“2020: The Year of 20/20 Vision”

Vision drives towards purpose. Purpose gives life its meaning. Meaning affects our will to survive. We are not just to survive, but every day must be lived purposefully. Each step taken in life must be strategic as we move towards a goal that would bring fulfillment in this life and a legacy for those we leave behind. It was the Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius that said, “The true worth of a man is measured by the object he pursues.”  Life’s goals become the defining statement or our epitaph when we are eulogized at the end of this mortal life. Statements are often made at funerals with the attempts to inflate the impression made on the mind whereas the dead often appears larger than life. While looking in the coffin, some would wonder if they had wandered into the wrong room. The person that they knew was altogether different from the one being spoken of. Then there are occasions where attributes were known by a select few but never brought into full view of the masses. Then those who hear of them wished that they had known the treasury of gifts and knowledge contained within the person taken for granted. 

As we enter in this New Year 2020, the Truth of God is being spoken, to bring out of the richness of His grace, dispensed to those who would allow it to have free course within them. The Heavenly Vision or sights set on God’s Kingdom and His standard of Righteousness will raise the bar of many who had previously merely settled for dead religion. They will then awakened to the reality that they had been living beneath their privilege. Since God had made provisions for us to have life and that more abundantly, biblical terms would be redefined according to His original intent. It is true, where you currently stand will determine what you see and how you see. That is why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is often rejected or redefined. The tastes of many have been unrefined, thus the dregs and bitterness of sin had remained palatable. The question that is so baffling to many is how can so many be misled and guided in the direction of their own death and destruction? The answer is, all that is necessary is for a lie to become believable and accepted instead of the truth. The Holocaust in Germany under the leadership of Adolph Hitler provides evidence of this. Leadership that misleads is the most destructive force ever. Yet, it has been the tool of Satan even before creation. 

This year, 2020, The Year of 20/20 Vision, we will set the highest goal possible, and set subordinate steps leading to the completion of those set goals. We have history to show us the possibilities of both successes and failures. It was said, “if one does not learn from history, he is destined to repeat it,” Yet history is not our teacher. It can only serve as references. The Holy Spirit of God must be our guide. He will show us the path that we must go and on occasion take in directions of new territories to blaze new paths. We pray that this year will be a year of discovery. Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.”  The clarity will come to those who are committed to engaging in a singular task that is greater than themselves and those to whom they have been called to help. Then Paul stated in Acts 20:20 “how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house.”  The mandate to make known to all will be greater than ever before as you rise up to lead the wayward in a path and direction of hope for their future. May what God envisions for you become your vision for yourself! New year, fresh vision. New year, fresh opportunities to live the life God intended for you to live to its fullest!

September 2018 Article: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”

Am I responsible for and accountable to my brother? If so, who is my brother? How far does this responsibility extend? There are so many questions revolving around the subject of mutual accountability placing added burdens to people who have a full plate just managing their own affairs. It is a stretch to believe that my concern for others could have an effect upon their behavior. The collective selfishness or individualism we see today has created an environment where it is much easier to take advantage of, or even harm each other than it once was. If no thought is given to the potential for both good and evil that we all possess, each act committed is isolated from the context of the whole. One lie contributes to a community of dishonest people. One item stolen from another person contributes to a security breach that may cost more than you are willing to pay to protect what is left of your goods. One adulterous act contributes to debauchery that is out of control. Yes, the Golden Rule is to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  However, when people do what  they ought not do, or refuse to do what they ought, it is our responsibility to correct the error of their ways.  

 A keeper is one who looks after the affairs of another. It is having concern with the well being of each other. Cain slew his brother, Abel and God asked him the question, “where is your brother?” This profound question resonates through history even to this present time. Where are our brothers and sisters? Not merely their geographical location, but where are they in relation to where you are? Cain, I imagine, slew his brother in order gain an advantage over him and more favor than he had received from God. Many are like crawfish in a barrel, pushing others down in order to get ahead. Their success can only be defined through the failure of another.  People are vying to gain a competitive edge over others. They lose in the long run without even recognizing their loss. Competition breeds an environment of competitors rather than fellow laborers. Even in the Church, there are more than a few who build their success on the backs of the weaknesses and failures of their fellow brethren. Some just build what is colloquially called, better mousetraps that gain more interest but do not produce greater levels of change in the lives of the people. What about the Body of Christ as being one? Does it mean anything to us to seek to gain an understanding that we are members individually?  If the Kingdom of God is our primary goal, then who is it that divides us into exclusive sects? 

Politics as in religion has its sectarianists; those whose primary goal is to defend the platform of the Party. Whatever is said or done, right or wrong no longer matters. What matters most is the Party which has become the modern day idol among those who are blinded by ambition. It is usually the ambition of the Party leaders and the blindness of the Party followers who do not question where their affiliations may be leading them. Both sides of the system have caused much harm. There must be a prophetic voice that will speak truth to power without concern as to what it may cost. The Word of God transcends the arguments of men and elevates us to a higher level of thinking.  The best thing I can do for my brother is to adapt the mindset that I say and do for my brother what is best for him, even if it costs me everything. 

August 2018 Article: “The Cross Cultural Attraction”

The distinct cultures of the world are the current cause of much controversy. It is the cultural clashes that divide people into competing and warring factions. The exclusivity of a particular culture, in their eyes, becomes the standard and measure of right and wrong. We changed the name of our church to Cross Culture Church over five years ago realizing that there are distinctions among culture.   There are things to be celebrated within every culture, but there are things within every culture in need of change. It is easy to accentuate the positive attributes of a culture, but the majority of people are blinded to the defects. We need an established standard and objective criticism for those invisible defects to be seen. The first lesson to be learned is that no culture is to be deified. Christ did not come into the world to affirm culture but to transform culture. He introduced to humanity the culture of heaven. The established order of heaven came down to earth in the Person of Jesus Christ and lived among us! This invasion of spiritual reality into a sinful and wayward environment created turbulence rather than peace. The world’s reality was defined by their culture, even religious traditions, which were defied by the physical presence of Truth. Jesus demonstrated truth and the power of the Father of Truth confirmed His message with signs following. The power of heaven accompanies the order of heaven. 

The customary beliefs, established systems, material traits of a racial, religious, or social group are the characteristic features of everyday living. They are shared among people in a particular place and time. Even though it may be accepted as conventional wisdom, the world’s philosophy falls short of the established standard of God. Culture is modified for the sake of expedience. Racism is a belief and practice that one people group is superior to another people group. It is perpetuated by expediency. The lesser is used to fulfill the passions, desires, and often greed of the greater. If the lesser loses its value as chattel or tools in the hands of the greater, there is no need for the lesser to continue existing. There is the culture of the slave and the culture of the slave master that can become deeply embedded into the psyche of cultures. The mindset remains even after the laws have prohibited the practice of slavery. The set standard of superiority and inferiority no longer needs supportive laws to survive. Children are born into a world where unspoken rules are established and set in motion. 

One passage of Scripture, among many others, that gives a clear expression of God’s intent is in the Bible.  Jesus said in the Book of John 12:32-33 “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”  33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die.”  Death is the equalizer that neutralizes egoism and false images of superiority and inferiority. The death of Christ after He demonstrated the standard revealed the truest disposition of fallen humanity. Perfection had to die on behalf of imperfections so that the flaws within every culture can be fully realized. All must fully identify with Christ’s death so that none will attempt to justify what was formerly believed concerning his or her own life. Our ethnicity is insufficient to save us as an individual or as a people-group. Since we all have a common need, we exalt a common Savior. To lift Him up is to allow the work of the Cross to work deeply within our heart and soul. It is the culture of the cross that will become the attraction to tear down the dividing wall of partition and collectively draw people together as one, to worship the only One deserving of our full devotion. 

Meditation: November 20

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

There is a position in Christ where His love and the benefits of His love are made known. The greatest of these is for what is of Him to be given expression through us without any fleshly interference. The competition between the flesh and the spirit remains while we live our lives daily upon the earth. There are so many things vying for our attention. It requires a steady diet of the Word of God to purge us of the thoughts and passions that would otherwise mislead us. If we were raised with Christ is the prerequisite of the soul’s condition. Only those who are born again are enabled to see that there is a Sovereign to rule the soul who has positioned them in a different place. They are above and seek those things which are above because they have obtained wisdom from there. The heavenly places to which we have been placed provide for us wisdom and a discipline to pursue righteousness rather than selfish endeavors. Only those who are delivered from self are able to understand this. Our lives are hidden since our wisdom is hidden from those who think themselves to be wise and prudent. Yet Christ will provide the evidence of true wisdom, and enduring treasures in the end.

February 2016 Article: “True Love”

Becoming spiritually awakened triggers areas of sensitivity that otherwise would not be recognized. Then one can experience the prompting of the Holy Spirit that draws him closer to the Lover of his soul. Love preexisted all of creation—The Eternal Father loved His Eternal Son with Eternal love. It was love eternal, love unconditional, and love everlasting. God is love, but to explain this is virtually impossible because there are no earthly references to unconditional love. Yet, He invites each one of us to enter into His relationship. However, experiencing it places the individual in an exclusive category where he can no longer settle for the mundane feelings of expressions that masquerade as authentic. Yes, the references to which it can be compared seem normal, but its aim is set too low and often leads to frustrations and disappointments. People are related to each other and often relate others on this basis. But once this level is experienced, regardless of how one may have felt toward others, himself, or things, he soon discovers that true love and devotion have a far greater range than the temporary experiences that the uninformed have embraced as mere romanticism.

Yet it encompasses all things including romance within the context of God’s original design. Sin is the allurement of Satan to draw individuals to a state of independence, thus living his life after his own choosing. People are related to each other and often relate others on this basis. But once this level is experienced, regardless of how one may have felt toward others, himself, or things, he soon discovers that true love and devotion have a far greater range than the temporary experiences that the uninformed have embraced that as mere romanticism. Yet it encompasses all things including romance within the context of God’s original design. The objective of the enemy is for each person to share in his rebellion at the expense of forfeiting the benefits provided by God. He blinds the mind and darkens the heart so that right seems wrong and wrong appears to be right.

A blind person feels his or her way through life. Yet feelings are so fragile. One’s mood has the tendency to swing in all directions. It is unstable and requires much work in order to compensate for what true love alone is able to establish. Feelings alone without purpose are void of a cause to remain in love. This is why so many fall in love. If you fall in love, what did you stumble over that caused you to be helpless? We should not be victims of circumstances who love without a purpose or a goal, but rather, trust God to fulfill His intentions through our mutual submission to Him. A fall requires correction while a decision engages the whole being, spirit, soul, and body. If you fell in love, you ought to be able to rise above the fall and eventually stand erect. True love requires both a decision and a commitment, and before we come to God, we must commit our love and devotion.

The questions that every individual must ask is who am I, why am I here, and where am I headed? The journey of life is too important for you to travel with companions that divert the path ordained as your destiny. The Bible says that “Bad companions ruin good character.” (1 Cor 15:33) Today’s English Version Our companions must be wisely selected. Many people have altered their destinies as result of being emotionally or sexually joined to people who cause them to detour from the road leading to fulfillment in life. The soul ties created by the forbidden desensitizes the person from hearing or even having an interest to hear the wisdom and instructions given to them by God. Lust is the instrument of the devil to blind the minds and heart. Moreover, lust attracts the individual like a magnet towards objects that are bent for his destruction. Not only is one desensitized from hearing the voice of God, but it also prohibits the person from possessing the ability to truly love. Then his life is filled with substitutes rather than what is real. Love for God will arrest lust for the forbidden and will both generate and reinforce the passion for what God has provided. Accept God’s love in order for Him to love through you. His love provides opportunities to give expression to a joyful and fulfilling life with rich rewards.

August 2014 Article: “Seasonal Change”

Most people in America have a general knowledge of biblical truths. They have been exposed to the Word of God and believe that it is superior to other books written. The sacred text still rises above other ancient writings as a reference point to living life.

 Yet there is this increasing tide of facts borne out of experiences competing with what one ought to believe and what they think they know. The dichotomy between experiences and historical truths has caused a strain in modern society. The attempt to maintain their status as Christians but at the same time to be in step with the modern world puts pressure on the Truth and often distorts it to fit into the methodologies of today. The overruling question today is “how can I be myself and be a Christian” pervades as the most provocative challenge of our day and times. It leads to compromise as futile attempts are made to reconcile these two opposites. The truth demands change. It exposes the defects within one’s character by presenting a standard that is superior to this life and all of its faulty misinterpretations. You cannot be an authentic Christian without first realizing your need for a radical change. The systems of this world are bent on providing contradictions to the need for a changed life. They soften the blow of the reality check where repentance is required. At that point a complete turnaround must occur. There must be the rejection of facts misaligned to lead one to a false conclusion and the acceptance of truth to guide one to an understanding of what would otherwise be impossible to know.

It not enough to merely be acquainted with the Truth, but one must be aware of the seasons and be able to rightly interpret the times. There are no coincidences in God’s economy. He is in control of the ultimate outcome of things that are currently out if balance and in total disarray. He sees the end of things before the beginning, but the between time us where much confusion resides. The moment in which we live, if not rightly interpreted will lead our culture into total rebellion against God. Decisions made on the basis of logic without consideration being given to significant factors requiring faith will lead to attempts in sabotaging Divine order. Man’s wit against the knowledge of God rising as a tide of corrupt thinking. Things are corrupted as result of misuse or their lack of use. When they become corrupted then they cannot be used as they were originally intended. How many have sought after seasonal fruit in the wrong season? They thought that God’s commands were static rather than fluid thus getting out of step with Him.

These are the days that were spoken of in the Bible. You can take the Bible and place it next to the newspaper and see the unfolding will of God being accomplished in spite of popular opinions rising to resist it. First there is the falling away from the established Truth. Then there are the failed attempts to remedy the dis-eased culture of constructed confusion. The wars and rumors of wars today are not merely coincidental. The season is changing in order for what has been rejected that it might receive one’s utmost attention.

When the theories of politics, business, and religion no longer work as previously planned, where might one turn to seek answers? God’s message has not changed nor will it ever change. But today’s challenges will cause many to take a second look at what they had either rejected or redefined. Truth had been rejected in the past, but the stone that the builders rejected will one day serve as the head of the corner. It was a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. But the time will come when those who wish to do more than treat the symptoms of a sick society will fully embrace the only antidote that cures.