Meditation: July 13

“Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.” Luke 17:37

The vultures gather together around dead bodies. Theirs is to devour the decaying flesh and ruin. They have a victory party before their feast with every intention to consume everything that is left unattended. Where Jesus died is the gathering place of demons and devils. Without His presence and power at work, each one can do as he pleases and have its way against the Way of God. A crowd alone is not the determinant of blessings and prosperity. Funerals draw larger crowds than prayer meetings. Some gather to devour the flesh of the dead and wounded on the battlefield of faith. Their stand, though unpopular, was consistent even to resist the temptations of compromise. While some may pursue optional methods of approaching God, they have stood with Him even to their own injury and ruin. His sufferings have become their own sufferings because His business was their business.  But Jesus arose from the dead and His Body did not see corruption. There was nothing for vultures to consume. He is the Living Bread freely given to all who will partake of Him. The vultures gather in their places awaiting His death. But the saints gather in our place celebrating His life as the Body of Christ which came forth through His death into eternal life.

April 2016 Article: “From Death to Life”

God’s order is the opposite of our normal way of thinking. Human reasoning would have you to believe that death is the final act of nature, the ultimate sealing of one’s fate. Yet God looks at life differently and reveals Himself through nature. Contained within every created thing is the mystery of life, where one can clearly see His plan of redemption. First, death itself is redefined. The reality of death is sin; a life lived by those who are ignorant of life’s purpose. Sin is defined as “missing the mark.”  Their attempts to make life meaningful only add to their confusion and frustration. When life is lived arbitrarily without the knowledge of God’s original intent, nothing is left but to live life under the shadows of dreadful death. The fear of death becomes the obsession, since no one is able to fully describe what exists on the other side. Yet the magnetic pull of sin attracts one to what he fears the most and blinds him to the consequences. “The wages of sin is death.” Jesus beautifully illustrates salvation as an anticipated death. He first speaks of Himself and then how every human being might participate in His death.

“But Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified.  (24) Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.  (25) He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  (26) If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”(John 12:23-26)

He came to die in order for death to occur in all of us. His original purpose for our original design is hidden in the seed that fell to the ground and died. Once we fully identify with His death as the needful act on God’s part for what we deserved, then His life can be made manifest in us. No longer living in a mummified state of existence of selfish ambition and gain, but freed from grave clothes that bind one of free expression. Freedom is not merely the ability to do as one pleases, but rather to do what pleases God and finding pleasure in pleasing Him. The seed does not remain alone but reproduces after its own kind. Christ is experienced and made known in graveyards of politics, business, entertainment, education, and religion. When we influence every sphere of life with the fragrance of Christ, we will produce a passion and desire in the heart for something more than the mere lifestyles of the rich and famous. Oh, if people only knew how much they are missing by engaging in the exercises of competitive living and hedonism, they would rush in the direction of the only truth that can set them free!

With the fear of death removed and replaced with the promise of eternal life, one is able to give himself or herself completely to God and come to know Him as Father. Anything less than this is merely a pacifier in the mouth of a crying baby who will soon discover that there is no nutrition in it. It was merely placed there to keep him from crying. We don’t have to merely imagine that there is a God. He is more than willing to reveal Himself to each and every one of us, but a polluted heart full of envy, jealousy, and pride will shroud His image. When one wills to die to his self-life, He will kill him so that He might be resurrected to spirit life.  There is life after death…and to be very frank, the only life worth living is preceded by death. Come and die! Come to Jesus and live!