Meditation: June 20

“Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder)” 2 Peter 3:1

Our minds are purified as the result of hearing a pure word. The clutter of a misguided conscience and the pollutants of compromised values are removed and replaced with an understanding of absolutes that can withstand the scrutiny of contemporary questioning. A pure mind is to be treasured above all things. It means that the mind has processed what the heart has embraced. Then one is able to give a reason for the hope that is in them. They can defend the faith and withstand the scrutiny of error. Now that we can receive words of wisdom, we are not to entertain thoughts and ideas that can lead to moral failure. Our minds must remain pure in order for us to receive from God instructions for daily living. There are many things to be added to what we currently know. These are the building blocks that contribute to our becoming a spiritual habitation. They cause us to further set our minds on the things above and not be distracted by things around us and beneath us. We are reminded as to who we are in Christ and with Christ. He is our example and our guide. I write these things to re-mind you of these things. When we rewind, we remember what otherwise would be forgotten. We are on a journey, a mission of hope. We are encouraged through the right message to make it to the end.


Meditation: June 13

“but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head — Christ. —“ Ephesians 4:15

The alternative to flowing with the wind and being influenced by the culture is hearing that we might do what the Word says. It was Paul’s passion to speak only what the Lord had to say. Even though the message is a challenge to current culture, it is the expression of a higher and deeper dimension of love. It is spoken in love when the desire of the heart of the messenger is to see those he has been called to address grow into developing the character of Christ. Often the growth of the hearers may excel beyond the level of the speaker, but he should not be jealous of his spiritual children. Instead, he should encourage them to take what they have received beyond his level of understanding for the Word alive within the hearer increases as seed to produce a great harvest. Ministers should not waste time addressing every other subject rather than God’s Truth. There is no growth is these side issues. Christ is the answer to every problem but He can only be known through faithful ministers. We are obligated to counter the movements that prevail against the soul of the wayward. Then they have a course set before them leading them to life.

August 2017 Article: “The Relay Race of Life”

In the relay race, the fastest starting runner has placed within his hands a baton. His assignment is to run with the swiftest of speed while carrying the baton, but knowing that there will be other runners awaiting his completed assignment to take over what began with him. When he releases the baton to the second runner, his assignment is finished but race is not over. He entrusts into the hands of another runner the stewardship of discipline and drive to win the race while knowing that its completion requires the help of future runners.

In this race of life, the baton has been placed in our hands. Who will be there to pass the baton to the next generation? Are you currently running the quality of race that you would encourage your children to continue after your demise? We are alive to make a difference and for that difference to last for generations to come. “Do you not know that those who run in a race–all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” (1 Corinthians 9:24) We must live our lives as if the future depended upon us and our lives depended upon the Lord. If the life of God is to reach future generations, this generation must relay the baton to them.

Cultural shifts do not just happen by chance. They reflect the mood of preceding generations. If the Word of God is established in the hearts of our children, the word will produce righteous seed. When that seed is cultivated and become widespread, a shift in momentum occurs. Rather than a movement away from God’s divine order, there are standard-bearers raised whose voices and lifestyles will serve as the conscience to the nation. Evil can then only go so far since the Holy Spirit within God’s people will hold the barrage of evil in check. It is easy to look at how corrupt this generation has become. But what if the voice of truth was completely removed? There would be nothing to regulate the flow of evil and course of corruption. I applaud those brave mavericks of the past who went against the cultural norms and upheld the standard of righteousness at all cost. Many paid with their lives because they refused to relent on their quest to defend the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Now we stand at the relay point where as another generation must take what we have for many years carried. Not to merely keep in step with us, but as finishers whose spiritual development and skills must prove to be an improvement leading to perfection. “The least in the kingdom are greater than he” speaking of those who would come after John the Baptist.

The triangle of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is committed and fully engaged in the work to which the finishers are assigned. As Charles Wesley said in his song, “To serve God is to serve this present age our calling to fulfill. Oh, may it all my pow’rs engage, to do my Master’s will!” What better gift can be offered to the world but resolute and determined word of correction and rebuke followed with an affirming message of love. Society must first recognize that the world’s way is wrong before it can hear the right message. The triangle of truth touches all angles producing a complete unit; God, other, and self. I am reminded of King David as recorded in the Book of Acts, chapter 13 verse 36. “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors” … New International Version. He served God’s purposes within the context of his generation. That is the only time allotted to us. It is the only God given task assignment to us. Then he could rest with his ancestors knowing that no more could have been done by him. He could then pass the baton to future generations.</p)

Meditation: July 14

“and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith” 1 Thessalonians 3:2

We are encouraged through others who have been well taught and learned the lesson of diligence and persistence in the faith. Timothy had learned much from Paul’s tutorship. His boldness came as result of the encouragement from a seasoned saint who had forsaken all for the cause of Christ. As he imitated his leader he gained a testimony which would do more for a new convert than what might be learned from the Apostle. Much more would be expected from Paul therefore it would more difficult to relate to his experiences. But when young Timothy would stand before a neophyte beginning the long journey from the start, it would be much easier to relate to. We need the testimony of young men and women if we are to reach this generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If they would speak convincingly to their peers, it could turn their generation around. We are praying that God would raise up more youthful and inspiring Timothy’s. We will send them out if they are willing and ready to go.

Meditation: July 14

“and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith” 1 Thess 3:2

We are encouraged through others who have been well taught and learned the lesson of diligence and persistence in the faith. Timothy had learned much from Paul’s tutorship. His boldness came as result of the encouragement from a seasoned saint who had forsaken all for the cause of Christ. As he imitated his leader he gained a testimony which would do more for a new convert than what might be learned from the Apostle. Much more would be expected from Paul therefore it would more difficult to relate to his experiences. But when young Timothy would stand before a neophyte beginning the long journey from the start, it would be much easier to relate to. We need the testimony of young men and women if we are to reach this generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If they would speak convincingly to their peers, it could turn their generation around. We are praying that God would raise up more youthful and inspiring Timothy’s. We will send them out if they are willing and ready to go.