This year, we are focusing our attention on intentionality, what it means to be intentional, and in reaching or God-given goals. We may have been intentional in the past in relation to goal setting, however, there is a higher goal and greater purpose for life in general and for each specific life lived. To embrace a greater purpose, one must see God as being greater than his or her ambitions prior to encountering Him. When we see Him, as the Prophet Isaiah stated, as being “high and lifted up,” our faith then must rise to the occasion. He can only be described using superlatives, higher than, greater than, or mightier than any other thing used in comparison to Him. It requires all of us to look up with our sights set beyond what we currently see and look out beyond the lengths formerly used as our measure. 

Jesus said, “lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) Lifted eyes enable one to both look out and look up at the same time. Spiritual insight can only develop within the heart of the believer when he is challenged to explore the deep and hidden mysteries of God. Forty-four years ago, we embarked on this phase of our journey as a Church. Many things have changed and influenced the culture to consider which course of action ought to be taken. Although there are more choices today than ever before and people making these life-defining choices, God’s Truth remains the constant with the potential to stabilize the instabilities of these uncertain times. Our ministry has served as a stabilizing force, along with many others that refuse to compromise their standard. Yet, our purpose will always remain in constant need of clarification rather than redefining. 

The more we mature as a ministry, growing both in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord, the more we must reexamine our position and engage in introspection. Jesus was specific and clear regarding His mission when He adamantly stated, “for this cause came I into the world.” We are to bridge the gap, change mindsets, and transform culture to the standard of Christ. The cultural gaps between the standard of Christ and collective cultural behavior of this generation are wider than ever before. What we have is much needed, but the question is, are we relevant? Ministry is more than a choice, but it is a calling that requires all that we have and all that we are. The whole person must be wholly involved if every individual called would come to understand the greater purpose for their existence.

As we move forward in the direction that Jesus Christ has commissioned us, we discover aspects of who we He is and who we are along the way. Our truest identity is rooted in our purpose, and life without a purpose for living is a wasted life. You are not responsible for what you do not have, but you are responsible for what has been given to you. As God instructs us throughout the year 2024, may we discover that there is more of life ahead than what has been left behind. Then, we can count the number of our days differently as opportunities in preparation to reign with Christ throughout eternity.

You have undiscovered and unrealized potential, and the wisdom of Christ will reach deep within your souls as you are attentive to His Word and are being discipled to draw it out!