Contained within the word liberation is a word of reconciliation, where the individual is freed to be rightly attached to the life source that gives it significance and meaning. Freedom is not merely doing as you please, but rather, knowing what to do and finding pleasure in doing it. The estrangement from God is the primary cause that cripples the thoughts and leaves the mind to wander. The author of the famous hymn, “Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing,” penned the powerful line: “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above.” Some may call those with wandering minds free thinkers, but the tragedy is that their minds and thoughts cannot take them where their heart wishes to go. They have the propensity to stray into forbidden territories and define reality by and through their vain imaginations. Therefore, freedom can be defined as doing what one feels and feeling to do what is right. It is when the heart is turned in the direction of Truth, and then moving in the direction of that Truth that the heart is longing to know, that allows the individual to experience authentic freedom.

The palatability to lie is natural to fallen man. When the lie is spoken as representing the truth, it fits into the psyche or soul of those who seek for a reason to do what they will to do. Even though it opposes God, it speaks to a deep place and addresses the vile passions in which one is currently engaged. As a result, the conscience is seared through apparent justifications for behavior. Now the sinner no longer feels like a sinner but thinks of himself or herself as being a saint. Normality appears to be when illicit acts are justified and explained as being natural. The person then is burdened with the idea that their problem is that they are misunderstood by others, and most of all by God. Phobias, along with mental and emotional illnesses, burden the individual down unless he or she is in an environment of toleration where all that is required is to live and let live.

God’s Word speaks death to the thoughts of fallen humanity, and then it resurrects them to a higher plain. Then the thoughts can be directed towards the things that are just, the pure, the lovely, and the things that are of a good report.” God has given us His Word of liberation to set us free, yet freedom is not always what you think it to be. To be truly free or free indeed, deliverance must first take place. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…” First to make you aware of bondage. Then to deliver you into the glorious liberty of His Son!

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