Heb 9:27-28 “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.”

All die as a judgement of sin residing in the members of our body. The penalty of sin was pronounced to Adam in the Garden of Eden when the first prohibition was pronounced. Death is inevitable once to all who has ever lived. Yet there is a after death awaiting each person that dies. Many are intrigued with the mysteries concerning what they call the afterlife experience. But it ought to be the after-death experience which ought to be of major concern. Death is not the cessation of existence but the change of environments. The body returns to the earth from which it came, but the soul and the spirit lives forever. The signs of use are displayed on our bodies. Either how the Lord was glorified or signs of abuse are indicated on the expelled portion that once housed the life of its inhabitant. It just becomes a seed to be planted, to ultimately be replaced after judgement. The new and improved version will be fully equipped to give expression to our heart’s intent. God looks into the heart for that which extends on Earth is an expression of His own in Heaven. This is the judgement!

The measure of judgement is determined by God on the basis of glory given to Him. The quality of blessings is commensurate to the quality of glory given. As we move from a state of temporal living to perpetual living, we focus our attention on the permanency of blessings awaiting us. We will one day be in a fixed position. No longer suffering decay, ruin, and loss, but experiencing absolute fulfillment. This is the promise made to those who love the Lord and anticipate His return. This is the Resurrection of the just. While on the other hand, there is the merciless, loveless and miserable resurrection of the unjust who chose to live their lives as they pleased.

Nature illustrates this through seeds that are planted in the ground. They must die before they produce fruit. But nature and quality of the seed will determine the quality and nature of the fruit produced through its planting. Jesus died, but now He is able to see His seed multiplied through the quality of lives produced through His being planted. May your life be so lived that fruits of righteousness may reflect the quality of His life in you.