Life is complex and has more components than any scientific exploration has yet to fully discover. When examining life, the whole process must be taken into consideration. Everything that is currently alive is a part of life in general. Then, that part of life that personally affects you as an individual, is a part of your personal experience. What is life and what is its meaning? The philosopher dedicates his life to the quest of explaining its meaning. The scientist explores its depth and dimensions. The poet articulates his feelings as inspiration enters his mind. The preacher must interpret life from its Source and how all these interests and professions converge into one. Life is sacred because God is the Giver of life. Whenever He gives something, it is with an intention to serve a particular purpose.

When the term, Sanctity of Life is used, many definitions can apply. But I believe the most accurate definition for sanctity is “inviolable,” which means never to be broken, infringed upon, or dishonored. When life, generally or specifically, is broken, infringed upon, or dishonored, the individual or group’s attitude towards God is expressed. What you really think of God is conveyed through what you think of life. One’s actions ought not to be regulated by a political party or any association or affiliation, but rather, our understanding of God manifesting Himself through the Person of Jesus Christ. He stated in John 10:10, “I am come that you may have life and have (life) more abundantly.”

Your individual life had a beginning, and there was a time when you were not, but there will never be a time when you will not be. The mother is the channel through which eternal creatures are brought into this world. Where you spend eternity is yet to be determined, but eternity awaits every human being. The inviolability or the sacredness of life means that your life is never to be broken, infringed upon or dishonored. If your body is sacred, sanctification of your body is to set it apart for the exclusive use of God. That means every act done in the body must be done to glorify Him. Marriage is sacred and the marriage bed is undefiled. Sex is a gift from God and its pleasures are to be fully enjoyed. It is also for procreation.  Eccl 11:5 “Just as you’ll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, so you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does.”   He is doing more than you realize through the bonds established as husbands and wives fulfilling their duty of pleasing one another.

The mystery of God is at work when He is in charge. The inception of the life of a child is the blessing of that sacred union, and that life is fashioned and formed according to His pleasure so that the legacy of the couple can be carried on. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” The word “formed” in Hebrew is yatsar which means “to mold of to fashion.” God was saying, before you were given shape, I knew the potential contained within you and the possibilities of your future.” You were an idea in the mind of God before you were an embryo. He knew what was to come forth through the embryo even before it was given shape.

When life is not sacred to the person, the tendency is to circumvent God’s plans. To circumvent a thing is to find a way around what usually would be viewed as being an obstacle. This is often based on a lack of understanding regarding the inability to see into the future. Rather than viewing a situation as an obstacle that needs to be removed, God would have us see it as a problem that must be solved. Would you demolish the entire building after discovering that there was some structural damage? Rescue and recovery are the works of Jesus Christ, where He came to redeem us from the consequences of former defects and past mistakes. What may appear to be a thing that needs to be circumvented is a blessing that is contained within it, so your life is sanctified for His exclusive use. His love is contained within our previous mistakes.