Psalm 89:15 “Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.”
Hope was being restored to all of humanity through the announcement of a King who would provide light for those who were currently walking in darkness. A clear choice was being made evident. The nature of man had gravitated towards those things that produce death, robbing mankind of their dignity, and destroying the landscape of any possibility of hope. The sound that resonated to which all would respond in dance was the Pied Piper leading the masses to their own demise. What was popular then is even popular today. It is a sound that merely pacifies and does not heal the wounds of society. The reflection of the “fallen one” is the shadow that looms over God’s creation. There is no pronouncement of blessings upon a nation whose god is defined by habits of the heart of its fallen nature. The sound is not joyous but rather grievous when decisions are made and in vogue that deny and defy God. Compromise has occurred even among the gatekeepers and preservers of the godly standard for which every minister of the gospel of peace has been called.
The sound of Christmas is the introduction of a government which transcends the rule of men. Through humanity, those who will hear the melody of heaven and will sing heaven’s song. It will be strange to the ears of those who are attuned to patterns and rhythms introduced to them throughout their lives. No longer will it be what the people have come to know and conditioned to accept and eventually like. A new reference will pierce the darkened hearts and consciences of the people for the light of the glory of God will shine upon them. He is the King of Glory. His glory: that is, what God had in mind from the beginning will be introduced and celebrated among a people who walked in darkness but have now seen a great light. They will “walk in the light of His countenance.”
How can a people be brought to a place of wanting what is right? The work of the Holy Spirit is to make known to us the things pertaining to God. People are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. It is what they think they have already figured out that blocks the way from their ever knowing the truth. Religious practices that anesthetize the conscience does more harm to the soul than outright defiance. A Christless Church is more dangerous than a godless atheist. True conversions provide a contrast between what was and what shall ultimately be in the lives of the converted. “I once was lost but now I’m found.” If I had never been lost, I could never have been found. Now that I have been found, I can now be led as I now submit to the government of my King.
“Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-12) No longer afraid but now confident as the Savior who leads is able to save me from my sins and their severe penalties both in time as well as eternity. He is introduced as the personification of the Gospel message to all who would receive Him. Christmas should never be Christless. The sound of His coming has the power to restore all that humanity had lost by the deception of the evil one. Let’s make His Name glorious.