Meditation: January 28

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14

Even in our physical frame is evidence of the mysterious wonders of the Lord. He has so made us and equipped our bodies to function in amazing ways. Intricate details were taken into account. It is a synergized work of art giving expression of cooperation of every part doing its share. If one part failed to operate as if ought, other parts will do their best to compensate. Yet all parts are affected by the wound suffered by even that little part that once appeared to be insignificant. Then we have a soul that animates the body and feels the emotions of both pain and pleasure. All that we will or will not to do originates from the deep recesses of our soul. The knowledge of our Creator is deeply embedded there while there may be pressures brought to bear against us to deny Him. But our soul knows very well that things do not happen without an initiative to activate the process of motion. Therefore, it is our choice to praise the One who has so skillfully, wonderfully, and lovingly made us for His glory. We were made to glorify Him and make His glory known.

Meditation: July 25

“Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?” Psalm 8:4 (MSG)

My smallness in contrast to His greatness and the vastness of His creation causes me to wonder. Why would God even bother with someone as small and seemingly insignificant as me? If it were only a case restricted to observation, my worth is very little. But since God looks at His creation from the perspective of potential, we all stand as His masterpieces and created for good works. What we have the potential to become and to do far outweighs the work of angels. We are to reflect His glory to all of His creation. Principalities and powers in heavenly places will know His many-faceted wisdom through those obedient souls that are surrendered to Him. God gives special attention to mankind. All of creation is held in subjection until the mature sons of God are manifested for its release. Therefore God is not merely looking at historical or current events.  He is looking at those who are in Christ being prepared to carry out His work.