Meditation: June 9

“It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.  He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The grace of God has been freely given to us but it is not cheap. Love requires sacrifice. And the more we love the greater the sacrifice. Since God is able to see the depth of our sinful state, only He would be able to convey to us what we needed in order to be set free. The naïve may think that a moderate adjustment is sufficient to stop the free-fall to destruction. But who independent of God is able to know the affect of even apparent innocent acts upon the character?  This is the environment in which all were raised. No one knows any other life than this. But God knew of our need for help. And He supplied it before we had the sense to desire it. Jesus Christ, God’s Son redeemed us with His blood while we were yet sinners. Now all must apply what has been appropriated for us if any is ever to benefit from such great a sacrifice.

Meditation: July 9

“It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.  He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The grace of God has been freely given to us but it is not cheap. Love requires sacrifice. And the more we love the greater the sacrifice. Since God is able to see the depth of our sinful state, only He would be able to convey to us what we needed in order to be set free. The naïve may think that a moderate adjustment is sufficient to stop the free-fall to destruction. But who independent of God is able to know the affect of even apparent innocent acts upon the character?  This is the environment in which all were raised. No one knows any other life than this. But God knew of our need for help. And He supplied it before we had the sense to desire it. Jesus Christ, God’s Son redeemed us with His blood while we were yet sinners. Now all must apply what has been appropriated for us if any is ever to benefit from such great a sacrifice.

Meditation: July 9

“It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.  He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The grace of God has been freely given to us but it is not cheap. Love requires sacrifice. And the more we love the greater the sacrifice. Since God is able to see the depth of our sinful state, only He would be able to convey to us what we needed in order to be set free. The naïve may think that a moderate adjustment is sufficient to stop the free-fall to destruction. But who independent of God is able to know the affect of even apparent innocent acts upon the character?  This is the environment in which all were raised. No one knows any other life than this. But God knew of our need for help. And He supplied it before we had the sense to desire it. Jesus Christ, God’s Son redeemed us with His blood while we were yet sinners. Now all must apply what has been appropriated for us if any is ever to benefit from such great a sacrifice.

Meditation: June 9

“It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.  He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The grace of God has been freely given to us but it is not cheap. Love requires sacrifice. And the more we love the greater the sacrifice. Since God is able to see the depth of our sinful state, only He would be able to convey to us what we needed in order to be set free. The naïve may think that a moderate adjustment is sufficient to stop the free-fall to destruction. But who independent of God is able to know the affect of even apparent innocent acts upon the character?  This is the environment in which all were raised. No one knows any other life than this. But God knew of our need for help. And He supplied it before we had the sense to desire it. Jesus Christ, God’s Son redeemed us with His blood while we were yet sinners. Now all must apply what has been appropriated for us if any is ever to benefit from such great a sacrifice.

November 2015 Article: “Hours of Grateful Reflection”

“If I’m sleepless at midnight, I spend the hours in grateful reflection.” Psalm 63:6 (The Message Paraphrase)

God gives His children peaceful rest. They have the stamina to work diligently, but they also have the calm and contentment to rest peacefully. The reason behind both their rest and their peace is the knowledge that God is still in control. Oftentimes, it appears as if no options remain for those who wish for harmony within nature and among mankind. The current events projected on our television screens, along with the daily grind of day to day activities, appear to only lead to deeper levels of frustration. Every effort of peace is contested by greater conflict, and the soul is filled with discontent. The pursuit is for a better life and a better world. The prevailing question is “where can peace be found?” Just maybe the search is in the wrong direction. The question ought to be “where can truth be found?” Peace is located along the same path that truth has already paved. The unaltered and unadulterated truth contained with the One who sent it forth will always remain as the only way to effectively address the current crises of our day. Unfortunately, many are in search of an alternative reality at the expense of all things that would otherwise provide for their peace. The sleeplessness of the Psalmist was not as the result of his resolve. His commitment was to a Godly standard, even though his sinful nature, along with the world around him, would oppose it.

Needless is the effort and wasted are the opportunities of grace when time and energy are spent in worry. The stagnant posture of worry inhibits the growth of the individual and paralyzes his potential as one who could otherwise be a part of the solution rather than the problem (You are either on one side of the issue or the other).

Nighttime is intended for sleep and not restlessness. One’s occupation or preoccupation will influence the conscience when meditations are not deliberate. Even when the intent is to erase from the mind those things that fill it with thought, the more one tries to not think of a thing, the more of that thought invades the mind and holds it captive. Sleeplessness in the middle of the night is when the night has been far spent leaving little energy for tomorrow. The battle throughout the night is a phantom war against imaginary troops. If one is exhausted from the nightshift of worry, can that individual be relied upon to answer destiny’s call? The Psalmist spent his hours in grateful reflection. Instead of worry, he is reminded of God’s divine promise and strength. If He was the One who rescued him from the perils of the past, then He is able to handle the challenges that lie ahead. Instead of counting sheep, he is counting victories.

There were lessons learned through his temporary failures and temporary setbacks. Yet his God is faithful in using every situation for his ultimate good and for His own glory. When more time is spent in grateful reflections falling to sleep becomes easy. Confidence in God relaxes the mind and muscles, for it was never his efforts, but the power of God working through him mightily, that produces victory after victory. Sleeplessness tried to enter in but found no lasting abode. When doubt tried to enter in, he would reflect upon the fierceness and ferociousness of the lion and the bear. He initiated and offensive attack against them along with the taunting Philistine giant Goliath. They were no match to him as his God was present.

What do you have standing as a lion, bear, or giant before you? Did you face them with Godly courage or in timidity and fear? Only faith in God alone is sufficient to stand against the wiles of devil. Faithlessness robs one of the potential provided by God to overcome in battles set forth for our destruction. Without faith, God cannot be pleased through one’s life. Gratitude is easy when reflections and meditation on God’s goodness have become our way of life. Moreover, the rest at night will also provide strength in the daytime. Trusting God for our daily bread and strength will cause spiritual growth to occur so that when greater battles come and greater challenges occur, confidence in God will rise to such a level so that it would be a part of your nature to say, “What God has done, He is still able to do!”

Meditation: July 9

“It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.  He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The grace of God has been freely given to us but it is not cheap. Love requires sacrifice. And the more we love the greater the sacrifice. Since God is able to see the depth of our sinful state, only He would be able to convey to us what we needed in order to be set free. The naïve may think that a moderate adjustment is sufficient to stop the free-fall to destruction. But who independent of God is able to know the affect of even apparent innocent acts upon the character?  This is the environment in which all were raised. No one knows any other life than this. But God knew of our need for help. And He supplied it before we had the sense to desire it. Jesus Christ, God’s Son redeemed us with His blood while we were yet sinners. Now all must apply what has been appropriated for us if any is ever to benefit from such great a sacrifice.

Meditation: June 9

“It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.  He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The grace of God has been freely given to us but it is not cheap. Love requires sacrifice. And the more we love the greater the sacrifice. Since God is able to see the depth of our sinful state, only He would be able to convey to us what we needed in order to be set free. The naïve may think that a moderate adjustment is sufficient to stop the free-fall to destruction. But who independent of God is able to know the affect of even apparent innocent acts upon the character?  This is the environment in which all were raised. No one knows any other life than this. But God knew of our need for help. And He supplied it before we had the sense to desire it. Jesus Christ, God’s Son redeemed us with His blood while we were yet sinners. Now all must apply what has been appropriated for us if any is ever to benefit from such great a sacrifice.

March 2015 Article: “Changing Times and Law”

Daniel 7:25 “He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.”

“Times have changed, so you might as well get on board with it.”
“This is a new day; people to do not think nor feel that way anymore.”

These sentiments, along with many others, are all too familiar phrases that have become the conversation of our times. Timeless truths have become archaic and replaced with jargon that often embarrasses weak individuals into a position of compromise. No longer is it considered cursing to blatantly use God’s name in vain; in fact, God or Jesus are names that are edited out while profanity is proudly and openly pronounced. Daniel prophetically viewed this day long before we entered into it. People speak pompous words while finite man matches his wits against the infinite God. A theory based upon an experiment in pursuit of relative information holds a tighter grip over the minds of students attending institutions of higher learning. Things must make sense to the person before they can be given any consideration. These occurrences are not merely coincidental, but a part of the strategic plan of God’s enemy, Satan. When the profane is legislated into law and ratified by those who are in power, there is no question as to whether those who agree threaten God to show His hand and question whether He still has the power to do so. Pompous words are full of pretense and the false projection of having the answers to every question and knowing everything there is to know. The proud hide behind their language and their ignorance is camouflaged by their abilities to express their futilities.

“They shall persecute the saints of the Most High.” This is the message to the saints regarding the lifestyle they have chosen. Those who contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints stand in the way of their preferences. Unfortunately, many have not merely chosen the life that they live, but rather, know no other way. These are the children of the children of disobedience that grew up in an environment of rebellion. Believe it or not, the saints are being persecuted today. They are being silenced locally, even in Egypt where 21 were recently beheaded and arrested as hatemongers for rebuking sinful acts. Although the persecution has intensified over time, it has gone unnoticed by many who refuse to engage in any controversy. They play it safe by merely saying what people wish to hear and entertaining the crowd. In Northern Nigeria, the Middle East, and many other regions, religious persecution is dominating the headlines of the news. This is that day where the Word of God must be preached even in an unpopular season. The cost of discipleship requires self-denial and taking up a cross of conflict and the spiritual sensitivity to fully follow the Lord Jesus Christ in His mission.

‘But the court shall be seated, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it forever. (27) Then the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.’ Daniel 7:26-27

God will have the final word! He will unseat those who presently reign in life and establish His rule among the people of the earth, and His reign shall be forever and His kingdom an everlasting kingdom! Do not be deceived by appearances. God will not be silent as His opposition is now giving voice to their opinions.

February 2015 Article: “Godly Fear and Freedom”

 “In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death.” Proverbs (14:26-27)

I have been recently reflecting on the effects of godly fear and am amazed at all of its benefits. Fear, apart from godly fear, involves torment according to 1John 4:18, but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. “The righteous are as bold as a lion” because they are wise enough to choose the right path of life. Some believe that all fear is negative, so they think knowing the love of God alone is sufficient. But you cannot know His love unless there is a deep level of reverence for Him. His power to heal is the same as His power to kill. His power to deliver is the same as His power to bind. He loves what reflects His character, but hates all the works that are measured against His will being made known among humanity and nature. Without healthy fear, you would be prone to unhealthy fears or phobias. God does not make promises, but He remains too omnipotent not to fulfill them. Many are impressed to believe in Him just in case He is real, but not to trust Him completely. Salvation cannot come to any individual unless one reaches that point of seeing sin as being exceedingly sinful. Therefore, the redeemed loves what He loves and despises what He despises. This even precedes the regeneration of the heart and soul. It is my fallen nature or the sin in me that I must first despise. Since we are all descendants of Adam and possess the sin of all humanity, even our attempts to progress in life would be motivated by some disguised fear working against my benevolence. We will not be able to love unconditionally unless that healthy fear is arrested.

The fear of the Lord arrests the fear of death because it contains the fountain of life. In Him is life and He becomes life to you once you are able to see Him as All-Wise and All-Powerful. The confidence to stand in faith will position you to trust His power to deliver you and His wisdom to guide you. Both are necessary in life in order to know your purpose. There is a freedom that further binds the soul. It is the freedom to do as you please without the constraints of God. This is the path of death and self-destruction. It is the way that seems right to a person but the end is death. The paths and patterns all around are there to vie for your attention. The culture competes with Truth and bids all within it to conform. Yet God stands above what is observable with long lasting solutions in time that are transferable into eternity. Even the fear of death is conquered because it has lost its sting and the grave gains its victory! While rights are fought for and often privileges are pursued, life itself is often ignored.

What good is it to have the privilege without the substance? Those who are seeking to gain life lose it in search of the privilege while compromising its very essence. Can you imagine dying at 90 or 100 years old, but only living five or ten years or never living at all? Jesus came that you might have life and has life more abundantly. Unless life is lived in reverence to the Giver of life, all that remains is the diurnal drifting between hither and yon.

 Where should you begin this journey of living life every day? It must begin with wisdom. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning….” The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. If that first step is never taken the second step is impossible to take. If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then lacking this fear is the furtherance of the propagation of ignorance.  I pray that this will be your place of refuge (safety and security).