Meditation: December 15

“Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

Our works or the lack thereof is a direct result of thoughts. The primary occupation is assigned to us by God in Christ. What we think of Christ will determine the degree of work we would freely engage. He wants us to see and understand that we have been assigned to be a part of something so magnificent and glorious that none could possibly comprehend all that is involved in it. That portion we have come to partially understand must be committed to the Lord. As we move in it, He reveals more of Himself as well as entrusting to us a greater measure of stewardship. Then our participation will never merely be out of obligation, but rather an intriguing journey of knowing aspects of Christ which were beforehand beyond our reach. When we participate with Him in His work, we discover that His yoke is easy and His burdens are light.

Meditation: November 15

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”   1 Thessalonians 5:23

What God began in you required your dedication to His cause. He saw you struggling in your own strength to make life make sense. When your attempts to hold things together began to falter and your goals for the future began to crumble, He took your broken pieces of your failures and fallen world and replaced them with a new and living way. He wanted to sanctify you. He wanted the whole of you to be given over to the whole of Him. When He is given your whole spirit, He gives it new life. When He is given your soul, He lifts your countenance with a lively hope. When He is given your body, He uses it as seed for a glorious, resurrected body fit for eternity.  He says to you now, “let Me have your life. Only when it is set apart for My exclusive use will it ever experience the peace that your so desperately pursue.”

Meditation: May 4

“When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom.” John 2:9

Only the servants were knowledgeable of the source of the wine that was changed from water. Those who served had knowledge beyond those who mastered over them. Their obedience to the Master that ruled over masters had given them the instructions. As they had filled the water pots with water, they were firsthand to give witness to the first miracle of Jesus Christ. Jesus will reveal Himself to those who are willing to obey Him at His Word. They did not see first and then obey but rather, their obedience positioned them to see. The master of the feast was in amazement because he tasted the best wine last. The master of the feast was pleased, the bridegroom was pleased and the guests were pleased because the feast could continue. But only the servants knew the secret.  Who would get the credit for the miracle? Jesus, who was only a guest, had rescued the feast by turning water into wine. He took the most common and plentiful and made it something that was rare and expensive. He used His servants to merely fill up the water pots and the transformation took place immediately. His servants today are set for miracles. As we serve Him He changes simple things into glorious masterpieces.

Meditation: March 8

“Every one who confesses Me before men, I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32

Jesus is saying, “if you show the world that you know Me, I will show you that you belong to the Father.” Only Jesus can make it known to us that we truly belong to the Father; He is our pathway into the knowledge of His love. The reason is, He knows intimately all things concerning the Father, but His will is to make known to us what He knows. None can reach the grand and mountainous heights of knowledge on their own. All need Him to raise us to a greater level of understanding that never can be found on our own. We are then “found in Him” as the Apostle Paul states it, “No longer on a quest of trying to find ourselves but rather found in a new and glorious place in Christ with His visibility and no longer seeing things as we once saw them.” He gives a peek into glory and we see the Father in Him. To see Him is to love Him and to love Him is to have knowledge of His love. May we grow in that knowledge and increase in His love.

Meditation: January 12

“I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways.” Psalm 119:15

To give deep thought of what God requires is necessary if we are to align ourselves with His will. It is not a casual or passing thought that captures the truths contained in His Word, but rather to savor those morsels of insight until they become a part of our nature. God allows us to meditate on His precepts for our good. They will not become grievous requirements when His ways are better understood. He does not require more of us than He Himself is willing or has already done for us. When we are able to compare His requirements to His ways, we will rejoice because of the opportunity He has afforded us to more fully participate with Him in His work. His precepts prepare us for further participation in what He is doing. How glorious it is when we fit perfectly in His divine plans. That is why His Word must be hidden in our hearts that we would not sin against Him by omission or commission. We “will” where He stands, and receive the power to stand with Him for righteousness and against all things that oppose Him.

Meditation: June 19

 “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,” Ephesians 3:14-15

The Father allows us to enter into the love relationship experienced between Himself and His Beloved Son. We are welcomed into His family as being the earthly portion adjoined to the heavenly portion. There the fellowship is complete. Here we anticipate the reunion that awaits us whereas through prayer we are able to tap into the resources that await us there. He gives us a glimpse of His glory now. Enough of what He has promised is fulfilled in our lifetimes to assure us of what we have yet to anticipate is glorious. Yet eye has not seen nor has ear heard, nor has it entered into the thoughts what God has ultimately provided for us. As Jesus prayed to the Father, we pray having been given access to Him through the Blood to petition His Throne. Fathers on the earth can take what they have received from Him and bless their children with blessings from above. Our fatherhood is a derivative of His Fatherhood over us. Our prayer is that His love will be distributed through us as Christ would pray that the same love received by Him would be shared by us.

Meditation: June 10

“He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness.” Mal 3:3

God Himself will purge His people as silver and gold. He has invested in the lives of His own and is committed to removing the residue that would shroud the beauty of what is deposited deep within the heart and soul. There are desires polluted and misdirected by the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. When the heart of His leaders are turned in the wrong direction, yet they remain His leaders; they are purged of the dross in order for His glory to shine through them. He is aware of the tendency within the heart of humanity to stray away, but fire of the refiner must burn away all that should not be. It is a painful thing to be refined but the end result is glorious! When we are tried, we will come forth as pure gold. Offerings are not enough to please our Lord. He seeks after an offering in righteousness. It is the life of the offerer that qualifies him to give Him what He has requested. The Lord is purifying His servants in order for a pure word to come forth from a pure heart.

Meditation: May 4

“When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom.” John 2:9

Only the servants were knowledgeable of the source of the wine that was changed from water. Those who served had knowledge beyond those who mastered over them. Their obedience to the Master that ruled over masters had given them the instructions. As they had filled the water pots with water, they were firsthand to give witness to the first miracle of Jesus Christ. Jesus will reveal Himself to those who are willing to obey Him at His Word. They did not see first and then obey but rather, their obedience positioned them to see. The master of the feast was in amazement because he tasted the best wine last. The master of the feast was pleased, the bridegroom was pleased and the guests were pleased because the feast could continue. But only the servants knew the secret.  Who would get the credit for the miracle? Jesus, who was only a guest, had rescued the feast by turning water into wine. He took the most common and plentiful and made it something that was rare and expensive. He used His servants to merely fill up the water pots and the transformation took place immediately. His servants today are set for miracles. As we serve Him He changes simple things into glorious masterpieces.

Meditation: March 8

“Every one who confesses Me before men, I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32

Jesus is saying, “if you show the world that you know Me, I will show you that you belong to the Father.” Only Jesus can make it known to us that we truly belong to the Father; He is our pathway into the knowledge of His love. The reason is, He knows intimately all things concerning the Father, but His will is to make known to us what He knows. None can reach the grand and mountainous heights of knowledge on their own. All need Him to raise us to a greater level of understanding that never can be found on our own. We are then “found in Him” as the Apostle Paul states it, “No longer on a quest of trying to find ourselves but rather found in a new and glorious place in Christ with His visibility and no longer seeing things as we once saw them.” He gives a peek into glory and we see the Father in Him. To see Him is to love Him and to love Him is to have knowledge of His love. May we grow in that knowledge and increase in His love.

Meditation: February 12

“Don’t run roughshod over the concerns of your brothers and sisters. Their concerns are God’s concerns, and he will take care of them. We’ve warned you about this before. (7) God hasn’t invited us into a disorderly, unkempt life but into something holy and beautiful — as beautiful on the inside as the outside.” 1 Thessalonians 4:6-7 (MSG)

The care and concern we share with the brethren reflects the character of Christ that we possess. We share with them the love so richly bestowed upon us that is now demonstrated through us as an extension of God’s love. Our love must be intentional. Unless we are deliberate in our lifestyles to share the life of Jesus, the message would be shrouded by our careless living. We have been transformed into a vessel of honor. The riches of His grace reside within us as a priceless treasure. What more could we ever want other than a complete and glorious expression of life brought forth through us by way of His Spirit? Therefore we live for Him and He lives through us touching and changing all things by His renewing power. Praise God for the beauty of holiness!