Even though the years of our lives are predetermined by God, for us, each day is filled with mystery and suspense. Who would have predicted that 2020 would involve a shutdown in virtually every sphere of life? Mystery and intrigue lead to confusion, and confusion leads to new questions being asked concerning life and existence. The emergence of Covid-19, other mysterious diseases, and an unprecedented number of deaths, even among people close to us, has shaken our private worlds. There is a message and a method to this apparent madness. We stand at the crossroads of life and decisions must be made. Instead of just looking at what is happening around us, the most provocative question is “where do we now stand?” The challenges of life will either bring the best or the worse out of us. The Prophet Joel remarks on this issue, when he said, “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision” (Joel 3:13). 

We make multiple decisions every day, but most of these decisions do not require any thought. As creatures of habit, we routinely go through life doing what we have grown accustomed to doing. Then suddenly, the scenery shifts to the unfamiliar and the strange environment of the unknown casts a shadow over our limited knowledge and intellect of what we know and what we have the capacity to know. Then confusion emerges as many probable causes and cures are considered as the antidote to our misery. We are not victims of circumstances, but the product of previous choices. If we keep choosing the same things, we will continue to suffer the same results. The consequences of choices do not evolve over time, but it is up to us to make better choices. 

The year 2021 stands before us as a fresh challenge and opportunity. We cannot rightly predict every event awaiting us in our future. The uncertainties we are facing are there to remind us of the contrast between our helpless and the shortcomings of our own strength. Yet we are dependent upon the only One who has full knowledge of the future. The question is, are we Pro Life or Pro Choice. Let us examine the place where both ideologies merge within Scripture when God stated, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). God gives us a choice to either live or to self-destruct. To love the Lord is to choose life and live, and to reject Him is not only personal suicide, but also to your descendants as well. This form of deception has many disguises. Things appear to be productive and beneficial from the surface, but the destination leads to a separation of heart from our First Love. Not only are we affected personally, but an environment of rebellion is then created. In an atmosphere of sin, the culture of death reigns.

We will be addressing issues of life this year and exposing the many ways that death has been chosen instead of life. We pray that the messages this year will liberate you from deceptive influences and guide you down the road of life and liberty. My prayer for you in 2021 is that you choose life.