Meditation: September 15

“For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!”  1 Corinthians 9:16

I must” is to brave the storms of life in spite of the difficulties required of me to survive. I can only give light consideration to the cost attached to obedience. Obedience is often costly because there are so many options that could lead to paths of least resistance. Yet the call of God to obey rings strong within my  heart and ears in spite of my mind fighting against it and telling me that there are other ways go and other things to  be done. Some of them appear to be equally important, and at times, seem to outweigh the measure of this assignment because of greater gain and requiring less effort. But God speaks “woe” to the very thought of my disobedience to His command. Necessity is laid on me to speak the truth when the lie or even silence would be of greater benefit. “I must” do what God has called me to do. I must speak what He has given me to speak. Yet I cannot boast of it because to preach the gospel is not of me, but of Christ. He must speak through me if the words spoken are to have any power. I must speak but I must yield my whole life to Him. This is how I grow in both grace and knowledge by letting Christ be Himself in me. Then the power of God is able to draw sinners to the Cross of Jesus Christ and those who have been drawn are able to grow. They are not just hearing the message but become the message because then they are able to see the message in me. I am not driven by obligation but rather compelled by love. Since I have been drawn, it would be denial of Christ and all of His grace dispensed towards me to do otherwise.     

Meditation: September 6

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

The consistency of the message is as important as the message itself. Messages that contradict what has been established as foundational in our understanding of Christ cause spiritual erosion to occur within the soul. The writer of Hebrews was warning them to remember what was established within them by those who both spoke and modeled the standard of which they once faithfully followed. Consider that their instructions were intended to lead them to an end result that was to reach far beyond the immediate. This is what any faithful disciple must consider. Those who lead are graced to guide their followers into areas that can only be understood once obedience is completed. Disobedience occurs as the result of being carried away or allured, and not led.  Character deficiencies are sensitive to an alien appeal. One is then flesh driven rather than Spirit-led. One’s diet must consist of that which can provide for eternal gain. It should not consist of the delicacies that appeal to the taste but does harm to the body. What Jesus taught His disciples required them to fully follow Him if they were to become disciples indeed. Through their continuance, they were led to understand aspects of His call to holiness and righteousness. Otherwise it would have appeared to be merely be a call to the enjoyment of the fish and the loaves. His call was to self-denial, to taking up one’s cross, and following Him. Only then would they participate with Him in the glory that awaited them on the other side of full obedience.

Meditation: August 31

“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; (10) and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power”. Colossians 2:9-10

Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher who announced the death of God placed his emphasis on the strength of the human personality. “Relinquishing the belief in God opens the way for human creative abilities to fully develop.” “The Christian, he wrote, “would no longer stand in the way, so human beings might stop turning their eyes towards a supernatural realm and begin to acknowledge the value of this world.” His idea was that “will power is the essence of reality”.

Today, the death of the God which is expressed through a shift in values is proclaimed even while using religious language.  Asserting oneself and accentuating the positive while eliminating the negative supposedly have freed individuals from the bondage of their past. There is a super-human being on the scene that can control the activities of their god and create their own destinies. “If it is to be, it is up to me” has become the motto for daily living. God is about developing the human personality in ways far beyond the wildest dreams of Nietzsche. He thought it was possible to find one’s life while Jesus is about one losing his life that he might find it in Him. The aggression of egotistical behavior contributes to the destruction of the human race rather than the development of society. People are too busy trying to get for themselves what they want rather than having a true concern for God’s agenda and glorifying Him by giving Him what He requires. Listen more carefully to the message of this age or this world system, even in religious circles and you will hear this opposing gospel message seeping into the very center of what is being proclaimed. Only God can complete man and we are complete only in Him. He reigns over the things contributing to the conditions of man’s fragmentation. No one can rescue himself. All are in need of help. All are in need of God who is yet alive and well!

Meditation: June 13

 “but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head — Christ. —“ Ephesians 4:15

The alternative to flowing with the wind and being influenced by the culture is hearing that we might do what the Word says. It was Paul’s passion to speak only what the Lord had to say. Even though the message is a challenge to current culture, it is the expression of a higher and deeper dimension of love. It is spoken in love when the desire of the heart of the messenger is to see those he has been called to address grow into developing the character of Christ. Often the growth of the hearers may excel beyond the level of the speaker, but he should not be jealous of his spiritual children. Instead, he should encourage them to take what they have received beyond his level of understanding for the Word alive within the hearer increases as seed to produce a great harvest. Ministers should not waste time addressing every other subject rather than God’s Truth. There is no growth is these side issues. Christ is the answer to every problem but He can only be known through faithful ministers. We are obligated to counter the movements that prevail against the soul of the wayward. Then they have a course set before them leading them to life.

Meditation: May 26

“And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” Matthew 13:10

He spoke to them with simplicity, but with profundity. There were natural things that they were able to see and understand. Therefore the language of Jesus was overly simplistic. Often His message is ignored because those to whom it has not been given may easily dismiss truths with such depth that the sharpest of minds may spend a lifetime examining one sentence, yet not be able to scratch the surface of its meaning. God has “hidden these things from the wise and the prudent and have revealed them unto babes.” There is a language that is coded for those whose hearts are open to receive the message. One must have a heart of understanding in order to have a mind of understanding. When Jesus speaks, we must hear Him with our hearts and not just our ears. The parables separated the seekers from the groupies. There are crowds that gather for entertainment. There is another select few that want to know the Lord. They have blessed ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to understand.

Meditation: May 23

“You’ll find wisdom on the lips of a person of insight, but the shortsighted needs a slap in the face.” Proverbs 10:13

We must see into a matter and not just casually view it. It is the gaze accompanied by a rash opinion that influences many today. Little wonder why it has become so difficult for sound reasoning to be the guiding principle for so many. There are precious hidden nuggets contained within many messages that are hurriedly scanned by the minds of those who are wise in their own eyes. It requires the Holy Spirit and meditation on what God has promised in order for His Word to be rightly interpreted. The heart must be prepared first. Then one can ponder in their hearts what they have heard before they speak. If the old references remain in place, the pollution within the mind will distort the truth rather than purifies the soul. The Holy Spirit must be our filter so that we are enabled to attain a heavenly perspective. Our vision then would not be shortsighted, but we are enabled to participate in God’s eternal plan.

Meditation: May 5

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15

 A sanctified heart is directed towards God alone. There is no other direction to which it may be turned that can satisfy the believer for he knows that only God alone can meet the needs existing deep in the recesses of the soul. There are many things around to lure him away from the position in which he stands. But he does not see things as others who are blind to the devices of the devil. The enemy constantly works in attempting to raise doubt in his heart. He has heard the Lord speak concerning His own. He is affirmed as being God’s Son, and continually dwelling in the place of God’s pleasure. Since his heart overflows with love, he has an answer for everyone. Because he is able to see beyond the current crisis, his answer remains prophetic. The pure and heart is able to see God. God is with him; therefore his hope is to take on the character of God. In meekness and in fear he defends the truth knowing that if he was to take any other stand, his life would compromise his message.

Meditation: March 27

“Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” Hebrews 2:1

We should pay special attention in reflecting on what has already been said. We need to meditate on what we have already heard. Contained within those messages are words that are needed for our future growth. It is within the course of living that God will test as to whether we took seriously those things that once excited us. It is not the initial enthusiasm that matters most, but will it endure the challenges of the future? It is the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lust for other things that will snatch away what we once possessed and treasured. They drift when our attention is diverted away from them. Then it is as if we had never heard. God’s desire is to build upon the revelation of Jesus Christ established within our hearts. We can then grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him. Attention given to the Word of God in the past requires a more earnest heed. Then the Holy Spirit will preserve what we have committed to Him from ever leaving the life that has become the expression of God’s truth.

Meditation: February 15

“And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near.” Ephesians 2:17

Those who were Jews as well and the Gentiles received the message of peace. The message was originally given to Jews. Great enmity existed between the two. There was division between man and man as well as man and God. But now the middle wall that separates and divides has been broken down. Any wall that would prevent the gospel message from reaching every people-group must remain down in order for the nations of the world to see Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to bridge every gap, mend every fence, to close every breach if true peace is to be realized. We have been given the message of peace to proclaim to the world. All other efforts will eventually fail and only the right message will produce the right results. Why should we take our assignment so seriously? The world is awaiting the heralds that will cry in the streets with a sense of urgency during a time when chaos and confusion is everywhere. It is upon the lips of the saints in order to settle matters of upmost concern. It is the only message that is able to bring both people-groups to God.

2016, The Year of Kingdom Advancement

Each year, we highlight a focus for our lives and this ministry. As we pursue our goals, we invite others to join us and challenge them to seek what we believe to be a God-inspired vision. With the advancement of evil in this world and the decline among those who have totally committed their lives to Christ, the wakeup call to true saints requires the advancement of the Kingdom. The battle weary take the last bit of strength left within them to stand, and with weapons in hand and an increasing number surmounting against them, the troops must rally against the enemy. Too much is at stake, for if we wave the white flag, then our surrender is a statement that our God is not able to deliver us. But when defeat appears to be inevitable, our God speaks His Word, and the very power of His Word is enough to overwhelm the strongest opposition!

We have not underestimated the strategies and strength of our enemy, nor are we ignorant of his devices. The influences of secular media have turned the tide of would-be worshipers of God into idols in the form of superstars and self. The technological advancements that could be used for good or bad, where knowledge parts from faith rather than knowledge rooted in faith, have caused many to question the very existence of God. The spread and popularity of false religions that appeal to those who are disappointed with diluted expressions of Christianity are now defecting to these more exotic expressions. Many of the proponents of false religion are honest, but misinformed. Often, their commitment is stronger than those who have a general knowledge of the truth. With a resolve to give their all to what they believe, if they could be convinced that there is something more, they would pour all of their energies and use their influence in defense of the Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Although the influence and strength of the enemy is diverse, far reaching, and great, we know that our God is greater!

The opportunity is greater than ever before for Christ’s witnesses to take their rightful stand. What has been entrusted to us is most needed as always, but now in an age of spiritual decline, we are able to take the lead. Peaceful negotiations are cautiously entered into with the potential of broken agreements and alliances with allies possibly turning into enemies. Who can we trust? What can we rely upon? What God has always said He is still saying… “Trust in the Lord and do not lean to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.” The expanse of His government and peace shall have no end. His Kingdom is established within the heart of individuals and not a system imposed upon the masses. The result influences existing governments, families, and wherever and however people may be joined together. As we put special effort into preaching the message of the Kingdom of God, it is with the intent that the conditions where we find ourselves in will cause many to reconsider what God is saying. My prayer is that we hear the right message so that we might be rightly joined together and grow up in Him in every area of our lives. Let’s do our best to advance the Kingdom!