“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (Philippians 4:11-12). 

When there is a convergence of our state and our contentment, evidence of spiritual maturity is made manifest. There is a steadiness in the life of the individual who lives on that level of confidence knowing that God is not limited to circumstances. The contentment that Paul speaks of is not inactive contentment. He participates with God in what He is doing. If something is lacking, he is confident that God will provide. If he has an abundance, he know that God as provided. The credit is given to God for blessings received and his dependency on God alone to meet his need settles him down and frees him from anxieties. Yet no condition can hinder God from doing through him what has been assigned. His earlier years were more than likely more frantic. He had to learn how to yield to the Holy Spirit in all things. The rush of life accomplished very little and oftentimes would make matters worse. He learned to wait on the Lord and to be patient. The virtue of faith and patience produced a living hope that God is able to supply his every need according to His riches in glory. Our needs are no different. He must reveal both our deepest need and His supply. He will grant us what we need if we are aware of our most pressing need to know Him. Then we can be content with godliness.