Love is the attribute of God that completely defines His character. God loves because He is love and He is the uncreated One relationally expressed through the Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The mystery of God follows the same pattern expressed through the mystery of love. True love is not merely warm affections, but the foundation on which all of life is established, preserved, and secured. Love is sacred and we were set apart to become beneficiaries of His love. I am loved, you are loved, and we are loved even before we understood or knew its meaning. It is only when the question of “what is love” is honestly raised that we are on the right path of discovering its meaning. St. Augustine said, “Love God and do as you will.” knowing aspects of His love will govern behavior. Your will is directed by your passions. However, the opposite is also true. If you do not love God, then whatever you love the most will take control of your life.

Those who explore the attributes of God often fall short of being compelled to fully follow Him. They are attracted or even some repulsed by what they think of Him, but they have not known the fundamental aspect on which all others are established. Here are the following principles: 1. God is love. 2. God is Father.3. The Father is love. 4. The Father loves His children.

These are irrefutable and undeniable truths by which nothing in life can alter. He is the Father of all Creation, thus providing for all the privilege of entering relationally into the eternal bonds of the Father and the Son. The bonds were broken as a result of the Fall. Therefore, the Eternal Son was sent to model by becoming like sinful man, and ultimately sacrificed His life to redeem man back to God’s original intent. His purpose for your life is for you to have your share in the glory of the Eternal relationship that preexisted Creation.

These are the blessings of knowing Him. Ephesians 3:19 says “to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” To have access through Jesus Christ to all that the Father possesses. All other expressions are mere facsimiles or a cheap copy of what originated from Him. Unfortunately, if no more than what exists now is known, by default that is all that you are left to settle for. The further you are removed from Him, what appeared as love begins to fade in the shadows of self-interest and personal gain. In the eyes of a spiritually blind world, success is determined by these futile worldly trappings of false security.

“God so loved that He gave…” (John 3:16) The measure of success is not determined by how much one has attained or received, but rather, how much are you willing to give away. Sacrificial giving: the extending of the soul with one’s sights set on future generations. God established marriage for procreation and as an illustration of the love of Christ for His Church. Families are the ideal illustration whereby the mother’s nurturing love is tempered by the guidance and protection of the father’s love. The children must only receive love and learn how to respond to it. Fathers are foundational to the family unit. God gave Himself fully to His Son as the Son gave Himself fully for the redemption of fallen humanity. We are the whosoever(s) that must believe in Him that we might become recipients of the Eternal Life of the Father and the Son.