Meditation: February 9

”Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:22).

We are invited to come closer to God as we meet the conditions of spiritual intimacy. His blessings are as the result of our moving in His direction. Many may attempt to confiscate the benefits without the relationship, but God will test the purity of our hearts. He knows when true love is the motive of our actions, and His Spirit will give witness that we are in agreement with Him. Then we can boldly approach the throne of grace and obtain mercy to find the grace to help in times of need. Assurance of faith is a blessing reserved for the pure in heart. As we are being purified by the Holy Spirit, our passions will continue to conform to His will. We will want what He wants for us when we have been drawn to the place where He abides.

Meditation: February 8

“From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalm 61:2).

In troubled times, we become acutely aware of our need for rescue. When the currents of life are rising all around us and it seems as if there is no way to survive, even if we are not saved from the situation, our immediate need is security in the midst of it. Jesus becomes our oasis in the midst of the desert. He is our solid rock in the midst of troubled waters. He is within reach at all times if we merely reach out to Him. In those moments of despair, when hope is wavering because of the insurmountable pressure, we should not merely cry out in pain and agony. Our cry must be directed towards the One who can save us. Oh, if men would direct their cries towards God alone as the only rock of their salvation. If they would stretch out their hands in the dark and gloom to discover that there is another Hand on the other side to lead and guide them towards a brighter future. He will pull them up from the miry clay and place their feet upon a rock. That rock is higher than any man. It is higher than any problem. It places us above our present circumstances enabling us to get a glimpse of the shores to which His journey leads.

Meditation: February 7

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

God’s promises are fulfilled through Jesus Christ. This is the test as to whether they originated from God or from some other source. We are positioned in Christ in order to go where He is going and to do what He is doing. The divine affirmation of God is the testimony of His Son. His life gave full expression of every one of His intentions. None of His promises will ever fail. If He said it, He will bring it to pass. If He purposed it, He will do it. God is yet speaking today through what He has always said. His will is to accomplish His eternal Word in and through each of us. This is the glory of God, that we carry within us the evidence of His faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. They are Yes, and in Him Amen.

Meditation: February 4

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4).

There is an interest that ought to be equal to our own. There is no way for one to know this because there is none that is able to tell what makes sense to our intellect. Why should we not know this truth that defines us as humans in the likeness and image of God? It is because we are fashioned to consider our own needs and war to make good on what our own heart desires. Self-interest is the path of least resistance. But to resist selfishness without strength, will lead to a loathing within the soul with the feeling of neglect.  One will feel as if he is forced to deny himself merely because of a legal standard, but deep within his soul he feels it is not fair. One can only be deeply concerned about the interest of others as much as his own with help from above. It is only when the love of God is accepted is he be empowered to release His love. He has a selfless love to give as evidence that His presence is with us. As we have received the Spirit of Christ, we must allow His mind to govern our every thought; thoughts that include the interests of others.

“God Will Bring The Truth To Light” – Pastor Woodrow Walker, II

Luke 8:16-18 “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.  17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.  18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”  

While Jesus spoke to those who knew the truth by revelation and spiritual insight, He hid it from the eyes of the uninformed and the misinformed. For the underinformed, half-truths are the most dangerous of them all. The Bible warns that those who know the truth but refuse to practice what they know are sinning against God and themselves. The experience gained through practically applied wisdom increases their capacity and allows them to see significant information left unexplored. Some people merely have enough of the truth as a vaccination from receiving further spiritual instructions, where if they were to hear and receive a message preached under the anointing of God, it would change the trajectory of their lives. 

Since their ears are more attuned to incomplete instructions, they remain incomplete and never converted by the Holy Spirit. They spend their time defending the issues of life while remaining ignorant of the things that pertain to life and godliness. It is like the fox that stands guard in front of the chicken coup. Moreover, “Lampshade Christians” are willing to ignore the obvious for the sake of accommodating their constituents, while others place their light underneath where dreams occur. As they sleep in the dark, they bury their light beneath them. The dream that Dr. M.L. King spoke of is then reduced to conversations where the original intentions of God are subordinated by whatever is politically popular. Each political party has the same references while conveying conflicting messages. They both speak of life issues and how to save lives and reinforce the quality of life, yet how do they define life?   

God is the Giver of life. Life is sacred, and therefore, life ought to be lived with respect to God’s original design. The conflicting views on life lead to its demise. The murderers are among us, even though they see themselves as the champions of their cause. However, what they seem to know will be exposed as a lie when the whole truth is revealed. There is an internal life and an external life, and if it is to be fulfilling, life must include peace within the heart and soul. The psyche of the person is more important than the trappings of success attained in this life. If he does not have peace within, he cannot fully enjoy what he manages. Also, what is inside of a man eats away his insides and causes ruin to his body. Thankfully, God offers us Whole Life and not just Term Life. He will expose the secrets of those who speak of life but whose hearts are set on bringing about destruction. Those who are born of God and enlightened in their understanding of spiritual truth must let their lights shine brightly among mankind so that all may see their good works and glory the Father who is in Heaven.  

Meditation: February 3

“He was supreme in the beginning and — leading the resurrection parade — he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone” (Colossians 1:18 MSG).

Jesus Christ is supreme over all. His supremacy did not evolve over time, nor was it necessary for Him to usurp authority from others. He was there from the beginning. All things were brought forth from Him, by Him, and for Him. There were saints who have stood as witnesses of His preeminence. They did not defend their personal lives or dignity. What mattered most to them was to bring to the forefront the truth concerning Christ to whom they were willing to suffer the loss of all things. Those who have come to know what they had known stand today in defense of the faith. While this current trend may be to raise issues in defense of common interests, compromises are reached to settle arguments. There remains a standard raised from the foundation of the world that will crush to powder anything that competes with absolute truth. He will reign supreme over all created things.

“And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us: The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure, 

One little word shall fell him.” __Martin Luther

Meditation: February 2

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn” (Isaiah 54:17).

The objective of Satan is the formation of weapons that may be used to attack areas of apparent weaknesses against the saints of God. The alluring factions that seem to appear out of nowhere were skillfully planned with precision to wear down even the strongest among us. If we ever become careless in our defense or unaware that we are in the battle of our lifetimes, his fiery darts will attach themselves to us and dispense the poisonous venom that slowly produces death. Much of what is used are words that plant within our hearts the seed of discontent and doubt. What God has done, and is currently doing in the life of the believer, is establishing him in righteousness. Whatever is not of faith is sin. Our eyes must constantly be fixed upon the object of our faith, Jesus Christ that we might be established in His righteousness. Every trial, every challenge that comes can either be used as a means of establishing us in the faith, or providing evidence against the One in whom we have placed our trust. We must be reminded that righteousness and faith to believe, in spite of circumstances, is from the Lord. Stand in faith and God will be our defense to judge as impotent whatever weapons may be used against us. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, Says the Lord.

Meditation: February 1

“Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16).

Naomi and Ruth were joined together in a God honored covenant. They became one family with bonds of love that could not be broken. It is the same with members within the Body of Christ. We are joined to Christ by the Spirit to be with Him in order to go wherever He goes. We are also joined to one another as one people. No longer are we divided by race, class, or any other division. There is a kindred spirit among those who have come to know the Lord. As we walk together with a resolve to remain together, we learn things concerning Christ and the love of the Father demonstrated through Him. It is a journey that takes us beyond our current location as we grow in both grace and knowledge. Time does not cause our commitment to fade, but we are further strengthened in our resolve. “Your God is embraced as my God. Therefore your people that serve under Him are my people as well!” I must be with my people and be concerned about their welfare. This is the Body of Christ and members in particular.

Meditation: January 31

“Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach” (Mark 3:14). 

The series of events are in sequential order. First, they were appointed that they might be with Him; then they were sent out to preach. If they had not come to Him when He called them to be with Him, they would not be in position to be sent out. They learned from Him how to live and what to preach by being with Him. It is not enough to merely hear about Him from a book or word of mouth, the experience must be personal. We are called to an intimate relationship with Him. His life is an open book to those who will to know Him, but to the casual inquirer, He is misunderstood and often maligned. They accuse Him of things that are not part of His character because they only know Him from a distance. John, the beloved disciple, laid His head upon His breast; Peter the Zealot stepped out of the boat in order to join in on what Christ was experiencing while walking on the water. Intimacy includes both the emotional and experiential connection. Then we are sent out as His representatives so that His presence is wherever we may go. 

Meditation: January 30

”Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1Timothy 4:12). 

Youthful lusts do not automatically translate into wantonness. There are temptations that come in our youth to channel our energies in the direction of our newfound passions. It takes forethought to consider the outcome of decisions that so many peers make. The admonition is to think ahead and consider what your life would be like in the future. Decisions now have far reaching consequences later. The wise and mature, as result of years of trial and error, have much to teach the young and immature. They have walked the paths that the young have yet to take. Unfortunately, we only have one life to live. If it were possible, the warnings to the young would be their precautionary actions now. Since this is impossible, they can only speak wise words borne from experience and observation. Listen to wise and godly advice. It will spare you from many failures and heartache as result of snares set by the enemy.