Meditation: December 13

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

Divine guidance is the most precious possession of any being. To be equipped for great effectiveness is important, but to be directed towards the very thing for which one is appointed is of much more value. There are many who are equipped but misguided. They squander away their lives rather than using what God had made available to complete them. His intention is to show us the path of life. When we see the Kingdom of God, we will desire to enter in. He will then guide us on the path that we have been enabled to see. What greater joy can be experienced than this? When we know that our path leads to the fullness of life and that more abundantly! Only God is able to give us what we so desperately need. He has given us His Son. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through having faith in His precious Word, we see what would otherwise have been missing in our search for significance. May all be led on this path to a greater purpose.

Meditation: December 9

“Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.”  Psalm 50:23

Our private world is to be set in order by us. We must begin and end our day with both praise and thanksgiving. God allows us to lives in a world of chaos but at the same time, He allows us to possess His peace. The peace that we experience is not as the world would know. It is a peace that is deep within the soul. As we present to the Lord an offering of praise, we are keeping Him in constant view. The circumstances are not greater than our God. Our faith in Him is strengthened because Jesus is both the Author and the Finisher of our faith. To glorify the Lord is to give Him credit for all that He has already done and to anticipate what He is about to do. Allow Him to be the thermostat to which the whole of your life is set. Then His Divine guidance and strength will be yours in order to you through.

Meditation: April 10

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44

The Father does a work by way of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who are responsive to His love. None can take the credit for the saving of even one soul. We do our part, but must wait on God to arrest the hearts and wills of those who would otherwise be eternally lost. Our prayer must be a constant ascension of incense, the aroma of our passion and desire to experience an environment where the deepest need within each heart may be realized. Our petitioning His Throne will set the atmosphere for the Divine will of God to be given expression that can reap much greater benefit than the striving of individuals and groups of people who think that their efforts can save the world. We are powerless without Him. Not His work in conjunction to our efforts, but rather His work through us as His initiative and not our own. God alone can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ask or even think. So why should we ever think that our persuasion is sufficient to cause a sinner to be a saint? No, we wish to participate with Him as we trust Him with our whole lives. Then He will draw those to the remedy of what they have been made to know as their deepest need. As Jesus is lifted up on the cross as crucified, people will see that the sin debt they have been made aware of has been paid in full! But why should any wish to take advantage of His great provision unless they first know that their need is great?

Meditation: April 1

“Later a few religion scholars and Pharisees got on him. “Teacher, we want to see your credentials. Give us some hard evidence that God is in this. How about a miracle?” Matthew 12:38

Those who appear before men as authorities in relation to God’s order seldom recognize the fact that He refuses to restrict Himself to their expectations. Formulas and theorems of success do not work. He will withhold from them what they expected, but show forth the unexpected. These few that approached Him thought that He would be anxious to validate Himself before such an impressive crowd. But Jesus had nothing to prove. He was as sure of Himself then as He was when Satan tempted Him on the pinnacle of the Temple requesting Him to show off His divine powers. When we are asked to prove ourselves to be what we have been called by God to be, we must first recognize who it is that requires of us evidence. If not God by way of His Spirit, a prophetic word is sufficient. We live by what God has said and it serves as the basis for all He is now saying. If not by the Word of God, we become performance oriented. We must live by the Word and allow the Word to be given full expression through us. Bur never should we hide behind our credentials of education to prove our pedigree nor miracles to prove our power before men. It is God who wills and performs His work in and through us.

August 2014 Article: “Seasonal Change”

Most people in America have a general knowledge of biblical truths. They have been exposed to the Word of God and believe that it is superior to other books written. The sacred text still rises above other ancient writings as a reference point to living life.

 Yet there is this increasing tide of facts borne out of experiences competing with what one ought to believe and what they think they know. The dichotomy between experiences and historical truths has caused a strain in modern society. The attempt to maintain their status as Christians but at the same time to be in step with the modern world puts pressure on the Truth and often distorts it to fit into the methodologies of today. The overruling question today is “how can I be myself and be a Christian” pervades as the most provocative challenge of our day and times. It leads to compromise as futile attempts are made to reconcile these two opposites. The truth demands change. It exposes the defects within one’s character by presenting a standard that is superior to this life and all of its faulty misinterpretations. You cannot be an authentic Christian without first realizing your need for a radical change. The systems of this world are bent on providing contradictions to the need for a changed life. They soften the blow of the reality check where repentance is required. At that point a complete turnaround must occur. There must be the rejection of facts misaligned to lead one to a false conclusion and the acceptance of truth to guide one to an understanding of what would otherwise be impossible to know.

It not enough to merely be acquainted with the Truth, but one must be aware of the seasons and be able to rightly interpret the times. There are no coincidences in God’s economy. He is in control of the ultimate outcome of things that are currently out if balance and in total disarray. He sees the end of things before the beginning, but the between time us where much confusion resides. The moment in which we live, if not rightly interpreted will lead our culture into total rebellion against God. Decisions made on the basis of logic without consideration being given to significant factors requiring faith will lead to attempts in sabotaging Divine order. Man’s wit against the knowledge of God rising as a tide of corrupt thinking. Things are corrupted as result of misuse or their lack of use. When they become corrupted then they cannot be used as they were originally intended. How many have sought after seasonal fruit in the wrong season? They thought that God’s commands were static rather than fluid thus getting out of step with Him.

These are the days that were spoken of in the Bible. You can take the Bible and place it next to the newspaper and see the unfolding will of God being accomplished in spite of popular opinions rising to resist it. First there is the falling away from the established Truth. Then there are the failed attempts to remedy the dis-eased culture of constructed confusion. The wars and rumors of wars today are not merely coincidental. The season is changing in order for what has been rejected that it might receive one’s utmost attention.

When the theories of politics, business, and religion no longer work as previously planned, where might one turn to seek answers? God’s message has not changed nor will it ever change. But today’s challenges will cause many to take a second look at what they had either rejected or redefined. Truth had been rejected in the past, but the stone that the builders rejected will one day serve as the head of the corner. It was a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. But the time will come when those who wish to do more than treat the symptoms of a sick society will fully embrace the only antidote that cures.

January 2012 Article: “2012, The Year of Divine Order”

As each year is met with its special challenges, we must be prepared to navigate wisely and safely through it. Nothing is just circumstantial or by chance, but everything exists in a cause and effect relationship. Things might appear to be random, but there is an established order that must be maintained. Its origin is before the foundations of the world therefore we do not have to engage in guesswork and carelessly assemble what has been strategically designed. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us was made for this time and a place fully known by God. When we are out of place, nature cries out in rebellion to our forceful habits of trying to make something that is not meant to be. We often wonder why things are not working right and life does not make any sense. It could be the disorder of one’s life working against the order for which all things are subjected to and must be surrendered if its truest purpose is ever to be realized.
God orchestrates order out of chaos. He is the only One who can bring forth light out of darkness. He does not have to find the light but rather, He produces the light that dispels the darkness regardless how dark it may be. “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.” What if it was said to you that the only instrument of peace is Jesus Christ alone? In an environment of chaos, it would sound biased and extremely prejudiced against all other attempts to provide counsel and relief to our current crises. Yet there is no light without Him. A convergence of light and darkness will cast a gray shadow. The cloud of error has eclipsed the true Light thus contributing to the chaos and confusion of this generation. This is a generation of compromise. Compromise competes with the ageless truth requiring conformity to a more contemporary order that is sensible to this generation. There is no compromise sufficient enough for us to meet the deep and desperate needs of the soul. What price have we paid and are now paying for the allowances made for the vices of society that should be condemned? Only when we accept God’s choices will there be deliverance from influences that allure people further away from them. Either we believe that He is God or not. There is no safe middle ground. If He is God, then all things generate from Him and were made to glorify Him alone. If He is one among many other gods, then we are permitted to debate whether His way is the only way, and collaborate concerning the rightness or wrongness of His Word in light of other information made available to this present age.
We have prayerfully entitled this year “The Year of Divine Order” because God alone has established the order for government, family, religion, economics, education, world peace, and our personal lives. Every contending force is in opposition to His will and must be proven false and ineffective. Our objective this year is to provide historical evidence that manufactured kingdoms have ultimately fallen over time for no other reason than God stands alone in His sovereignty. When His Word is rightly divided, in essence, preached through those who are authorized by Him to speak on His behalf, the power of change is released enabling the hearers the privilege to conform to His will. Before one can receive His order, the disorder must be exposed and renounced through repentance. The Holy Spirit then does His work of constructing lives that can fulfill the purpose for which each was born. When God is pleased with our lives, we experience a dimension of peace that surpasses all understanding.