The greatest issue facing our culture today is one of authority.  Who gives the orders that people are compelled to obey? The need for and the problems with government have remained an age-old crisis, however, when the right person or people are in charge, a harmonious and peaceful state of being exists. Conversely, when the wrong person or people are in charge, the results are chaotic and confusing. The authority to lead is delegated by those who either appoint or submit to leadership.  Delegated authority may evolve into absolute authority when left unchecked, thus causing laws and practices to shift in the direction of the whims and moods of the individual. The adage is true that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Yet in spite of the downfalls of corrupted government and despots with no regard for the future of the people, someone has to lead.  But the leader is delegated with both the authority and responsibility to lead responsively. Responsive leadership denotes leadership that is responsive to needs, but at the same time, is established upon the standard of truth. You cannot draw a straight line using a crooked ruler.

Society as a whole has lost its moral compass. Who’s in charge today? Who and what is influencing the minds and hearts of this generation? Scripture speaks of a day when there was no king in all of Israel and where “every person did what was right in his own eyes.” Authority must first be established in the home in order for neighborhoods to be safe. Criminals practice what they think they are able to get away with. There is no thought given to the harm that their activities cause to others. The immediacy of the hour, whether by an act of rage or greed, shows an extreme disregard to the future effect of immediate actions taken. What many did not realize is that the criminal act did not begin at the moment others were victimized. The mindset developed over time as more boundaries were pushed back or eliminated.

Worship is the foundational boundary that was violated. When worship is altered into something other than what it was intended to be, it provides a freedom to decide what is best for the individual regardless of the outcome. The worshiper then assimilates his life and character into the life of whatever object he adores, which highlights the importance of fathers. Although these men represent authority within the family structure, unless they are submitted to the right standard, their leadership will direct their children off course. It becomes a cycle of death spreading from one generation to the next and then degenerating to a level of questioning the necessity of a father altogether. Fathers who are responsive to the deepest needs of their family consider how their lives will affect future generations.

Since none other than God is able to see into the future, any sensible individual can at least reflect upon the past. If the decisions of the past have led to things becoming what they are today, don’t you think it’s time to consider what other generations might have ignored? The criminal mind is limited in its thinking, for it only thinks of what the person is able to get away with. It is motivated by rage and greed with disregard to the future effects of immediate actions. It is also criminal to bring children into the world and not to consider their future. These are seeds in need of cultivation so that tomorrow’s world reflects the values of the previous generation. If the world is to be a better place for our children and our children’s children, there must be fathers today who are willing to think that far ahead. God is already there to show you the Way. He is our Father, but He is also our example and our King.