Meditation: December 7

“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,” Ecclesiastes  9:11

The race may begin with speed and the warrior may show both courage and strength. But when the battle continues beyond the allotted time, the soldier grows weary.  Even when he is nearing the completion of the battle, it appears as if strength wanes and the possibility of surrender increases. It takes the second wind of the soldier to push beyond the discouragements that are sure to come. It requires that extra effort in remaining consistent regardless of fatigue. This where losers give in and are defeated.  What is most important is winning the race and finishing the course that is before us.  When our eyes are upon the right prize, we would settle for nothing less. What is before us is greater than anything left behind.  Therefore, we must keep moving forward, putting one foot before the other. This is the race of life to become like Jesus as we press into His Kingdom. We are laying aside every weight and the sin that would otherwise hold us back. It is because we are desperate to fully possess what we are coming to understand and know.

Meditation: August 26

“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?”  Isaiah 40:10

The question God asks causes us to think of His majesty and glory. It magnifies the Lord and minimizes all other things that once appeared to be so overwhelming and intimidating. It is not a matter of what but moreover, a question of who as we consider what we daily observe a coincidental. Things and people being held together, maintaining their set boundaries, is the result of an ordered plan. The thought and the power displayed in nature, if more carefully examined would have us stand in awe and the wonders of God! He created all things and is above all things. He calls to mind from the greatest to the smallest.  The telescopic expanse and mystery of universes created by His Hand and the microscopic expanse and mystery of the molecule both are in need of the invention of instruments powerful enough to examine what is yet to be seen. God has full knowledge of both extremes. “He has measured the waters the hollow of His hand.” He knows the limits of His creation that is measureless to man. Light years are used to describe the distance of planets and galaxies.  Things that appear limitless have their limits. “He has calculated the dust of the earth in a measure”, i.e.; He has knows the number of particles of dust existing in the planet earth! He knows how much each mountain weighs and the combined weight of all the mountains in the universe in both pounds and ounces. And not only mountains but hills are accounted for. If He pays that much attention to details, there is little wonder that God knows whatever challenge we may be facing. Nothing happens without God having full knowledge of it, the God who loves us!