Meditation: January 11

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free.” Galatians 5:1

The most secure place is the position of true freedom. Permission is granted to us by our Sovereign Authority to fully participate in a work that extends beyond the passions that once ruled over us. We once thought of freedom as being able to follow the dictates of our hearts. Our old selves willfully responded, as it had been conditioned, to the stimuli of influences surrounding us. Not having the ability to see beyond this, we did not understand that an offering was extended that we might be liberated from the confinement of a world that offered nothing beyond itself. The liberty in which we now stand is a inner freedom that makes us aware of things that exist beyond the confinements of a shrinking worldly existence. As our external life gives signs decay and decline, the inner man is being renewed for its expression of eternal life. We are free to live forever the life that we now have come to experience in time.

Meditation: January 10

“…and they came to Him from every direction.” Mark 1:45

 The courses of many people were redirected to the place where Jesus could be found. At that time He was not to be found in the open marketplaces of the city, but rather in a deserted place. It did not matter for those who are seriously in pursuit of Him. They are willing to go out of their way to be with Him.

There are many activities in which people are involved. Some of them must be attended to while others are mere distractions. Those intimate moments with Him can only occur when we alter our plans if necessary, to be with Him.  Whatever is our priority will determine the direction in which we are willing to travel. They came from various places in order to come to Jesus. Wherever you may have been is no longer the matter. It is where you are going from where you are that is important. There is a secret place where Jesus is awaiting your arrival. It is not in the busy places where the distractions would only afford Him a little window of time to share with you. He is outside the camp of the majority. He is in the deserted place where He alone may be able to receive your undivided attention and give the same to you. Your new direction must lead to His deserted place. He is waiting for you there!

Meditation: January 9

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2

The buildup was gradual. There was the work of getting those who were once divided and separated by their own preferences and passions to a certain place. There is a certain place for those who wish to receive the infusion of power for service unto God. He empowers the ones that He is able to position. It is the positioning power of God that will introduce the believer to a higher degree of power. If God is not able to move you from your current state of being or attitude, He will not be able to show you any more than you think that you already know. But when He moves us from our place to His place, He will then release His power in wondrous ways. This was His place! They were there allowing Him to connect them to each other. They could then appreciate the contributions to the whole that each had to offer. Then the power came upon them suddenly! It will not take God long to do what He has purposed to accomplish in and through you. He is waiting on the conditions to be as He has designed. That each would be in one place on one accord. Then there will be a sound from heaven as a rushing and mighty wind blowing in the direction of the unity of an expecting people.

Meditation: January 8

“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13

Believing is more than a casual thought in the direction of God. It is a firm conviction that God will do everything He has promised. His glory will cover the earth and we will be glorified together with Him. Our faith is not in vain, nor will our prayers go unanswered. Yet circumstances often make it easy to identify with the Psalmist would have otherwise lost heart.

Faith is not faith unless it has been tested. The trying of our faith is more precious than gold. When we believe even when there are no visible signs to support our beliefs, God is then the primary focus of our lives. His goodness is not limited to the past, but to the present. He is our present help in the time of trouble. He is working all things according to His definition of good and for our glory. Our trust in Him provides a means for Him to complete His work within us.

Meditation: January 7

“I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.”  Psalm 119:10(MSG)

The heart has many paths available for it to follow. There are significant things that one must pay attention to that can easily grow into obsessions. Then one can find justification for having to give their undivided attention to them. But to be single-minded is to consider the Lord in all of our ways. It is to pursue Him, not merely first and then move on to other things. It is to pursue Him in the midst of everyday life. What pleases Him must become our priority even when other things are pressing us and vying for our attention. The signs along the way; His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway. We are then able to read the signs leading us closer to Him. God is here to direct us through every decision if we just let Him have every area of our lives. There is a message for us as His Spirit guides us along the Way.

Meditation: January 6

“Yet a man has risen to pursue you and seek your life, but the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God” 1 Samuel 25:29

When our souls are joined to the Lord, our lives are hidden in Him. Our minds, our wills, and our emotions are under the influence of the Holy One. We think His thoughts in order to willfully obey Him, thus we can feel with Him the same as He feels about every matter. His objective is to draw us into a merging of hearts that we may love Him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Such compassion will bring us to give a fuller expression of His life. The life that we live in the flesh will be the life of the Son of God. Our lives would be hidden. We are bound to each other, but bound together with the Lord. This is the Church of God. This is the degree of protection and safety that is provided for us when we are on one accord. No man can touch us without touching God. He has identified with humanity through the incarnation. Now we can identify with Him as He identifies with us.

Meditation: January 5

“Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!” Isaiah 64:1

There are many things about God that are hard to explain and at best, difficult to make others to see. Dimensions of His love present among us when it feels like He is not there, and how definite the course is that we are to fully follow. We do our best in attempting to point people in the right direction, but very often our instructions are taken as an opinion equal to any other opinion. Things will continue as they have always been unless there is an infusion of life in this culture of death. If we are left to ourselves, there would be no resolving of the riddle or answer to deep question that one lack the ability to ask.

God revealed Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. Now Christ must be seen through His Body, the Church. We need the Spirit of God to come down and descend upon His people in revival! Then we will feel the need to be on one accord under the same governance and rule. God’s power will then function among us as it did on the Day of Pentecost. We cannot afford to lose this battle by default while many are merely concerned about their own personal affairs. We need to be about our Father’s business. “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!”

Meditation: January 4

“If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”   Exodus 33:15

As we move forward into this New Year, we need the Presence of the Lord. We stretch our hand into the darkness of uncertain experiences, but by faith believe that there is another Hand on the other side to take hold of it to guide us throughout the year. We trust God who has gone before us and has full knowledge of the end as well as every beginning. But our plight is for His Presence to be with us. As Jesus became man to dwell among us, we need His Presence daily to assure us that we are not alone. If God be with us, who can be against us? He will guide us through every pitfall and entrapment of the enemy as long as He is doing the guiding and we are not merely following the dictates of our own heart. It is our prayer to be changed this year in order for our hearts to be after His own thus having the will to fully follow Jesus wherever He may lead. “If He does not go with us, we do not want to be brought from here.”

Meditation: January 3

“I say to God, “Be my Lord!” Without you, nothing makes sense.”  Psalm. 16:2(MSG)

To reason is a virtue. Through reasoning we embrace the truths applied to our hearts with a renewed mind and emblazoned hope. Those who have meditated upon the Word have arrived at conclusions that are vastly different from those who merely compare the spiritual to the natural. It is the reasoning that is limited to what is known, or merely natural that will lead to a great impasse. Our minds alone cannot grasp the origin of the creation of all things. Neither can we figure out their proper use and truest meaning. Only God is able to guide us into the deep mysteries that would raise even deeper questions than otherwise would be asked. However, the journey on which we are led will reveal to us His Majesty and Glory. We cannot help but worship the One who knows and reveals secret things to His children that the wise and prudent are not privy to. None of His wisdom is sensible void of knowing Him. As we pursue Him, the knowledge of His will for all things becomes sensible. Without Him, nothing makes sense.

Meditation: January 2

“One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25

 God has allowed us to see the entrance of a New Year. Sight is such a precious thing. Without it we would never see the beauty that surrounds us nor be able to discern the difference between it and the most horrifying and disgraceful thing that may appear. God gives sight to the blind and restore those who have lost their way. Often it is the knowledge gained of other things that appear which makes it more difficult to believe in the invisible. Even when God is not seen the signs of His Presence are all around us. They speak of His majesty, splendor, and power. As New Year’s Resolutions are being made, the greatest would be to draw our hearts and minds in the direction of Jesus Christ. If He is known He will make His Father known to us. Then our hearts would be settled on the one thing that really matters. When we see Him through pure eyes, we would be enabled to see all things that pertain to life and godliness. Those things that accompany salvation would become as priceless jewels. But the greatest gift of all is that we would know that our names are indelibly written in the Lambs Book of Life. He gives us sight that we may see Him. One day, we will see Him face to face.