Meditation: July 10

“But He is unique, and who can make Him change?  And whatever His soul desires, that He does.”  Job 23:13

God is complete in and of Himself. He is not like us with needs that may cause our focus to shift from one thing to another. Those are the limits placed upon the human experience. We navigate through time not knowing the things that lie ahead of us. But God knows the end before the beginning. He is light and in Him are no shifting shadows. Why would He change His mind for such things that may be a fleeting thought within our minds? Instead of His mind being changed by us, our minds are to be renewed by Him.  True humility is exercised when we are willing to forgo our will what another wills. When we trust Him in areas not completely understood, He will give us the will and desire to please Him. We will experience His goodness and grow in our understanding of dimensions of His love. What a blessing it is to find pleasure in what pleases Him! His uniqueness can then be celebrated rather than loathed. Some may wish to wrestle out of His hands what is exclusively His.  He is God alone and infinite. We are but instruments of clay and finite. It is His life within us that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Nothing can be compared to the joy that is experienced when our ways please the Lord. He gives us His joy, a joy that the world cannot receive nor comprehend.

Meditation: June 30

“And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if perhaps He would find something on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.” Mark 11:23

Jesus expected figs out of season as He approached a tree bearing leaves. The closer we are to Him, time no longer the measure for seasons of change. His Presence is sufficient to cause flowers to blossom and fruit to be borne. Seasons are a means of measuring natural things. The almanac records planetary alignments and climate changes. The time for planting is different from the time of reaping. Then what grows must mature before it is ripe for harvest. Yet Jesus expected fruit to be produced before harvest time. Since nothing but leaves were there He cursed it so that nothing would ever grow in it again. The lesson was for His followers. There is a moment in time allotted to us by God that must be seized. It not, the heart is hardened and mind is fixed to remain as it was. He says to us, seize the moment while the Word and Spirit combined brings in a new day. God awaits the opportunity to show Himself strong on our behalf. The fruit of our lives is there to serve the world and in particular, this present age, If we do not bear fruit we will be condemned to never bear any. We are to bear much fruit and our fruit is to remain.

Meditation: June 13

 “but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head — Christ. —“ Ephesians 4:15

The alternative to flowing with the wind and being influenced by the culture is hearing that we might do what the Word says. It was Paul’s passion to speak only what the Lord had to say. Even though the message is a challenge to current culture, it is the expression of a higher and deeper dimension of love. It is spoken in love when the desire of the heart of the messenger is to see those he has been called to address grow into developing the character of Christ. Often the growth of the hearers may excel beyond the level of the speaker, but he should not be jealous of his spiritual children. Instead, he should encourage them to take what they have received beyond his level of understanding for the Word alive within the hearer increases as seed to produce a great harvest. Ministers should not waste time addressing every other subject rather than God’s Truth. There is no growth is these side issues. Christ is the answer to every problem but He can only be known through faithful ministers. We are obligated to counter the movements that prevail against the soul of the wayward. Then they have a course set before them leading them to life.

Meditation: March 8

“Every one who confesses Me before men, I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32

Jesus is saying, “if you show the world that you know Me, I will show you that you belong to the Father.” Only Jesus can make it known to us that we truly belong to the Father; He is our pathway into the knowledge of His love. The reason is, He knows intimately all things concerning the Father, but His will is to make known to us what He knows. None can reach the grand and mountainous heights of knowledge on their own. All need Him to raise us to a greater level of understanding that never can be found on our own. We are then “found in Him” as the Apostle Paul states it, “No longer on a quest of trying to find ourselves but rather found in a new and glorious place in Christ with His visibility and no longer seeing things as we once saw them.” He gives a peek into glory and we see the Father in Him. To see Him is to love Him and to love Him is to have knowledge of His love. May we grow in that knowledge and increase in His love.

March 2016 Article: “Friendship Really Matter”

Life’s most precious treasure is contained within individuals who await the exploration of one who is interested enough to find it. A casual conversation that leads to the revelation of the deep secrets of the heart that reaches the soul with mutual understanding is a breath of fresh air. Lasting relationships that can endure the test of time are birthed and established. One writer said, “A person’s wealth is not measured by the size of his bank account but by the friends he keeps.” This is not our genesis—children are born selfish but quickly learn the lesson that provisions come from sources beyond their own ability and reach. Even though all are directed towards themselves, they eventually respond with a smile or some indication to acknowledge the lives around them. But somewhere down the road, many grow to compete with others for what they want and separate themselves from the very hand that fed them. We need other people, whether we know it or not.

Within an impersonal crowd, the masses move in every direction. Although each individual has a motive and is in pursuit of a specific goal, there are those special ones that provide a kind of sanctuary. No longer a generalized blur of people whisking in a rush towards their assignments, but rather, they show interest in the things that interest you. The values that you hold dear are retained within their hearts. Before a man ever finds a wife, he must first find a friend. When he marries his friend, there is a foundation established for having all things in common. Our churches must be full of friends who worship God and enjoy His Presence together. We must work at converting strangers into becoming friends if we are to ever see them converted to Christ. Friends love unconditionally and expect nothing in return. Friends will correct in love because the correction can be well received if love is firmly established. Friends are more than willing to inconvenience themselves if it is for the others benefit. Even when a friend fails to do what is right, there is still someone that will do what is right on your behalf.

We all need friends more than we could ever know. There is a need to retain old friends and to always be about making new friends. Old friends are like expensive wine, refined over time. New friends are the new adventure awaiting exploration. As the years pass, how many friends have you gathered along the way? Review your list of acquaintances and ask the question, why have these people have crossed your path? Is it your responsibility to cultivate the relationship or was the purpose fulfilled in the exchange? If you are to search for a deeper meaning, prayerfully pursue that purpose. They may be able to see the message of Christ in you before they hear it from you. This could be the necessary bond for mutual enrichment. I have attended many funerals and in hearing the remarks and eulogy of the person that I thought I knew, I have often wondered why I never saw that side of the person being eulogized. At that moment I would wish to turn back the hands of time and relive with them what others had so warmly appreciated. There are things in all of us awaiting the right time and effort to bring it to the surface. God gives us what someone else needs and gives them what we need. Even when we are given an assignment, the first question ought to be who are the people given to me for its completion? His assignments are always greater than our abilities alone to complete. Instead of remaining alone, make friends; be a friend and start living!

Meditation: October 26

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. (23)They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness”. Lamentations 3:22-23

God gives us a new day after having learned from the experiences of yesterday, but not carrying the baggage of the many mistakes we had made. The freshness of today is as if we were starting all over again. We awaken to springtime after merely one day of the winter’s cold. His mercies are extended to us at the beginning of each new day, not holding any repented failures to our charge. His grace is before us enabling us to walk down a different path. We learn that Jesus is committed in showing us the way to the Father. Therefore if we are to learn any truth, it must come through fully following Him. We grow in our appreciation and gratitude for all has done for us. We could have died confused not knowing what to do or where to go. We were pulled out of the quicksand of yesterday and placed on solid ground of today. We are on an even footing and enabled to see where we may have made a wrong turn. Now that we know better our response to all that has been done for us is to be faithful to Him and not to place our trust in any other.