Gen 8:22 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”

 Seasonal changes occur in life with reasons that are beyond mere observation. In terms of biblical understanding, the time for a particular thing provides the opportunity for a work to be accomplished, but that does not guarantee the completion of the assignment. The work of planting requires the effort of the farmer. It was in this season that the epidemic Covid-19 resulted in a shutdown of an epic and global proportion. The uncertainties of a novel virus caused governmental officials, scientists, and clergymen to seek answers for a remedy, where each was required to provide what he/she could contribute. The outcome of what was planted in 2020 has now grown to fruition in 2021. Movements have increased to amplify the voices of people-groups demanding to be heard and conspiracy theories have gained the attention of many, who have allowed rumors of wars, to engage in fighting against phantom enemies.

While many were so engaged, the real enemy behind the conflict was given a pass and permitted substitutionary lies to compensate for the absoluteness of truth. The seeds planted in the past have now become the hybrid seed for the future. Not only are we required to uproot the deeply established and institutionalized racism and idolatry of yesterday, but also the new hybrid seed of today includes all that was in the past with a religious expression that even those who would otherwise be more discerning fully defend and embrace. The truth is, a more sophisticated deception has hijacked the traditional church and given permission to justify lawless modernism within Christendom. “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way” (Matt 13:25-26). While we were being quarantined, or while others defied the requests to wear masks and stay at home, a voice was given to the enemy to rethink whatever course the Lord had ordained for His Church.

Where might we stand a year later? Should we come out of this dilemma stronger and wiser than when we entered in? The 12-month challenge was in fact a test. The quality of the seed will be proved through the yield of the fruit. The Seed of the Word brings to the surface what resides within the hearts of individuals. As we look into the Word as in a mirror, we are being introduced to our truest selves. The religious veneer is removed so that the quality of our faith can come forth as pure gold. Unfortunately, there were many who caved in under pressure, and without the ceremonious gatherings, their faith waned. Their appetite for the Truth was not strong enough to uphold them against the stormy tidal waves of peer pressure. A political party or some other cultural affiliation forced them into conformity. Yet, among others, the Word spoken has sustained them through this spiritual battle because all that has occurred was a burgeoning war against their souls.

The seeds of yesterday are now budding in the Springtime of today. During this time of the year, the season is changing. Seedtime is Springtime. Now it is our assignment to plant the good seed of the Word of God into the good ground of the hearts of those who are seeking to know who and where He is. The Lord is in the midst of all things concerning those who have put their trust in Him. The Seed that has now germinated in your hearts through your experiencing Him is contained within the Fruit of the Spirit within your life. This is now Springtime! Let us plant good and healthy seed in this season!