Meditation: July 3

 “I am God, your personal God who rescued you from Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians. I ripped off the harness of your slavery so that you can move about freely.” Leviticus 26:13 (MSG) 

God identifies with us and calls us His own. In order for us to experience the blessings of communion, there had to be a divine rescue. The attachments of old held us as slaves to another. It was our condition and geographical location. We were in our Egypt and joined to the culture of Egypt. What we once were was so much a part of us that our objective was to further conform to what we were able to see but God’s love sought us out and reminded us that we were in a place that we did not belong. The dissatisfaction within our souls not to settle was His mercy and grace reaching down to the lowest parts in order to lift us up above the slavery of Egypt. Then He ripped the harness off our necks enabling us to move about freely. Now that we have been set free after having been given the will to be free, let us not return to the house of bondage. We are now free to worship and free to serve God with our whole heart, soul, and strength. We have been freed that we may move freely. 

Meditation: July 2

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.” Philippians 3:7

What a marvelous work must have taken place in the life of Apostle Paul to now be at a place of devaluing what once was the measure of his boasting. Now things had changed for him. Things that were measured as advantages had now become deficits. If they remained his central focus or if he took pride in any other thing, it would diminish the opportunity of knowing Christ as being far more superior to any other thing. It is a matter of prioritizing our lives where Christ becomes all and other things are subordinate to our seeking to know more of Him. This can only happen among those who once knew that they were boastful. Pride has many disguises. Some would say that they are proud of the fact that they are not proud. This oxymoron hides behind a thin veneer of humility. When we become aware of our pride, we then give the Holy Spirit opportunity to free us from it. The test of true humility is when we determine not to know anything but Christ and Him crucified. There we harness the energy used to project a positive image and radiate Christ as being our life. When we know Him by revelation, then His glory is revealed in and through us.

July 2018 Article:“The Constraints of Freedom”

Those who seek the path of least resistance can find a commodity called cheap freedom. It is closely akin to cheap grace. The appeal of cheap freedom is that it gives its recipients a license to express their every whim and desire, ideals that will eventually lead to their ruin. Those who hold Self paramount in their pursuits seek after it. They give the fallen nature of man full expression, while rebelling against established truths. Their mantra is “it’s your thing, do what you want to do.” “No rules!” is their rule, or at least their freedom allows rules to be compromised. Every individual does what is right in his or her own eyes. They gather a following as new trends are set, and formerly barbaric acts appear civil as a people participate in the demise of civilization. Freedom as an end, rather than a means to an end, leads to disaster. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire ought to remind us of the end of those who are free just for the sake of being free. “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Judges 21:25 The rulership of the king in Scripture represents the rule of Law.  “In those days when there was no absolute authority or guiding principle to govern the lives of a people, every individual took matters into his or her own hands.”  When authority is absent, silent, or no longer respected, anarchy replaces rule. Historically, rules concocted from the imaginations of the fallen nature of those in power placed shackles on their fellowmen. The rules arising from their narrow view of humanity suppressed the rights of other people-groups to fully express their humanity. These prohibitions became the law of the land. Compared to this, there is the absolute Law of God, who has full knowledge of His creation with the design in which all He has made is supposed to operate. When the Creator’s  laws are broken, whether it be by commission or omission, willfully or ignorantly, the result is always the disruption of the balance in nature. Those who do not know God or willfully violate His Word exercise their freedom to self-destruct.  

True and lasting freedom is constructed by the only One who has the power to grant it. A misguided quest for independence from God was and still is the foundation of all things wrong among us. The question that eventually led to a total contradiction initiated a series of activities which continue to this very day. “Hath not God said…?”  laid the foundation for the shadow of doubt which led to uprooting legitimate Authority. Then the contradiction; “You will not surely die. God knows that the day you eat the forbidden fruit, you will be like God, knowing as much as He knows.” (paraphrased) The search for knowledge apart from God leads society away from Him and replaces it with other authorities under the governance of the entity that initiated the whole process, Satan, the devil, the serpent, or whatever form in which he may appear. Today God is omitted from science, education, economics, the family, religion, government, and the arts and media. This is not just coincidental. Generations have grown accustomed to the ploy that the enemy set in motion not long after the creation of man. True and lasting freedom is the deliberate act of God as Father who set in motion the plan to break the power of bondage over His creation. If a child in raised in a prison, it is virtually impossible for him to imagine any other environment. Yet the dissatisfaction of the heart whispers to the prisoner that he was born for a greater purpose. That is why the enemy works overtime to make it difficult for one to hear the voice of his Maker. He does not mind if a caricature of Christ is presented; Christ as entertainment, and Church to be entertained and enjoyed is fine with him, rather than a Church seeking the things that please the Lord. Religion then becomes, as Karl Marx once called it, “the opiate of the masses.” False fires of religious fervor, void of true and intense worship, present wrong opinions of God. They do not see Jesus as He is, but rather as personalities and celebrities in the music industry, and pulpits that do more harm than good, influence them to see Him. The devil applauds such efforts because they do the harm that advances his purpose.  It is the repeat of his statement in the Garden, “Hath not God said…?”  True religion convicts the heart at its deepest level. It awakens the individual to the reality of truth by reestablishing God’s authority in their lives.  It does not lower the standard, but rather presents Christ as the Standard and the Standard Bearer. We must cast ourselves at the foot of the Cross and rely completely on God’s mercy and grace provided through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Only through the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary can true freedom be experienced. It is in His work in us, and His continuously living His life through us, that we both attain and enjoy true freedom.  The Spirit of Christ functioning in our hearts makes the love of God our motive rather than restrictions and set rules. When we are set free to love and to serve God completely,  we have the freedom that will last forever. John 8:36  “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (KJV)

Meditation: July 1

“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty.” 1 Corinthians 1:27

 God very often uses simplicity in order to convey complexity. One’s rationale may cause them to miss out on the most important and profound things in life. They are hidden in the mysteries of God. He discloses Himself among poor and the downtrodden. He may even be found among little children rather than professors of higher learning. If we are not careful, we may miss Him when He speaks of things pertaining to issues we would feel to be unimportant. God whispers His Word in the midst of the shouting voices of our day. His silent gaze may be the extent of His message among the fanfare and excitement drawing the attention of the masses. He has chosen foolish things and foolish people who do not make much sense to us. Their message is strange when we have more important things to do. Our wholeness may be sought with vigor, while the key to it rests within the simple act of solitude and surrender. When we are still before Him and not too busy seeking what we ourselves are able to find or achieve, God can then show us what we were incapable of seeing alone. The world is blind to this, but His children are the only ones who have been enabled by His Spirit to see and possess that which comes exclusively from Him.  

June 2018 Article: “The Forgotten Father”

Both hopes and fears can be traced to the position and attitude towards fathers. The family legacy as our inheritance is transferred from fathers to sons. Dr. Thomas Smail in his epic book entitled The Forgotten Father sums up this dilemma in two sentences: “Mothers tend to promote the fulfillment of their sons from behind; fathers tend to require the obedience of their sons from above! The first kind of love ministers to the needs of the beloved; the second kind dethrones the one it loves and presses him into its own service.” (p. 12). Both fathers and mothers are necessary. We need the push and reinforcement that comes from mothers, but we also need the upward pull to be elevated beyond status-quo living that fathers encourage. He speaks of obedience as the key since the father establishes the parameters and laws within which his children are to function. If lawlessness is to abound, as it is today, it is the result of the rules of fathers being violated. When boundaries are established the fear is the loss of freedom. Yet true freedom can never be experienced unless there are rules of engagement protecting one person’s freedom from invasions caused by the freewheeling and reckless lives of others. 

When the father is removed from his rightful and God given position, society experiences the feminization of men and women becoming masculine. The distinctions were established by God as Father and the order was to be preserved throughout future generations.

In the beginning there existed the eternal relationship of Father and Son. The first Person of the Godhead is Father. His will is to be done if His Kingdom is to be established on earth as it is in Heaven. It is the will of the Father that is carried forth through the Son empowered by the Holy Spirit. This serves as a protype of what God intends relationally on the earth. As fathers who receive their assignment and position from the heavenly Father directs sons to walk in the same path, peace and harmony are established on the earth. 

Godlessness and fatherlessness are parallels. Christ came to make God known as Father. He went so far was to share His position as the only Begotten Son with us. The prayer that He taught His disciples began with “Our Father, which art in Heaven.” The estrangement between God as Father and His creation culminated into the creature attempting to rise in defiance and competition towards their Creator! How many biological sons today despise the directives of their fathers? What a tragedy when they are competing rather than cooperating with God in what He initiated, using His resources along with all that He has to offer them against Him. This was not from the beginning, but rather, the result of the Fall and fallen humanity. 

There are some who may say that they love Jesus. Their problem is with His Father. They desire the work of the Holy Spirit. But God as Father is an archaic and out of touch with reality to them. They put forth efforts to divide the Father from the Son. Then there are those that may say that the love God. They just have trouble with His children. Jesus said to those who tried to separate Him from His father “that if you love Me, you will love My Father also.” He also stated, “Me and My Father are One” His work in the last days is to restore fathers to sons and sons to fathers; to mend the breach between the two. There are many who may have forgotten Father but Father has never forgotten you and will never forget you. Know the heart of Father expressed through His Son.  

May 2018 Article: “El Shaddai”

The names of God were revealed to individuals based upon their most current need. He revealed to Moses that He is the “I Am.” Then He made it even clearer that He is “I Am that I Am.” As new challenges would arise, He proved Himself to be sufficient to meet every need. As El Shaddai, He is God Almighty; Warrior or Destroyer; God of the Wilderness or Mountain. But the name that expresses His ability to nurture and meet needs is Enough or Sufficient; The Breasted One. We see attributes of God displayed through nature.  Man (male and female) was made in His image and after His likeness.  “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing! (Luke 13:34-35) The hen (female) gathers and protects her offspring from invaders. She is willing to lay her own life down for her brood. Even before the eggs are hatched, she stands guard and the eggs can only be taken by force, facing her hottest wrath. Jesus came to earth to give full expression to the heart of God on earth.  So much can be learned from His example of both motherhood and fatherhood. The basic role of a father is to provide, guide, and protect. This is the father’s, primary, but not exclusive, role in the family. The mother’s role is to nurture, feed, and encourage. Alhough she may wear many other hats, she will not neglect these key duties from infancy to adulthood. What both parents have derives from what is contained with God as the “I Am.” The love that we received from our mothers originated from our God. Even those who would extend themselves as mothers, not necessarily from birthing but from loving and caring, are manifesting the character of God through what they share with others. 

It is God’s desire to reveal Himself through His Son Jesus Christ and for Jesus to reveal Himself through His Church. The mothers in the Church serve a vital role, particularly for those whose mothers are no longer alive. No one outgrows their need for nurture. As we grow older, those who were once nurtured become our nurturers. Those who we once protected become our protectors. It is as if God reverses the roles and allows the children of aging parents to give back what they had received as children. It is an honor to express love when there is nothing expected in return. This is the attitude and actions of El Shaddai. He revealed His love to the children of Israel in spite of their rebellion and hardness of heart. He showed us what unconditional love was all about. Children cannot care for themselves but are cared for as they learn how to give and receive care and love. The mother’s breasts are filled with milk containing all the nutrients needed for the child to develop. The baby does not have to learn how to suck, but instinctively is drawn to the breast as to receive the blessing contained within them similarly as we are drawn to Christ.  When the mom’s breasts are full, the infant is hungry and mom needs to “express” or give forth her nurture. She is in pain unless she is able to give to her child what he or she needs. How marvelous is God’s creation of womanhood! Even after the child has grown, her greatest pain is not being able to give her child what is needed. She would be willing to do without herself in order to meet the needs of her children. God so loved us that He gave up His Only Begotten Son in order to meet our deepest need for redemption. He guards and protects His investment in us as a mother hen watches over her brood. He is El Shaddai, the God who is more than Enough, to supply our every need according to His riches in glory. Mothers help us to understand this truth and the provisions connected to it. May we appreciate God’s gift of motherhood as we worship the El Shaddai who sufficiently feeds us daily, so that we should never be left wanting for what we desperately need. 

Meditation: June 27

 “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments,For this is man’s all.”  Ecclesiastes 12:13

The fear of the Lord is where wisdom begins. It is the acknowledgement of God’s existence and His divine power. Even though He is invisible, the evidence remains that God is Almighty.  Many have lost their fear of the Lord and has either disrespected and ignored Him altogether or reduced Him to a level that makes Him common. As important as it its, yet the fear of the Lord does not constitute salvation. Even the devil believes that there is a God and trembles. The second must accompany the first. We must keep His commandments. An attempt to keep His commandments solely on the basis of fear will lead to a Pharisaic and legalistic form of obedience. It is the motivation is love that provides consistency in our obedience to Him. If we love Him our will is to obey Him. The Royal Law of love provides a constant flow from our hearts to the object of our faith. Then it is distributed towards the assignments given to us. We must see the objective from beginning to end. Then our path will remain straight because our intentions will remain pure.

Meditation: June 26

“Since everything here today might well be gone tomorrow, do you see how essential it is to live a holy life.” 2 Peter 3:11 (MSG)

How quickly things can change from what we have grown accustomed to into something of which we are totally unfamiliar. The transitions occur as a judgment against every standard that opposes what ought to be established. The infusion of sin and the reinforcement given to it by an ever expanding majority opinion hastens the Day of the Lord. When right appears wrong and wrong appears right, God alone must vindicate His honor. He brings to naught systems and all under the authority of the rebellious and reestablish in its place newness. Do not be alarmed at the destruction of the wicked. These things must be if ever the Lord is to be glorified. Opposing and competing forces cannot coexist. The strength of the strong will overtake the weak, and the wisdom of the wise will befuddle the foolishness of the foolish. Since it will happen immediately, we should apply our hearts to live a holy life. The signs are before us now. The rapidity in changes around is our alarm as to how uncertain all things are. God alone is the constant that we can depend upon. 

Meditation: June 22

“From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding?” Job 28:20

The pursuit of wisdom occurs in many places. It is sought in the majestic halls of education. It is pursued among the politicians who ponder over laws which prove over time to be no more than an experiment in balancing the scales of justice. Wisdom appears to be such a fleeting and ethereal thing that many are left on their own in their attempts to define it. Their eloquence and artistic usage of words is often the disguise used to camouflage what is lacking when true wisdom is lacking. The impressive psychobabble of self impressed individuals with self-interests often become standard among the misguided sheep who find themselves following after leaders who are not being led themselves. There is a place where wisdom can be found. It is found in the reverential fear of the Lord. It is when individuals no longer allow themselves to be governed by the whims of men, but consider the Lord before any decision is made. It is imparted to surrendered and humble hearts. Those who remain teachable oftentimes corrected so that the path of righteousness is maintained. Then the Holy Spirit will reveal what otherwise would remain unknown. What God is doing will become sensible for understanding provides peace to the soul.

Meditation: June 20

“Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder)” 2 Peter 3:1

Our minds are purified as the result of hearing a pure word. The clutter of a misguided conscience and the pollutants of compromised values are removed and replaced with an understanding of absolutes that can withstand the scrutiny of contemporary questioning. A pure mind is to be treasured above all things. It means that the mind has processed what the heart has embraced. Then one is able to give a reason for the hope that is in them. They can defend the faith and withstand the scrutiny of error. Now that we can receive words of wisdom, we are not to entertain thoughts and ideas that can lead to moral failure. Our minds must remain pure in order for us to receive from God instructions for daily living. There are many things to be added to what we currently know. These are the building blocks that contribute to our becoming a spiritual habitation. They cause us to further set our minds on the things above and not be distracted by things around us and beneath us. We are reminded as to who we are in Christ and with Christ. He is our example and our guide. I write these things to re-mind you of these things. When we rewind, we remember what otherwise would be forgotten. We are on a journey, a mission of hope. We are encouraged through the right message to make it to the end.