Meditation: June 17, 2012

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19

The keys unlock the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus spoke to the multitudes in parables because it had not been given to them to know the mysteries of His kingdom, but it was given to His disciples. They had submitted to Him and had committed to fully follow Him. Along their journey they were graced by the Holy Spirit to receive the revelation from the Father that He was the Christ, the Son of the living God. This truth unlocked the mystery to which they were to enter in. Experiencing Christ is having access bringing down to earth the blessings contained in heaven. As we grow in our knowledge of Christ, not merely our knowledge of created things, we will discover that all is subject to what we are learning. He has preeminence over all things. They maintain their consistency by and through Him alone. A glimpse of Christ is insufficient for the journey ahead of us. We must maintain our focus exclusively on Him if we are to participate in kingdom work.

Meditation: June 16, 2012

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30

The two most important truth contained within this Scripture is when Jesus is truly recognized, it is His influence and not our own that must take precedence. We are given influence in order to influence others to see and know Him. Some may not remember us, but that is not the most important thing. If they are enabled to see Him and be led by Him, the work of God is complete and the reward in heaven awaits us. Secondly, our moment in the sun is temporary. Ours is to prepare the way for those who will take our place. A good spiritual leader must maintain his sight on eternity yet recognize the continuing work in time. Who will be our successors, and will they exceed us in effectiveness? Fathers must pass the baton or torch to their sons to run the relay race excelling beyond the old record that was previously set. Records are set to be broken. As the knowledge of Jesus Christ increases, there will be a generation that will reach cultures and penetrate places beyond our abilities. But we must train them for the task that lies ahead. We must get out of the way and let Jesus have His way.

Meditation: June 3, 2012

“You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3

In an age of diversity, tolerance, and political correctness, to speak exclusively that One would stand out among the crowd condemning all others beside as false, lifeless, and insignificant. So it is with God who has no respect for other gods. None other is to be worshiped and the exclusive course to the Father is through His Son, Jesus Christ.  What is most difficult to many is to understand the effect of original sin. None had access because of man’s nature as sinners. When sin is ignored then the need for a Savior is unnecessary. But thanks be to God, a provision was made through the death of His own Son that we might be redeemed! Idolatry is the pursuit of a god that is either after Him or in place of Him. He must stand alone ii He is to be worshiped. Renounce any idols in your life that may be competing for your exclusive obedience to Him.

Civil Liberties Overtaking True Freedom!

When will the last shoe drop? How far down do we have to go with unquestioned allegiance to a deteriorating system before we ask the thought provoking questions of those who maintained an awakened conscience? The music and the song of the world have lulled the masses to sleep and, while they are anesthetized, an unassuming lobotomy removes the sense of reasoning from the minds of the people. The course has navigated them to a new place of tolerance where anything goes. After reading the newspaper or listening to the news report, one can see how current events are leading us down the primrose path of disaster, destruction, and ruin. All of these things are working together for the worse possible scenario and not for the good of those who wish to maintain the standard of righteousness. The message from the pulpit has shifted to a soothing voice reflecting the consensus opinions of those who want nothing more than the possessions of others.

It is not merely gays in the military with the U.N.’s unprecedented acceptance of the position of the Human Rights Commission as being the primary issue. We live in a social climate where none of these things disturb us and are now accepted as the norm. There has been a major shift in popular opinion and the sentiments of the masses where most of what occurs remains unquestioned. It was so gradual that it did not seem to be orchestrated as a plan to desensitize the populous so that a sinister evil could creep in among them. The preoccupation with issues defended by aggressive and hostile radicals did not stop long enough to consider what they were in fact defending. Even though there is a cause worthy of our attention and constant effort, we must be careful that we do not fight the wrong battle and engage in the war against the truth in favor of the adversary. He may have recruited turncoats who think that their Captain (the Captain of their souls) does not have their best interest at heart.

Therefore, the issues are skewed and morality becomes relative and subjective to personal opinion. Their environment has become propagandized by the sowing of tares among the wheat. Yes, there was a time when legitimate causes were on the table and many that are currently worthy of our attention. It is true that the seemingly “ever vigilant and aware” were blinded by their own prejudices, but others must be careful that they do not become reactionaries and so drunken by their drive for revenge that they can no longer see straight. Wholeness is not the product of compromise, but the product of truth. We can lovingly accept the humanity of all people but disagree with behavior. When the personhood of an individual is bonded to behavior, then none can receive correction. All behavior in their eyes is right. “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25)

To draw the line between right and wrong is not left without controversy. Many question the authority for any to speak as if their position is absolute. This lingering attitude provides further evidence to the declining extent of how far society has fallen from the standard to which it once ascribed. Today, people are afraid to speak, for they know that in speaking the rebuttals are more than they are willing to face. However, Jesus was crucified by His own people. He was not just rejected by them, but they evidentially despised Him to the extent of desiring and having Him removed from the earth’s scene! How could we expect anything different today? If they did it to a green tree, what will they do to a dry one? God offers us true freedom and it stems from complete submission and alignment with His will. Only then will we experience peace.

The Essence of Faith

Faith is typically defined by the religious as a means of interpreting reality. They choose a set of rules to govern their lives from a plethora of ideas and opinions and then seek a group of people with similar beliefs and interests. Their opinion of God is usually a system of established principles, and tragically, many disregard the exploration of depth or passion for intimacy. God is static and the people remain unchanged, but still religious. When faith is merely a mode and method of tolerating life rather than living it, there is little wonder why many youth and young adults reject the faith of their fathers.

They rebel against convention, making their declaration of independence from the deadness of what they inherited. Today, the hearts of many are challenged to believe that there has to be something more than this mediocre expression of religion. Unfortunately, their faith often causes them to turn inward to ambition and self-delusion. “If there is nothing out there to believe in, then I must believe in myself,” has become the requiem of today’s generation. Movements toward a belief that God dwells within every human have deceived many into believing that there is no God.

Jesus came to introduce us to a new enterprise and prove to us that we are not God. His perfection did more than the law could ever do. The law exposed the defects of fallen humanity as the result of Adam’s transgression, thus proving that God is not within every man. Jesus, the perfect, human model, came to lead humanity in a new   direction. Through His life and ministry, He demonstrated to us that there is a way back to God, but not without a price. It would require the death to self rather than the assertion of the self-life, for He lived to show us what was possible and He died to make it so. All are affected by His coming and those who reject Him must reckon with Him   because now the path has already been paved. The dissatisfaction among many today generate from the facts of His existence. He lived, He died, and He was raised from the dead.

One would either have to accept it or reject it and none can remain neutral now that the enterprise has been introduced. Those who may even choose the wrong path are in search for something that is real. Until they see Christ among His people, living His life within believers, there will be a discomfort among the searching and a disappointment among the satisfied. Religion alone will not resolve the deepest pains within the soul. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” is the antidote to dead religion and wanton living. It is His life lived through us and empowering us that gives human existence its truest meaning. Our faith should not be random in search for an object or a person to believe in. It is to be directed towards the object of faith that leads to eternal life, Jesus Christ.

Quitting Christianity

August 7, 2007, author Anne Rice, best known for her vampire novels, made waves last week when she declared on her Facebook page that she had “quit being a Christian.” Twelve years after her return to Catholicism, Rice said she still believed in God, but that, “In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life.” – Los Angeles Times

My take on this is like saying, “I will quit my Maker! I will now reject the God of the Bible and worship a god that I can agree with.” If salvation is the end, the criteria for it is not optional. Even though many make their decisions on the basis of what is compatible with their habits and lifestyles, the heart must be drawn to the Lord and His agenda and not the intellectual pitfalls regarding philosophy of life and religion. To quit the Church is like quitting the human race and saying, “I don’t like the way humans are treated so I’ve decided to be a horse.”

Many frustrated people resign by extinguishing the little flicker of faith that never developed into a flame. Their conversion is what they call a “conversion into realness,” where they see no sense in being loosely connected to something in which they cannot wholeheartedly believe. When there is nothing to fuel their faith, it is just a matter of time before their light disappears. Even Peter, the disciple of Jesus Christ, decided to return to his former occupation of fishing and convinced others to do the same. The “me too” crowd is all around us. In reading Anne Rice’s sentiments, there will be many sympathizers who can identify with her. Her decision has the potential to unleash an avalanche of loosely connected pseudo Christians from their lives of mere religious performance and ritual rather than true faith.

A reaction to the challenge of faith which calls us to a higher standard of living is evidence that something is wrong within the heart of that individual. When a drug addict is placed in an environment where taking drugs is not tolerated, his body convulses from being deprived of what his system has grown accustomed to. True faith causes a reaction among those who desire to establish and sustain their own standard of righteousness. If the whole of God’s offer is not accepted, what He gives will merely cause the individual to go into a crisis mode. There will be withdrawal symptoms from the old way of thinking in order for God to establish His truth within the heart. He will dismantle every opposing argument and position, even though conflict within the soul will occur and cannot be avoided.

True repentance is the establishment of His rightness in place of our wrongness for the rest of our lives. The more we see of Him the more we understand how little we know. Quitting is getting tired of being wrong and accusing God of not knowing what we have come to know. It is matching our wits against His Omniscience or All-Knowing. When we are insulted by God’s intelligence, we quit His instrument of wisdom, the Church. It is not the option to the submitted disciple who is learning what the Lord alone teaches. It is the decision of the self-absorbed individual who has reached the highest plateau of knowledge that he supposedly is able to teach God a thing or two. “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” There are too many things yet to know or to quit before He reveals those things to us. We must not quit the Church, but also pray that the Church does not quit being the Church.

What Our Mothers Taught Us

As our first teachers, our mothers taught us how to walk, how to talk, how and what to feel, and how to love by loving us with a special kind of love. Her love was unconditional. Even when there was nothing to support it, she loved you just because she was your mother and you were her child.

On the cross before Jesus surrendered His spirit into the hands of His Father, He told John, “Behold thy mother”. i.e.; “take care of my mother and treat her as your own. Be the son to her that I was in my absence.” His role was to fill what would otherwise be a void in her life. But suppose the conditions were opposite: who would be the kind of mother that Mary was to Jesus? Yes, one may have friends who express a platonic love for each other, but the depth of a mother’s love is a category exclusive to one who is able to reflect upon your history. Regardless of what you may do or become in life, she still remembers her little baby boy or darling baby girl. We would often wish that she would let us grow up, even though she may be proud of what you may have become. She still remembers those days when your diaper needed to be changed, or those times when you were making mud pies with tobacco butt icing.

One of the most precious gifts God gave us is the gift of memory. Our memories may be flawed at times, like the times when we forgot to send the card or show appreciation for things that deserve special notice. However, despite our shortcomings, there are some things that are indelibly imprinted upon the hearts and minds of every child who had a mother like me. It is impossible to forget the times when you hurt her feelings by doing some things that you shouldn’t have done, but her pain would so quickly vanish when her heart would resolve that regardless, you are still her child. She stood with you during the times when you achieved some honor as the result of some victory, whether it be a star for good behavior in class or a diploma for completing some academic achievement. She was there reflecting your pride and sometimes outshining you in it. You belonged to her and she belonged to you.

This reflection is from the heart of a son who, in retrospect, is here to remind every mother’s son of how deserving she is of honor. Allow this day to reflect what you should feel every day. This day should highlight her contributions as being significant in molding your character. God gave us mothers to express His heart of care and nurturing. In expressing His love for us, Jesus even said, “I would have taken you under My wings as a mother for her young.” So much more could come out of understanding the dynamic of motherhood if we could just comprehend and appreciate the value of what God has given us in such a lovely package. Yes, time has made its mark upon her body. Although her steps may be slower, her hair may be gray, and her mind may not be as sharp as it once was, remember the swiftness of her response when she had the energy. Your strength is there to compensate for her weakened state.

Always strive to make her proud of what you have become and to show her that you took her life seriously. She did not give birth to a failure, nor did she produce a problem for others. Her life ought to be a continuum through your progressive expression of love and effective contributions to others. Her legacy continues because you are alive. Just as she committed her life to raising you as her child, commit your life to the only One who can direct you towards what she now sees and attempted to express in and through her life. Your mother had a glimpse of who Jesus is conveyed her perception through the people that He placed in our lives. Now, as we mature in our understanding of Christ, we must see and embrace the full picture.

Things Don’t Just Happen

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Eccl 3:1) But have you considered the truth that there is a purpose within times and seasons? Every occurrence is purposeful and not accidental nor is it coincidental.  The reason for the purpose of occurrences remains as the secret things of God. They are hidden in Jesus Christ and only those who are in pursuit of knowing Him will ever come to know the purpose for life and all that comprise of it. This may appear to be strange language to an individual who has never considered God as all knowing and all powerful. They are often too busy trying to discover the purpose for life in the things around them or the things that they are able to do. There remains a deep longing within the hearts of those who seek satisfaction through things and the pursuit of knowledge. They often will misinterpret the constant longing for more of the same until their pursuit and purpose becomes an endless circle. John on the Isle of Patmos received this revelation of Jesus Christ:

You are worthy, O Lord,

To receive glory and honor and power;

For You created all things,

And by Your will they exist and were created.” (Rev 4:11)

It took his being banished on to the isles of Patmos. It required the sacrifice of his freedom and the luxuries of life. It took the rejection of friends and family in order to bring him to a place of seeing Jesus as worthy to receive all honor and glory! Not only is He worthy to receive the honor and glory that is due His Name, but He is acknowledged as the Creator of all things. Not only is He the Creator of all things. They exist for a reason. All things exist by Your will and for Your glory! This is a highly significant truth that must be established within our hearts. All events lead to this conclusion. One may struggle with it, fight against it, or outright reject it; but the truth remains, none can ever come to know their purpose in life without the revelation that their purpose is hidden in Christ. Therefore, all things must be managed with the intent to glorify the Creator.

The earth rebels against misuse of resources. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and all natural disasters have their origin in man’s rebellion against God. Sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, pandemics, and epidemics, are the result of the same. It is not merely our personal struggle, but the climate or times and seasons are the result of decisions made on the part of people. The bible refers to Satan as being “the god of this age.” He rules over people in order for them to set trends and introduce waves of rebellion that defines our age. How can such things that are clearly condemned in the bible now be widely accepted even among many who say that they are Christians? It is because they slowly evolved into a mindset that contradicts God’s Word. Even though all will experience the effects of this present age, God will save those who understand that all thing exist and were created by and for God’s will. My prayer is for those who represent God’s standard to return to the authentic. Do not allow the demands of worldliness to force you into a compromise.  Too much is at stake for this.