Luke 8:16-18 “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light. 17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. 18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
While Jesus spoke to those who knew the truth by revelation and spiritual insight, He hid it from the eyes of the uninformed and the misinformed. For the underinformed, half-truths are the most dangerous of them all. The Bible warns that those who know the truth but refuse to practice what they know are sinning against God and themselves. The experience gained through practically applied wisdom increases their capacity and allows them to see significant information left unexplored. Some people merely have enough of the truth as a vaccination from receiving further spiritual instructions, where if they were to hear and receive a message preached under the anointing of God, it would change the trajectory of their lives.
Since their ears are more attuned to incomplete instructions, they remain incomplete and never converted by the Holy Spirit. They spend their time defending the issues of life while remaining ignorant of the things that pertain to life and godliness. It is like the fox that stands guard in front of the chicken coup. Moreover, “Lampshade Christians” are willing to ignore the obvious for the sake of accommodating their constituents, while others place their light underneath where dreams occur. As they sleep in the dark, they bury their light beneath them. The dream that Dr. M.L. King spoke of is then reduced to conversations where the original intentions of God are subordinated by whatever is politically popular. Each political party has the same references while conveying conflicting messages. They both speak of life issues and how to save lives and reinforce the quality of life, yet how do they define life?
God is the Giver of life. Life is sacred, and therefore, life ought to be lived with respect to God’s original design. The conflicting views on life lead to its demise. The murderers are among us, even though they see themselves as the champions of their cause. However, what they seem to know will be exposed as a lie when the whole truth is revealed. There is an internal life and an external life, and if it is to be fulfilling, life must include peace within the heart and soul. The psyche of the person is more important than the trappings of success attained in this life. If he does not have peace within, he cannot fully enjoy what he manages. Also, what is inside of a man eats away his insides and causes ruin to his body. Thankfully, God offers us Whole Life and not just Term Life. He will expose the secrets of those who speak of life but whose hearts are set on bringing about destruction. Those who are born of God and enlightened in their understanding of spiritual truth must let their lights shine brightly among mankind so that all may see their good works and glory the Father who is in Heaven.