Meditation: April 16

“And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” Ezekiel 37:3

God asks us questions that He alone is able to answer. We try our best to understand how a possibility of hope may arise out of an impossible situation. What we see are circumstances that appear to be beyond hope. God placed the prophet there. And God continues to communicate to him at that place for which he has been prepared. The valley is a lonely place if you are alone. But God is in the valley in order to teach valley lessons. There we learn to raise others above their lowly state. He allowed him to see the ruins of what once was vibrant and alive. Then He asked him the question that sounds like a mockery of his intelligence and adding insult to injury. “Can these bones live?” Not just any bones, but the bones of the defeated army; an army that must rise from death then rise from defeat. Life would be meaningless if defeat was to be continual. His will is that we live on purpose. God must answer His own question, but if He is asking us, then He must have more in mind than we at this present moment is able to see. Ezekiel’s answer was, “Thou knowest.” He is looking at the end of our faith if our confidence is in what He knows rather than what we may think or even see.

Meditation: February 18

“Sit here while I pray.” Mark 14:32

When Jesus was facing the most agonizing moment in His life, He needed to be alone with the Father. He was away from the multitudes with pressing needs thus seeking Him out for assistance. Now He was with that small select group of disciples with whom He felt the liberty to be transparent. Yet His instruction to them was to sit as guards rather than participate with Him in that moment when He needed to talk to His Father. There are times when we need to pour out our hearts and express those deep feelings with God that only He is to hear. It is because only He is able to understand what we are not always able to fully articulate in words. On other occasions He would teach them to pray and corporately approach God as “Our Father.” Now He wanted to speak to His as “My Father” because no other could understand the deep longings of His heart other than the One who knew Him best and love Him the most. We too need some alone time with God. Out of those times we are able to cultivate an intimate and personal relationship with Him.

Meditation: October 30

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry” 1 Timothy 1:12

The challenges of ministry are constant. There are always important things to do and areas of significance in need of being addressed. It is too easy to take the path of least resistance and say what would be pleasing to the masses and tickling to the ear. But the call of God is a call to faithfulness and dedication to a cause that is greater than any man. It is that call to which we must be faithful. Our efforts are not to be carried out as others who would place professionalism over character. If we are to most effectively carry out the call that is upon our lives, we must first be faithful to the God who has called us. He is the Great Teacher who will make known both His Word and His ways. It requires the discipline of character so that we are able to listen to Him first before we speak. Then our lives become of message and we live a message and not just speak one.

We do not merely choose this path, but follow after what has be both chosen for us along with the grace to walk as no other. Sometimes alone, and at other times with companions who see with us the significance of what God has given us for themselves. I thank God for His placements, and preservation of the greatest gift one could ever receive, His Son who ministers through us. May He continue to receive the honor and glory that He so richly deserve!

Meditation: October 22

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,” Psalm 124:1

The possibilities of failure and calamities would have been overwhelming if things had been different. God chose Israel, for no other reason than His love being bestowed upon her. She was protected from dangers and blessed to prosper. The Lord had favored her thus stood in opposition to her enemies. Yet her worshipful response to God’s favor was expected. God, who blesses deserves to be blessed. When He is acknowledged as the Source of every good and perfect gift, He reveals more of Himself and His purposes to us. Even though the tide may swell and the rivers may rise with their tumultuous currents, yet they will not overrun their borders. He regulates the degrees of testing allowed to cross our path, Instead of being used to destroy us, they are measured and their pressures can only prove what He has established within us. We have received from Him the grace to withstand all the fiery darts of the wicked. It is His strength within us that sustains us along the way. He is on our side. Not only that, He is with us and in us and will never leave us alone.

Meditation: March 10

“Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit?” Psalm 139:7

When we are born of the Spirit, the Spirit remains with us wherever we go. He is there in those moments when we feel alone and abandoned. He is there when our hearts drift in directions that would be far removed from the warmth that comes as result of meditation and deep contemplation on His goodness towards us. Our reluctance to draw closer to Him does not affect His pursuit of us. His Spirit is wooing us in our darkest hour to deeper levels of intimacy with the Son of God. Only Jesus can reveal to us the love of the Father that will provide stability and purpose for our lives. He was that voice of conscience convicting us when we were wrong. He was that voice of encouragement pressing us forward when we had the opportunity to do right. The Spirit is both our Comforter and our Guide. He alone can reveal to us the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

February 2016 Article: “True Love”

Becoming spiritually awakened triggers areas of sensitivity that otherwise would not be recognized. Then one can experience the prompting of the Holy Spirit that draws him closer to the Lover of his soul. Love preexisted all of creation—The Eternal Father loved His Eternal Son with Eternal love. It was love eternal, love unconditional, and love everlasting. God is love, but to explain this is virtually impossible because there are no earthly references to unconditional love. Yet, He invites each one of us to enter into His relationship. However, experiencing it places the individual in an exclusive category where he can no longer settle for the mundane feelings of expressions that masquerade as authentic. Yes, the references to which it can be compared seem normal, but its aim is set too low and often leads to frustrations and disappointments. People are related to each other and often relate others on this basis. But once this level is experienced, regardless of how one may have felt toward others, himself, or things, he soon discovers that true love and devotion have a far greater range than the temporary experiences that the uninformed have embraced as mere romanticism.

Yet it encompasses all things including romance within the context of God’s original design. Sin is the allurement of Satan to draw individuals to a state of independence, thus living his life after his own choosing. People are related to each other and often relate others on this basis. But once this level is experienced, regardless of how one may have felt toward others, himself, or things, he soon discovers that true love and devotion have a far greater range than the temporary experiences that the uninformed have embraced that as mere romanticism. Yet it encompasses all things including romance within the context of God’s original design. The objective of the enemy is for each person to share in his rebellion at the expense of forfeiting the benefits provided by God. He blinds the mind and darkens the heart so that right seems wrong and wrong appears to be right.

A blind person feels his or her way through life. Yet feelings are so fragile. One’s mood has the tendency to swing in all directions. It is unstable and requires much work in order to compensate for what true love alone is able to establish. Feelings alone without purpose are void of a cause to remain in love. This is why so many fall in love. If you fall in love, what did you stumble over that caused you to be helpless? We should not be victims of circumstances who love without a purpose or a goal, but rather, trust God to fulfill His intentions through our mutual submission to Him. A fall requires correction while a decision engages the whole being, spirit, soul, and body. If you fell in love, you ought to be able to rise above the fall and eventually stand erect. True love requires both a decision and a commitment, and before we come to God, we must commit our love and devotion.

The questions that every individual must ask is who am I, why am I here, and where am I headed? The journey of life is too important for you to travel with companions that divert the path ordained as your destiny. The Bible says that “Bad companions ruin good character.” (1 Cor 15:33) Today’s English Version Our companions must be wisely selected. Many people have altered their destinies as result of being emotionally or sexually joined to people who cause them to detour from the road leading to fulfillment in life. The soul ties created by the forbidden desensitizes the person from hearing or even having an interest to hear the wisdom and instructions given to them by God. Lust is the instrument of the devil to blind the minds and heart. Moreover, lust attracts the individual like a magnet towards objects that are bent for his destruction. Not only is one desensitized from hearing the voice of God, but it also prohibits the person from possessing the ability to truly love. Then his life is filled with substitutes rather than what is real. Love for God will arrest lust for the forbidden and will both generate and reinforce the passion for what God has provided. Accept God’s love in order for Him to love through you. His love provides opportunities to give expression to a joyful and fulfilling life with rich rewards.