“To whom He said, “This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest,” Isaiah 28:12
God speaks to the weary. His words of encouragement are directed towards them as liberating words. It is a rest that continues in the midst of work. Too many busy themselves with efforts to achieve their dreams yet ruin the possibility of reaching the heights which lie beyond their own imaginations. What a high price many pay in order to become what they consider to be their best? Yet the best ever envisioned is like standing before an anthill in contrast to Mount Everest. God speaks to those who tire themselves in trying to do great things yet do not know Him or the power that He alone possesses. They flex their muscles as weak as they are, but cannot find the strength to even live long enough to participate in all they believe and is their dream. God’s objective is for each of us to become what He has in mind. Only when our Creator is pleased will we find true and lasting pleasure. All else will keep one in an endless pursuit of wanting more than he has, wanting to do more than he is able, and wearied by his efforts to achieve what he will never be able.