation of Him, our light must shine brighter in this darkened environment. As a result of this troubling condition, the attempts to either silence or compromise our witness are expressed as an acceptable alternative. While many have bought into the lie that authentic faith in the one true and living God is too narrow and confining, we must stand firm to our convictions.  Yes, it is true that we must seek out unconventional ways to convey and proclaim our message, but we must not allow our creativity to overrule our primary intent.

God seeks those who choose to fully participate with Him as agents of change in a hostile world that is void of spiritual understanding. This is not a part-time job for part-time Christians; the nominal Christian is already defeated by default.  If none see both the need for change and the need to become instruments of reconciliation, God will raise up another generation to do what this generation has neglected to do. Just look around and see what is happening all over the world…Now, take a glimpse at the conditions that have reached your neighborhood. The fears and threats of annihilation are all around us. None appear to be safe, which not only affects our comfort level, but the safety of our children. Through the depravity of human nature, they are introduced to fears and phobias that cause them to withdraw from public participation. The internet and individual activities have trapped them and when they interact with others, what they have learned alone erupts into violence. Community and societies are being destroyed and individualism and self-expression void of an overarching standard to which all must abide is no longer being upheld. Everyone is right in his own eyes, thus lawlessness is interjected into laws that govern the self-willed.

The changes from Columbine to Sandy Hook massacres, including the extra security measures taken in our airports after September 11th attacks, indicate that when a standard is compromised, choices are restricted and ultimately eliminated.  Yet many are asking the question, “Where was God when such tragedies occurred?” He is in the same place waiting; waiting for those who have rejected Him to realize their need for Him. He is not the cause of these tragedies as some would believe. All He has to do is to withdraw a small portion of His grace, allowing those who think they have control independent of Him to manage their own affairs alone. Unfortunately, in an environment where the demand is for independence from God, the innocent suffer along with the guilty. We must love our children enough to love their Maker, and we must love our Maker enough to love our children. The world is experiencing a wake-up call and the Church is being shaken from her slumber. Sin is an overt expression of inward hostilities towards God and of the violent nature of mankind. It is not just the individual expression of a people; the effects of sin reach down and touch everything around us.  The propensity to behave violently resides within all of us. How can anyone determine what he would or would not do if a particular trigger is pulled and rage takes over? Rage can then erupt into uncommon behavior. The Church must be the Church, regaining her influence in the world and upholding the banner of righteousness. Then, once this unshakable standard is seen and recognized as an expression of God’s love, the lives of individuals can be changed from the inside out.