Meditation: February 21

“Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.” Hebrew 10:35

Once confidence has been attained, there is nothing standing between God’s promise and the fulfillment of the promise. To trust in the Lord with all of our heart comes as a gift to the believer. This is a level of trust that does not demand further evidence, but stands on God’s integrity as our guarantee. The only entryway available to the adversary is when we cast aside what we over time have attained. We must guard what is most precious from the allurement of the enemy. His objective is to cause us to surrender what is able to bring us into the promised reward. It may be closer than we think, thus the attacks may escalate. Don’t treat what is most precious as being useless because the promised blessings are not in sight. Reaping His promised blessings lie ahead if we do not lose heart.

Meditation: January 2

“One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25

God has allowed us to see the entrance of a New Year. Sight is such a precious thing. Without it we would never see the beauty that surrounds us nor be able to discern the difference between it and the most horrifying and disgraceful thing that may appear. God gives sight to the blind and restore those who have lost their way. Often it is the knowledge gained of other things that appear which makes it more difficult to believe in the invisible. Even when God is not seen the signs of His Presence are all around us. They speak of His majesty, splendor, and power. As New Year’s Resolutions are being made, the greatest would be to draw our hearts and minds in the direction of Jesus Christ. If He is known He will make His Father known to us. Then our hearts would be settled on the one thing that really matters. When we see Him through pure eyes, we would be enabled to see all things that pertain to life and godliness. Those things that accompany salvation would become as priceless jewels. But the greatest gift of all is that we would know that our names are indelibly written in the Lambs Book of Life. He gives us sight that we may see Him. One day, we will see Him face to face.

Meditation: December 21

“He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs”. Psalm 103:10 (MSG)

If we received what we deserved, every inhabitant on the earth’s surface would warrant the consequences of their transgressions. Our treatment would be harsh while the sentence would be measured against the deserving. None would be able to survive the plight of heavy-handed justice from a God who would remain just in meeting all with the same treatment commensurate to their treatment of God’s Law. God does not give us what we deserve even when it is deserved many times over as result of repeated acts of rebellion. Instead of justice, He tempers justice with mercy. His sentiments remain the same in relation to our deeds. But continues to extend opportunities for us to hear something different than what we may have grown accustomed to hearing in order to give expression to a new way of living. His mercy cannot be demanded. It is arbitrarily granted. He will have mercy on whomever He wills. Yet we all receive it extended towards us. He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. The time will come when all will be both compensated and rewarded. They will either receive the wages of sin, death, or the gift of God, eternal life. He has given us a Savior that we did not deserve. Jesus is the gift of life that has paid the wages for our sins. Only He is able to free us from what every person deserves.

December 2015 Article: “Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room”

Before the arrival of Jesus Christ, Earth had yet to receive the full expression of the Father’s heart. His requirements had been made known through the Lawgiver, Moses and His compassion had been expressed through the poetry and songs of David. Additionally, His disappointments and displeasure had been expressed through Malachi and many of the prophets. Yet none had ever known the full message of the Father towards mankind. While His heart was large enough to engulf the world and all of His creation, He willed to express more than glimpses of what was seen through creation. Then God sent One who throughout eternity reflected His full intentions. He, God in three Persons, was in full agreement with Himself. Not three numerically, but three in interaction in order for love to be complete with a witness. Love is not love without an object of expression. His love was complete before He created anything. When He said, “Let us make man,” He was speaking of the eternal preexisting love that proceeded from heaven to earth. It is not the same caliber of love for animals, plants, and other living creatures in this expression. He was in fact saying, “Let our love extend to an earthly creature that we might share with the created what we have exclusively known.

God loved Himself by having an eternal Son to love. He was not self-absorbed and selfish, but His eternal love preexisted and gave birth to all living things. Our dominion over His creation, ability and assignment to reproduce after our own kind occurs because we were made after His own likeness and image. We will care for His creation because we love and honor the Creator. We will reproduce and replenish the earth with a godly seed because we desire to see the earth filled with the expression of His divine intentions. No other reason for living life other than to glorify God and show forth His glory throughout the earth. Yet, the divide between God and man produced by the infraction of sin that blinded him from seeing that which was from the beginning. He then can live his life based upon what the world and his life became rather than God’s original purpose. Therefore, God sent the Son of His love to the earth so that all would be able to both hear and see the perfect will of God. That which was from the beginning has now been sent to the earth, with all of its hostility against God, to allow rebellious man to give expression to His fallen nature. Sin is not merely having one’s own way. It is the attitude expressed towards God and His gift to the world through His Son.

Some would second guess God’s intentions by saying, “If God loved us, He would love us in a way that we could completely understand.” They reconfigure a god after their own fallen nature and ill intent directing their attention towards an accommodating deity whose purpose falls short of holiness or perfection. Their reinterpretation of His Holy Word eliminates all portions that would convict of sin, but speaks of a debilitating love that cripples rather than transforms. Then it becomes much easier for disinterest and total rejection to occur among succeeding generations. Our children reject that to which they cannot completely commit. A diluted truth filters down to a level where truth itself becomes obsolete. His Son was crucified by a blind generation since His Presence was an intrusion within their activities and an obstruction to their intent. They could no longer do what they will to do without the reference of His coming to the earth. But He rose from the dead! His Spirit, or the power of creation, is now available to all. Let earth prepare Him room. Then heaven and all of nature will sing as result of earth’s release from the curse brought upon it through man’s rebellion. The relinquishment of his authority to care for the earth and the people as result of God’s love can now spread to every nation.

Meditation: November 28

“That I may know Him…” Philippians 3:10

The deepest cry of the human heart cries in the direction of its Maker and Provider. There is a deep yearning to know the Source from which it came. The ability to want and have provided a fulfillment that makes all of life meaningful is a gift given to all from God. It is the desire left unfulfilled that leaves one searching and grasping for straws only to discover that what appeared to have significance was merely a fathom or a pipe dream. It is the god that is imagined that stands in the way of an authentic search. It leads to a manufactured religion that gives temporary relief but wears off as quickly as it came. Paul’s prayer is earnest having tasted and seen the real thing. Because he had experienced Christ to a degree, he wanted more of the same. “…that I may know Him!” He had the satisfaction in being on the right path but anxiously anticipating the arrival in reaching the destination. He was knowable, but daily the whole of his life was absorbed in the pursuit. It is the experience that he sought after, not just a casual introduction. He like us must continue to seek the experience in knowing Christ. Then our lives can be totally absorbed into His purpose and fulfilling the deepest desires of the heart.

Meditation: November 27

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17

One of God’s greatest gifts is a true and loving friend and a brother. He is there when others may have abandoned you and moved on. The love of a friend is not always soft and easy. There are occasions when tough love is necessary. An honest friend is not the person that agrees with our wrongdoings. He insists that his brother follow a course of righteousness. He is neither a fatalist nor an eternal optimist. He is acquainted with human frailties, but help to seek a path for recovery and restoration.

The adversity may be external or internal. The troubled soul is in need of someone who will help him take an objective look at what he would otherwise be left unquestioned. There are many who fall off the cliff without warning. Their companions were too afraid to say anything thinking that they may cease walking together. While there are others who do not care enough to speak the truth in love. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” But there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Meditation: November 26

“But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” Luke 12:48

God’s requirements are commensurate to the measure of His grace. He gives to one a portion and to another a different portion. He does not expect the same from each but expects both to use what they have been given for His glory. When His boundaries are tested, whether it be from one who has full knowledge of the law or not, both must pay the penalty for their transgression. Yet again, what has been made known to them will determine the severity of their punishment. His gifts are freely given but to empower us to freely respond to His initiatives. To know to do what is good must be from the heart and not just the head if His grace is effectively working within us. We are then doing what we will to do, not just for the sake of avoiding punishment, but because it has been made known to us what is best for us. But if the knowledge is lacking or the willingness is not in place to do what is right, then God will judge on the merits of His investment.

Meditation: November 25

“What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? Psalm 116:12

The Lord provides benefits, many times unexpected and often before we are even aware of our need for them. As He looks far down the road of our lives, if we maintain a steadfast faith in Him, He takes our offering of life and leads us on a course directed towards His standard of righteousness. None can imagine the how many benefits we receive along the way as we journey on that path. It is not just arriving at the destination, but being on course with what really matters in life that is fulfilling. The emptiness of vanity is gone and we are left with a pursuit to know the One who loves us most. Love received demands a response. How can we respond to the overwhelming love demonstrated through our Lord, Jesus Christ? All we can possibly do is take advantage of the purpose for which He came to die such a cruel death on the cross for us. We can take Him up on His offer. By receiving His gift we bring the greatest joy to the heart of the Father.

Meditation: October 30

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry” 1 Timothy 1:12

The challenges of ministry are constant. There are always important things to do and areas of significance in need of being addressed. It is too easy to take the path of least resistance and say what would be pleasing to the masses and tickling to the ear. But the call of God is a call to faithfulness and dedication to a cause that is greater than any man. It is that call to which we must be faithful. Our efforts are not to be carried out as others who would place professionalism over character. If we are to most effectively carry out the call that is upon our lives, we must first be faithful to the God who has called us. He is the Great Teacher who will make known both His Word and His ways. It requires the discipline of character so that we are able to listen to Him first before we speak. Then our lives become of message and we live a message and not just speak one.

We do not merely choose this path, but follow after what has be both chosen for us along with the grace to walk as no other. Sometimes alone, and at other times with companions who see with us the significance of what God has given us for themselves. I thank God for His placements, and preservation of the greatest gift one could ever receive, His Son who ministers through us. May He continue to receive the honor and glory that He so richly deserve!

Meditation: October 27

“Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:18

Circumstances ought not to control our rejoicing. Our faith is often strained by the pressures that are brought to bear against us. When the fig tree is full of figs, our joy is because they are sufficient in quantity even with some to store. When the fruit and olives are plenteous, we have the joy of the harvest. The food is plenteous and the flocks are in their proper place giving us a reason for contentment of heart. But the delicate balance may shift in an instance. If all of life depended upon these things being in place, how fragile our faith would be. Some give up on life itself because things are not as we would have them to be.  Others resort to desperate attempts to regain what appears to be lost. The most important thing remains and gives us a reason to maintain our faith and joy. The Lord is the God of our salvation and our strength. None of these things are capable of robbing us of the greatest gift we could possibly have. Once we are saved and secure in Christ, everything else will become elementary in contrast to what we have received.  It is our salvation that gives us glimpse of the eternal. All is an interval in anticipation of what God has given us now and promises for our future.