”The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray” (Proverbs 12:26). 

Choices made in relation to lasting friendships: What should we look for?—the importance of having friends.  The righteous ought to practice the art of carefully choosing their friends. Once the purpose of friendships is understood, each one can be taken seriously. There are commitments made to each other to be genuine and trustworthy at all times. The character of men is like a magnet which draws like-minded individuals together: Deceptive people seek those who they envy, with the character they could only wish to possess. Yet their deceptive ways have reduced them to mere pretense which leads many who trust them astray. The blind lead the blind into a ditch. Our influence is either positive or negative. We assimilate the character of the company that we keep. Choose friends carefully because our own character is reflected by these choices. 

Who are you leading? Who are you following? Our influence over our friends, and their influence over us, can strongly affect our attitudes, behavior, and decisions. We must choose our friends carefully. We will influence them and they will influence us. Mutual sharing is not wrong or inappropriate and can be a very positive thing if both the neighbor and the friend have committed their lives completely to Christ.