June 2014 Article: “Our Father, Our King”

The greatest issue facing our culture today is one of authority.  Who gives the orders that people are compelled to obey? The need for and the problems with government have remained an age-old crisis, however, when the right person or people are in charge, a harmonious and peaceful state of being exists. Conversely, when the wrong person or people are in charge, the results are chaotic and confusing. The authority to lead is delegated by those who either appoint or submit to leadership.  Delegated authority may evolve into absolute authority when left unchecked, thus causing laws and practices to shift in the direction of the whims and moods of the individual. The adage is true that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Yet in spite of the downfalls of corrupted government and despots with no regard for the future of the people, someone has to lead.  But the leader is delegated with both the authority and responsibility to lead responsively. Responsive leadership denotes leadership that is responsive to needs, but at the same time, is established upon the standard of truth. You cannot draw a straight line using a crooked ruler.

Society as a whole has lost its moral compass. Who’s in charge today? Who and what is influencing the minds and hearts of this generation? Scripture speaks of a day when there was no king in all of Israel and where “every person did what was right in his own eyes.” Authority must first be established in the home in order for neighborhoods to be safe. Criminals practice what they think they are able to get away with. There is no thought given to the harm that their activities cause to others. The immediacy of the hour, whether by an act of rage or greed, shows an extreme disregard to the future effect of immediate actions taken. What many did not realize is that the criminal act did not begin at the moment others were victimized. The mindset developed over time as more boundaries were pushed back or eliminated.

Worship is the foundational boundary that was violated. When worship is altered into something other than what it was intended to be, it provides a freedom to decide what is best for the individual regardless of the outcome. The worshiper then assimilates his life and character into the life of whatever object he adores, which highlights the importance of fathers. Although these men represent authority within the family structure, unless they are submitted to the right standard, their leadership will direct their children off course. It becomes a cycle of death spreading from one generation to the next and then degenerating to a level of questioning the necessity of a father altogether. Fathers who are responsive to the deepest needs of their family consider how their lives will affect future generations.

Since none other than God is able to see into the future, any sensible individual can at least reflect upon the past. If the decisions of the past have led to things becoming what they are today, don’t you think it’s time to consider what other generations might have ignored? The criminal mind is limited in its thinking, for it only thinks of what the person is able to get away with. It is motivated by rage and greed with disregard to the future effects of immediate actions. It is also criminal to bring children into the world and not to consider their future. These are seeds in need of cultivation so that tomorrow’s world reflects the values of the previous generation. If the world is to be a better place for our children and our children’s children, there must be fathers today who are willing to think that far ahead. God is already there to show you the Way. He is our Father, but He is also our example and our King.

Meditation: May 22, 2014

 “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19

The keys unlock the doors to the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. With one key, the largest and the most difficult door can swing open on the hinges of faith. Peter was given the keys to unlock every door existing there. The possessing of keys is essential, but their proper use is still required. Peter received from the Father the revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ accompanied with the relationship that exists between them. The revelation that He is the Christ provides the keys given to man in order for him to correspond and commune with God. Now it takes spiritual growth and experience to know what things we should ask for thus aligning ourselves with the will of the Father. When earth reflects the will of heaven then earth will have upon it an instrument that will use the keys as a means of having God’s kingdom to come, and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is Christ working His work through humanity. His prayer will be upon our lips and whatever Jesus prays for, the Father will hear and answer.

Meditation: May 8, 2014

“Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” John 19:27

Jesus made an oral testament to John, the beloved disciple to provide as He would for her after His death. It was a binding agreement in the company of others if accepted, to care for her needs as the second oldest son. Even though there were other children, his responsibility was to treat her as He would treat her in absentia. John knowing Jesus was to compensate for the void that would otherwise be in her life. This example is a challenge to every son and daughter to consider the needs of parents. To honor our father and mother is to provide for them what is needed. Jesus told John to look intensively at the woman that will become his mother. And He told His mother Mary to look intensively at the man who would become her son. A new relationship was to be forged at that very moment. As we look at our mothers, if we could for a moment see what Jesus saw in His own mother. She was the vessel chosen by God for Him to enter into the earth. We owe a great degree of gratitude to our mothers, regardless of their weaknesses. They were the chosen vessels from which we were born.

Meditation: April 10, 2014

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44

The Father does a work by way of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who are responsive to His love. None can take the credit for the saving of even one soul. We do our part, but must wait on God to arrest the hearts and wills of those who would otherwise be eternally lost. Our prayer must be a constant ascension of incense, the aroma of our passion and desire to experience an environment where the deepest need within each heart may be realized. Our petitioning His Throne will set the atmosphere for the Divine will of God to be given expression that can reap much greater benefit than the striving of individuals and groups of people who think that their efforts can save the world. We are powerless without Him. Not His work in conjunction to our efforts, but rather His work through us as His initiative and not our own. God alone can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ask or even think. So why should we ever think that our persuasion is sufficient to cause a sinner to be a saint? No, we wish to participate with Him as we trust Him with our whole lives. Then He will draw those to the remedy of what they have been made to know as their deepest need. As Jesus is lifted up on the cross as crucified, people will see that the sin debt they have been made aware of has been paid in full! But why should any wish to take advantage of His great provision unless they first know that their need is great?

Meditation: April 8, 2014

“And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. (34) Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:33-34

 The blinding and paralyzing effect of sin restricts ones view and motion towards the right prerogative. It is blindness that causes those who engage in destructive activities to see no harm in them. It is there but without foresight, the immediate benefits outweigh the ultimate consequences. Jesus was placed between two common criminals as one among them. To see Him there, none would question why One with such a significant mission as to save humanity from the vice-grip of sin would be placed there. He did not reflect the opinions of the present authorities therefore they felt justified in removing the blasphemer who defied their beliefs. Sin also has a paralyzing effect upon its victims. Since they could see no further, they could move no further than to condemn and mock Him. How many times has this scene been played in the lives of those whose since of reasoning does not allow them to embrace God’s agenda? But Jesus loved even those who vented their hostilities against Him. He prayed to the Father, “Forgive them.” His appeal was because of their ignorance and blindness, “they do not know what they do.”How will what we are doing effect our future?  Do we care or just do not know what we are doing? He prayed for us on the cross that our eyes be opened in order to see and know the Father through Him. Then we would be willing to do what please Him.

Meditation: February 14, 2014

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44

The Father draws us by way of His Spirit that we may be close to Him. There is a place in God awaiting each soul that is discontent and longing to be where He is. It is our desire that moves the heart of God to beckon us to come closer. He is not impressed with the things that men would be impressed with. Nor can one force his way into His presence without the necessary conditions of the soul being met. He seeks the humble and contrite who would feel undeserving of such an invitation. In Jesus’ earthly ministry, He would spend time with publicans, prostitutes, and tax-collectors. It was the Pharisees that thought to deserve special attention because of their pedigree. He will even beckon little children to come unto Him and rebuke any that would forbid their approaching Him. It is the Spirit of the Father working through the Son that draws us. We are drawn to be with Him forever. Even when we die, He does not leave us. The time will come when He will raise those who are with Him with the same power contained within His own resurrection.

Meditation: December 5, 2013

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

The voice of Jesus speaking to Nicodemus had a ring of hope and promise. Not like many who would condescendingly speak in regards to the New Birth as a thing beyond the grasp of others. He spoke of the promise contained within the act of conversion as being given the ability to see the invisible Kingdom of God through the eyes of the heart. The born again experience is a heart change that will lead to a mind renewal. We see something before us worth living for and grasp hold of it by faith. The life of the Kingdom is the establishment of God’s order of righteousness, peace, and joy within. Then we are able to fully participate with Jesus in the establishment of God’s order in the lives of others. He said to Nicodemus in other words, “there is only one way for you to understand what I have been sent to impart to you. You must have My life within you.” God challenges us all to dispense of the old in order to make room for the new. The evidence that you see the Kingdom of God is that a passionate desire will burn within your heart to enter into what you have been enabled to see. Fellowship with the Father and the Son, along with all of the saints will become the ultimate of all pleasures.  

Meditation: May 22, 2013

 “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19

The keys unlock the doors to the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. With one key, the largest and the most difficult door can swing open on the hinges of faith. Peter was given the keys to unlock every door existing there. The possessing of keys is essential, but their proper use is still required. Peter received from the Father the revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ accompanied with the relationship that exists between them. The revelation that He is the Christ provides the keys given to man in order for him to correspond and commune with God. Now it takes spiritual growth and experience to know what things we should ask for thus aligning ourselves with the will of the Father. When earth reflects the will of heaven then earth will have upon it an instrument that will use the keys as a means of having God’s kingdom to come, and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is Christ working His work through humanity. His prayer will be upon our lips and whatever Jesus prays for, the Father will hear and answer.

Meditation: April 10, 2013

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44

The Father does a work by way of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who are responsive to His love. None can take the credit for the saving of even one soul. We do our part, but must wait on God to arrest the hearts and wills of those who would otherwise be eternally lost. Our prayer must be a constant ascension of incense, the aroma of our passion and desire to experience an environment where the deepest need within each heart may be realized. Our petitioning His Throne will set the atmosphere for the Divine will of God to be given expression that can reap much greater benefit than the striving of individuals and groups of people who think that their efforts can save the world. We are powerless without Him. Not His work in conjunction to our efforts, but rather His work through us as His initiative and not our own. God alone can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ask or even think. So why should we ever think that our persuasion is sufficient to cause a sinner to be a saint? No, we wish to participate with Him as we trust Him with our whole lives. Then He will draw those to the remedy of what they have been made to know as their deepest need. As Jesus is lifted up on the cross as crucified, people will see that the sin debt they have been made aware of has been paid in full! But why should any wish to take advantage of His great provision unless they first know that their need is great?

November 2012 Article: “Lip Service or Life Service?”

Hebrews 13:15-16 “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”

Although our lips possess the potential of bearing good fruit, deep within our souls lies the memory of a life much different than that to which we are accustomed. We were not there, but God’s original intention for all of humanity is yet the yearning that continues to create a crisis that resides deep within. Even though we do not see it around us, the tensions continue to surmount within us. We are not condemned to merely regurgitate the information made available that gives expression to the ideals of our current environment. Nor are we sentenced to the fate of saying what is right while the heart remains divorced from truth and words becoming nothing but meaningless flattery. There is a truth that exists outside of our familiar references. It appears to be so strange to our system that it must pierce the darkness of the soul, causing a reaction to all that we once held true. Then it can penetrate the heart with a reality of the wrongness of our reasoning based upon our limited understanding. Only then can we embrace what is real with a reference that surpasses things that are soon to be proven false.

Have you ever said what you thought was right, or what you thought you meant merely to reach a point where you had to take your words back? Some say that you had reached a point where you had to eat your own words. The heart is radically joined to the lips in order to express the deepest feelings of the soul. Even with the art of training the lips to speak idealistically, there are those times when there is a slip of the tongue. Before the words are carefully and strategically crafted, you say what you really mean. However, the objective is to mean what you say and to say what you mean…but to be right in both thinking and saying. It requires the humility of admitting that you are wrong even when you think that you are right. Truth resides in a distance that is much higher than perceptions. The knowledge of the truth comes from above where Christ is seated. To comprehend the truth requires a heart transplant. God takes out the heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh and He will make your heart pliable to correction and teachable so it can receive Godly instructions.

Not that you will always speak the right words at the right time. But a reference is there to correct idle words or expressions void of the knowledge that takes all factors into account. God knows the end before the beginning and all that exists between the two. When wisdom guides your heart and your words express the truth, then continuous praise is offered as a sacrifice unto the Lord. God has given you His word in the Person of Jesus Christ. You have been privileged to participate in His life and love that are directed towards His Father. What a tremendous opportunity for one so deserving! Your lips possess the potential to bear good fruit as your heart is full of praise giving thanks to His Name! This is life-service and not just lip-service, for you are now saying what you mean and meaning what you say through a life that reinforces your words!