Meditation: January 13

“Since Jesus went through everything you’re going through and more, learn to think like him.” 1 Peter 4:1 (MSG)

The aim of Jesus is to teach us what it means to be fully human. There has been made for us a way to understand life from a perspective that is much greater than fallen man is able to see, understand, or express. Jesus Christ’s example demonstrates God’s intentions from the beginning for the whole of humanity. The image of God in man was ravaged and marred by sin leaving him disfigured with only a faint semblance of the original model. But where the first Adam became the personification of man’s rebellion and failures, the last Adam came to restore all that we lost. Every test and challenge was measured against Jesus, yet He did not succumb to the pressure.

Jesus went through everything you are now going through and more. There is no way to measure the degree of suffering experienced by Him. Since He has gone through it all, His promise is to be with you while you are going through. He qualifies to lead you through whatever you may face in life. He’s been there. He is well acquainted with your journey. He is here to guide you through every valley and around every landmine that lie ahead. His guidance is accepted by those who are willing to think like Him. Continue to allow His mind to govern your thoughts that your “will” is to wholly please Him.

Meditation: January 3

“I say to God, “Be my Lord!” Without you, nothing makes sense.”  Psalm. 16:2(MSG)

To reason is a virtue. Through reasoning we embrace the truths applied to our hearts with a renewed mind and emblazoned hope. Those who have meditated upon the Word have arrived at conclusions that are vastly different from those who merely compare the spiritual to the natural. It is the reasoning that is limited to what is known, or merely natural that will lead to a great impasse. Our minds alone cannot grasp the origin of the creation of all things. Neither can we figure out their proper use and truest meaning. Only God is able to guide us into the deep mysteries that would raise even deeper questions than otherwise would be asked. However, the journey on which we are led will reveal to us His Majesty and Glory. We cannot help but worship the One who knows and reveals secret things to His children that the wise and prudent are not privy to. None of His wisdom is sensible void of knowing Him. As we pursue Him, the knowledge of His will for all things becomes sensible. Without Him, nothing makes sense.

Meditation: November 18

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” John 12:32

Those who are drawn to Jesus by the Spirit are kept by the Spirit. The mysterious magnetic pull of the cross of Christ produces within the heart of the believer a willingness to fully follow after Him even when circumstances are difficult. They see the sacrifice that He has made in contrast to the challenges that lie before them and equate all in light of what Jesus Christ has already done. This is not the easy believe(ism) or our day where many are attracted to the trappings of success in this life and the glory that comes from others. It is a heart commitment to fully follow Christ in all that He may assign as a part of our journey. They lifted Him up as an enemy to their doctrines and lifestyles by crucifying Him. He transformed what would have been defeat into victory. Now the message of the cross of Jesus must be preached throughout world in order for any to be drawn by dimensions of love never known before. Love was the motive for Him to die for our sins which were many. It is the acknowledgement of sin and its effect upon our lives and our world that would bring one to understand the necessity of His sacrifice. Are you drawn to Christ today? He was lifted up and His message is now being preached throughout the world providing an opportunity for you to be delivered out of the bondage of sin and its affect to the glorious liberty that only He is able to provide.

Meditation: July 5

“Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthews 7:14

The way that leads to life remains as the road less traveled. There are rabbit-trails along the way often taken by wayward travelers who get sidetracked by some petty issue. Then there are dazzling streetlights with flashing signposts captivating the attention of those who follow after crowds. Without thought it would be much easier to flow with the traffic. But who are the ones who pause long enough to ask the question, “Where are we headed?” The way which leads to life must be deliberately chosen. It does not just happen by chance. With eyes wide open one is enabled to see from a distance a sight that heals blindness and is a sight for sore eyes. The life of God through Jesus Christ our Lord awakens one from the deadliness of a zombie-like state to a clear discernment of all things. We have entered through the narrow gate, not as a thief but as a welcomed traveler. Then the Holy Spirit can continuously guide us throughout the journey from new life to eternal life.

February 2015 Article: “Godly Fear and Freedom”

 “In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death.” Proverbs (14:26-27)

I have been recently reflecting on the effects of godly fear and am amazed at all of its benefits. Fear, apart from godly fear, involves torment according to 1John 4:18, but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. “The righteous are as bold as a lion” because they are wise enough to choose the right path of life. Some believe that all fear is negative, so they think knowing the love of God alone is sufficient. But you cannot know His love unless there is a deep level of reverence for Him. His power to heal is the same as His power to kill. His power to deliver is the same as His power to bind. He loves what reflects His character, but hates all the works that are measured against His will being made known among humanity and nature. Without healthy fear, you would be prone to unhealthy fears or phobias. God does not make promises, but He remains too omnipotent not to fulfill them. Many are impressed to believe in Him just in case He is real, but not to trust Him completely. Salvation cannot come to any individual unless one reaches that point of seeing sin as being exceedingly sinful. Therefore, the redeemed loves what He loves and despises what He despises. This even precedes the regeneration of the heart and soul. It is my fallen nature or the sin in me that I must first despise. Since we are all descendants of Adam and possess the sin of all humanity, even our attempts to progress in life would be motivated by some disguised fear working against my benevolence. We will not be able to love unconditionally unless that healthy fear is arrested.

The fear of the Lord arrests the fear of death because it contains the fountain of life. In Him is life and He becomes life to you once you are able to see Him as All-Wise and All-Powerful. The confidence to stand in faith will position you to trust His power to deliver you and His wisdom to guide you. Both are necessary in life in order to know your purpose. There is a freedom that further binds the soul. It is the freedom to do as you please without the constraints of God. This is the path of death and self-destruction. It is the way that seems right to a person but the end is death. The paths and patterns all around are there to vie for your attention. The culture competes with Truth and bids all within it to conform. Yet God stands above what is observable with long lasting solutions in time that are transferable into eternity. Even the fear of death is conquered because it has lost its sting and the grave gains its victory! While rights are fought for and often privileges are pursued, life itself is often ignored.

What good is it to have the privilege without the substance? Those who are seeking to gain life lose it in search of the privilege while compromising its very essence. Can you imagine dying at 90 or 100 years old, but only living five or ten years or never living at all? Jesus came that you might have life and has life more abundantly. Unless life is lived in reverence to the Giver of life, all that remains is the diurnal drifting between hither and yon.

 Where should you begin this journey of living life every day? It must begin with wisdom. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning….” The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. If that first step is never taken the second step is impossible to take. If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then lacking this fear is the furtherance of the propagation of ignorance.  I pray that this will be your place of refuge (safety and security).